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Regular Nouns vs. Irregular Nouns — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on November 29, 2023
Regular Nouns typically form plurals by adding -s or -es. Irregular Nouns form plurals in varied ways, like changing vowels or not altering at all.
Regular Nouns vs. Irregular Nouns — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Regular Nouns and Irregular Nouns


Key Differences

Regular Nouns abide by standardized grammatical rules when transforming from singular to plural forms. Simply appending an “-s” or “-es” to the end of a word signifies a regular noun. For example, ‘cat’ becomes ‘cats’, and ‘bus’ becomes ‘buses’, demonstrating a clear, straightforward modification pattern. Irregular Nouns, on the flip side, do not adhere to a standardized rule for pluralization, and their modifications can take various shapes or sometimes no alteration at all.
While “car” changes to “cars”, showcasing a classic example of Regular Nouns by simply attaching an “s” to the end, words like “man” change to “men”, which exemplifies Irregular Nouns due to its internal vowel modification for pluralization. Hence, while Regular Nouns offer simplicity and predictability, Irregular Nouns often require memorization due to their inconsistency in form alterations.
In the context of learning English, especially for non-native speakers, understanding Regular Nouns often becomes a foundational stepping-stone due to its uniform rule. Thus, it’s pivotal to grasp this straightforward rule that encompasses a large volume of English nouns. Contrarily, Irregular Nouns might pose challenges because their plural forms sometimes need to be learned individually since a singular consistent rule does not govern them.
An appreciation for Regular Nouns can be derived from their universal, simplistic transformation rules which accommodate quick learning and easy application. Irregular Nouns, while potentially being perceived as a hurdle due to their lack of a uniform rule, enrich the English language by adding a layer of depth and historical context, as many irregular forms have evolved from older forms of English or have been borrowed from other languages.
Understanding the nuanced differences and characteristics of Regular and Irregular Nouns not only enhances grammatical accuracy but also aids in honing language proficiency by enabling effective communication and comprehension. Recognizing the distinction and correctly employing these nouns significantly uplifts the clarity and coherence of communication in English.

Comparison Chart

Plural Formation

Add -s or -es
Varied changes or no change


Cats, dogs
Men, children

Grammatical Consistency


Memorization Required

Often, due to lack of consistent rules


Very common
Common but fewer than regular nouns

Compare with Definitions

Regular Nouns

Regular Nouns use “-es” after s, sh, ch, x, or z.
She misses the buses every day.

Irregular Nouns

Irregular Nouns might have unique plural forms.
Children are playing.

Regular Nouns

Regular Nouns do not alter internal vowels for plurals.
He likes bananas.

Irregular Nouns

Irregular Nouns do not follow a single rule for plurals.
She has two feet.

Regular Nouns

Regular Nouns maintain the base word in plurals.
We planted two trees.

Irregular Nouns

Irregular Nouns might not change in plural form.
The deer are grazing.

Regular Nouns

Regular Nouns have predictable plural forms.
She bought two cars.

Irregular Nouns

Irregular Nouns change internal vowels in plurals.
Men work in the field.

Regular Nouns

Regular Nouns add “-s” in the plural.
The cats are sleeping.

Irregular Nouns

Irregular Nouns may have ancient or foreign origins.
The mice scurried away.

Common Curiosities

How to make Irregular Nouns plural?

Irregular Nouns may change vowels, consonants, or remain unchanged.

Can Regular Nouns have irregular plurals?

No, Regular Nouns always follow the “-s” or “-es” rule for plurals.

How do Regular Nouns form plurals?

Regular Nouns form plurals by adding “-s” or “-es”.

Are Regular Nouns common in English?

Yes, Regular Nouns are very common and widely used in English.

What is an example of an Irregular Noun?

“Child” becoming “children” is an example of an Irregular Noun.

Can Irregular Nouns become regular over time?

Yes, language evolution can sometimes regularize Irregular Nouns.

What makes Irregular Nouns challenging?

Irregular Nouns lack a consistent rule for forming plurals.

Is the Regular Noun plural rule universal in English?

While widely applicable, there are exceptions and irregularities.

How to teach Regular Nouns to English learners?

Start with the “-s” or “-es” rule and provide ample examples.

How to identify Irregular Nouns?

Look for nouns that do not follow the standard “-s” or “-es” plural rule.

Can Irregular Nouns have regular plural forms in dialects?

Yes, dialectal variations might regularize some Irregular Nouns.

Are new English nouns typically regular or irregular?

New nouns introduced to English are typically Regular Nouns.

Do all languages have Regular and Irregular Nouns?

The concept exists in many languages but may manifest differently.

Are Irregular Nouns common in everyday language?

Yes, despite their inconsistencies, Irregular Nouns are common.

Is there a comprehensive list of Irregular Nouns?

While lists exist, no list is exhaustive due to dialectal variations.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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