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Regal vs. Royal — What's the Difference?

By Fiza Rafique & Maham Liaqat — Updated on March 14, 2024
Regal pertains to the dignified or magnificent characteristics of a monarch, while royal relates directly to a reigning king, queen, or their family.
Regal vs. Royal — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Regal and Royal


Key Differences

Regal describes qualities or things that are of, resembling, or fit for a monarch, especially in terms of grandeur, majesty, or dignity. For instance, a regal bearing refers to someone carrying themselves with the poise and dignity befitting royalty, but not necessarily implying direct connection to a royal family. Royal, on the other hand, directly pertains to a king, queen, or members of the royal family, and it encompasses attributes, lineage, and items associated with or belonging to the monarchy.
Regal can be used to describe objects, behaviors, or atmospheres that evoke the grandeur or elegance associated with royalty, even in non-royal contexts. A regal ceremony, for example, might not involve actual royalty but is conducted with a level of splendor and formality reminiscent of a royal event. Royal, however, is specific to the official or formal aspects of a monarchy, such as royal decrees, royal weddings, or royal estates, indicating direct association with the sovereign or royal family.
The term regal often conveys an abstract quality of majesty or noble bearing that can be attributed to individuals, places, or things, regardless of their actual ties to a monarchy. It can be used metaphorically to describe someone with an imposing presence or majestic beauty. Royal is more concrete, signifying a direct connection to or possession by a royal family, and is used to denote things like lineage (royal blood), properties (royal palace), or activities (royal duties).
While regal can apply broadly to anything that resembles or is characteristic of the best qualities associated with royalty, including those outside the direct lineage or governance of a royal family, royal is more exclusive, referring to matters directly involving or sanctioned by the monarchy. For example, a regal-looking building might simply be one that is grand or splendid, while a royal residence is specifically one used by the royal family.
Regal and royal, though often used interchangeably in casual conversation, hold distinct connotations in precise usage. The former emphasizes the grand and dignified qualities reminiscent of royalty, while the latter denotes actual affiliation with or belonging to a royal family or the institution of the monarchy itself.

Comparison Chart


Pertaining to the dignified, grand, or majestic qualities of a monarch.
Directly related to a reigning king, queen, or royal family.


Can describe qualities, atmospheres, or actions reminiscent of royalty.
Pertains to lineage, properties, events, and affairs of the monarchy.


Broad, can be used metaphorically or in non-royal contexts.
Specific, indicating direct association with the monarchy.


Implies majesty, grandeur, or noble bearing.
Denotes official or formal aspects of royal lineage or duties.


Regal posture, regal attire, regal demeanor.
Royal decree, royal wedding, royal heir.

Compare with Definitions


Characteristic of the grandeur or dignity of a monarch.
Her regal entrance captivated everyone in the room.


Belonging to or associated with a monarch or royal family.
The royal crown is a symbol of the monarchy's authority.


Can denote a noble or majestic quality in non-royal contexts.
He had a regal manner that commanded respect.


Directly related to the affairs, lineage, or properties of the monarchy.
The royal wedding was celebrated across the country.


Often used to describe behavior, appearance, or atmosphere.
The gala was organized with a regal sophistication.


Indicates official or formal ties to the monarchy.
The royal palace is open to visitors during the summer.


Describes something majestic or splendid.
The regal architecture of the building was awe-inspiring.


Refers to actual royal persons, institutions, or possessions.
The royal decree was issued by the queen herself.


Implies grandeur, elegance, or dignity.
The opera singer's regal voice filled the auditorium.


Used for matters involving the royal family or governance.
Royal duties often involve state functions and ceremonies.


Of or relating to a monarch; royal.


Having the status of a king or queen or a member of their family
Contributors included members of the royal family


Belonging to or befitting a monarch
Regal attire.


A member of the royal family
The royals are coming under the TV microscope


Magnificent; splendid.


Short for royal sail or royal mast


Of or relating to royalty.
Regal authority
The regal title


Short for royal stag


Befitting a king, queen, emperor, or empress.


A paper size, 636 × 480 mm.


Befitting a king, or emperor.


A system of change-ringing using ten bells.


(musical instruments) A small, portable organ whose sound is produced by beating reeds without amplifying resonators. Its tone is keen and rich in harmonics. The regal was common in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries; today it has been revived for the performance of music from those times.


Of or relating to a monarch.


An organ stop of the reed family, furnished with a normal beating reed, but whose resonator is a fraction of its natural length. In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries these stops took a multitude of forms. Today only one survives that is of universal currency, the so-called Vox Humana.


Of the rank of a monarch.


Of or pertaining to a king; kingly; royal; as, regal authority, pomp, or sway.
He made a scorn of his regal oath.


Of, relating to, or in the service of a kingdom.


A small portable organ, played with one hand, the bellows being worked with the other, - used in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.


Issued or performed by a monarch
A royal warrant.
A royal visit.


Belonging to or befitting a supreme ruler;
Golden age of imperial splendor
Purple tyrant
Regal attire
Treated with royal acclaim
The royal carriage of a stag's head


Founded, chartered, or authorized by a monarch
A royal society of musicians.


Befitting royalty; stately
Royal treatment.


Superior, as in size or quality.


Used as an intensive
"It would be a first-class royal mess" (Sam Nunn).


(Informal) A member of a monarch's family
"Among the resort's distinguished visitors are Swedish and Spanish royals" (Alistair Scott).


(Nautical) A sail set on the royalmast.


A paper size, 20 by 25 inches for printing, 19 by 24 inches for writing.


Of or relating to a monarch or their family.


Having the air or demeanour of a monarch; illustrious; magnanimous; of more than common size or excellence.


(nautical) In large sailing ships, of a mast right above the topgallant mast and its sails.
Royal mast;
Royal sail


Free-for-all, especially involving multiple combatants.


(informal) Used as an intensifier.
A royal pain in the neck


A royal person; a member of a royal family.


A standard size of printing paper, measuring 25 by 20 inches.


(paper) A standard size of writing paper, measuring 24 by 19 inches.


(dated) The Australian decimal currency intended to replace the pound in 1966; was changed to "dollar" before it was actually circulated.


Any of various lycaenid butterflies.


The fourth tine of an antler's beam.


A stag with twelve points (six on each antler).


In large sailing ships, square sail over the topgallant sail.


An old English gold coin, the rial.


(military) A small mortar.


(card games) In auction bridge, a royal spade.


A tuft of beard on the lower lip.


(campanology) Bell changes rung on ten bells.


Kingly; pertaining to the crown or the sovereign; suitable for a king or queen; regal; as, royal power or prerogative; royal domains; the royal family; royal state.


Noble; generous; magnificent; princely.
How doth that royal merchant, good Antonio?


Under the patronage of royality; holding a charter granted by the sovereign; as, the Royal Academy of Arts; the Royal Society.


A small sail immediately above the topgallant sail.


One of the upper or distal branches of an antler, as the third and fourth tynes of the antlers of a stag.


A small mortar.


One of the soldiers of the first regiment of foot of the British army, formerly called the Royals, and supposed to be the oldest regular corps in Europe; - now called the Royal Scots.


An old English coin. See Rial.


A royal spade.


A sail set next above the topgallant on a royal mast


Stag with antlers of 12 or more branches


Of or relating to or indicative of or issued or performed by a king or queen or other monarch;
The royal party
The royal crest
By royal decree
A royal visit


Established or chartered or authorized by royalty;
The Royal Society


Belonging to or befitting a supreme ruler;
Golden age of imperial splendor
Purple tyrant
Regal attire
Treated with royal acclaim
The royal carriage of a stag's head


Invested with royal power as symbolized by a crown;
The royal (or crowned) heads of Europe

Common Curiosities

Is royal always related to a reigning monarchy?

Royal specifically pertains to matters involving a reigning monarch or their family, so it is directly related to the institution of monarchy.

Do all royal items have to be owned by the monarchy?

Typically, items described as royal are associated with or belong to the royal family, though some items may be designated royal due to their historical significance or use by the monarchy.

Can something be regal without being royal?

Yes, objects or people can exhibit regal qualities such as grandeur and dignity without any direct connection to a royal family.

How does regal differ in its application from royal?

Regal is more about the qualities or appearance that evoke the idea of royalty, while royal directly refers to actual connections with a royal family or monarchy.

Can a business use the term regal in its branding?

Businesses often use the term regal to imply superior quality, elegance, or grandeur in their branding or product names.

Can literature be described as regal or royal?

Literature can be described as regal if it possesses a majestic or dignified quality. Royal literature would specifically refer to works produced by, for, or about the monarchy.

Can a person of non-royal descent have a regal bearing?

Absolutely, anyone can possess a regal bearing or demeanor characterized by dignity and elegance reminiscent of royalty.

Is the term royal reserved for specific countries?

The term royal is used in countries that have a monarchy, but it can also be used historically or culturally in contexts related to former monarchies or royal families.

Can architecture be both regal and royal?

Yes, architecture can be both regal and royal if it is grand or dignified in appearance (regal) and also has direct ties to or is commissioned by the monarchy (royal).

Can a common event be made regal?

Yes, through elegant and majestic arrangements, any event can be given a regal touch to elevate its stature.

Are there restrictions on using the term royal?

In some jurisdictions, there may be legal restrictions on using the term royal in business names or products without permission, as it implies royal endorsement or affiliation.

How does regal attire differ from royal attire?

Regal attire implies clothing that is majestic and elegant, resembling what royalty might wear, while royal attire specifically refers to garments worn by or designed for members of the royal family.

Is it common for public figures to have a regal presence?

Public figures, especially those in positions of authority or with significant influence, often cultivate a regal presence to command respect and convey leadership.

How do regal and royal influence fashion?

Fashion inspired by regal qualities might emphasize grandeur and sophistication, while royal fashion often incorporates elements traditionally associated with or influenced by the attire of royal families.

How do regal and royal contribute to cultural identity?

Both terms play roles in shaping cultural identity: regal qualities can inspire societal ideals of dignity and elegance, while royal elements might underscore historical and national heritage associated with the monarchy.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Maham Liaqat

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