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Refamiliarise vs. Familiarise — What's the Difference?

By Fiza Rafique & Maham Liaqat — Updated on April 27, 2024
Refamiliarise means reacquainting oneself with something previously known. While familiarise involves learning about something to understand it well, typically for the first time.
Refamiliarise vs. Familiarise — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Refamiliarise and Familiarise


Key Differences

Familiarise is the process of gaining new knowledge or understanding about a subject or environment, often used when encountering something for the first time. In contrast, refamiliarise refers to the act of re-learning or refreshing one’s knowledge about something already known but perhaps forgotten or not recently used. This shows how familiarisation sets the foundation of knowledge, whereas refamiliarisation is about renewing or updating that foundation.
When someone moves to a new city, they must familiarise themselves with its layout, services, and culture, acquiring new information that is essential for everyday functioning. On the other hand, someone who returns to a city after many years may need to refamiliarise themselves with changes to the cityscape or new cultural norms, indicating a need to update previous knowledge.
In a workplace setting, new employees undergo training to familiarise themselves with company policies, procedures, and culture. Conversely, employees returning from a long absence might need to refamiliarise themselves with certain aspects of their job or new company practices that were introduced during their absence.
Students beginning a new course must familiarise themselves with the course content, expectations, and teaching methods. Meanwhile, a student returning to studies after a gap year may need to refamiliarise themselves with academic writing or research methodologies, reactivating skills that are not fresh.
The need to familiarise can arise from new contexts or transitions in life, requiring the acquisition of completely new knowledge. Refamiliarisation, however, is necessary when one’s existing knowledge has become outdated or less sharp, highlighting the dynamic nature of learning and memory retention.

Comparison Chart


Refreshing or updating previously known information.
Acquiring new knowledge or understanding.


To recall or update knowledge about something known.
To learn about something for the first time.


Used when revisiting previously familiar situations.
Often used in completely new or unfamiliar situations.

Importance in Timing

Important after a gap or change in circumstances.
Crucial at the beginning of a new experience.

Typical Use

Updating skills, reacclimating to changed environments.
Learning new skills, adapting to new environments.

Compare with Definitions


Reacquainting oneself after a period of absence.
After his vacation, he needed to refamiliarise himself with ongoing projects.


The process of becoming acquainted with a new situation.
She took a tour to familiarise herself with the campus.


To relearn something once known but forgotten.
She had to refamiliarise herself with the guidelines after her sabbatical.


To acquire new information or understanding about something.
He needed to familiarise himself with the new software.


The act of refreshing one’s memory about known information.
Before the meeting, he needed to refamiliarise himself with the project details.


Learning about new concepts or environments.
To excel in his role, he had to familiarise himself with all the departments.


Updating oneself on changes to previously known facts.
Returning staff were asked to refamiliarise themselves with the updated safety protocols.


Adapting to new conditions or settings.
Visitors should familiarise themselves with local customs and laws.


Reviving familiarity with a previously experienced situation.
They needed to refamiliarise with the software updates during the training session.


Gaining knowledge about something previously unknown.
They conducted a briefing to familiarise newcomers with the protocol.


To familiarise with something one previously was familiar with.


Standard spelling of familiarize


To make familiar or acquainted; same as familiarize.


Make familiar or acquainted;
You should acquaint yourself with your new computer
We familiarized ourselves with the new surroundings

Common Curiosities

How does refamiliarising differ from familiarising?

Refamiliarising means refreshing or updating knowledge that was once familiar, whereas familiarising is about learning something for the first time.

What does it mean to familiarise oneself with something?

Familiarising involves learning new information or adapting to a new environment.

Why is it important to familiarise yourself with new settings?

Familiarising with new settings helps in adapting and functioning effectively in those environments.

Can familiarisation occur at any time?

Yes, familiarisation can occur whenever one encounters new information or environments.

What tools help with the process of familiarisation?

Tools like educational materials, tutorials, and mentorship can aid the familiarisation process.

Is refamiliarisation necessary in the digital world?

Yes, particularly with frequent updates to software and platforms, staying updated is crucial.

What are effective ways to familiarise oneself with a new topic?

Reading extensively, attending workshops, and engaging in practical experiences are effective ways.

How often should one refamiliarise with essential skills or knowledge?

Regularly, especially if the skills or knowledge are critical to one’s professional or personal life.

Does familiarisation guarantee mastery?

Familiarisation is the first step; mastery requires ongoing practice and deeper engagement.

What situations might require someone to refamiliarise themselves?

Situations such as returning to work after a break, using updated technology, or revisiting a previous research topic.

How can teachers help students familiarise with new subjects?

By providing clear explanations, real-life examples, and interactive learning sessions.

How does refamiliarisation enhance professional development?

It ensures individuals stay competent and relevant in their fields by updating their skills and knowledge.

What are some challenges in refamiliarising oneself?

Overcoming outdated knowledge and integrating new information can be challenging.

Why might someone fail to effectively familiarise?

Insufficient resources, lack of engagement, or overwhelming information can hinder the process.

What benefits does effective familiarisation provide?

It leads to better adaptation, increased confidence, and improved performance in new roles.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Maham Liaqat

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