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Rehearsel vs. Rehearsal — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 21, 2024
"Rehearsel" is an incorrect spelling. The correct form is "Rehearsal," which refers to the practice session for a performance.
Rehearsel vs. Rehearsal — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Rehearsel or Rehearsal

How to spell Rehearsal?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Remember, "rehearsal" has the word "hear" in it, not "hears."
Recall similar words like "referral" or "reversal" that don't have an "e" before the "-al."
Think of "re-" + "hearsal", emphasizing that there's no extra "e" after "hear."
Visualize a stage where actors practice, associating the image with the correct spelling, "rehearsal."
Note: all "-arsal" ending words like "rehearsal" have the "a" before "l."

How Do You Spell Rehearsal Correctly?

Incorrect: We need to focus during the rehearsel to get everything right.
Correct: We need to focus during the rehearsal to get everything right.
Incorrect: Can you bring the props to tomorrow's rehearsel?
Correct: Can you bring the props to tomorrow's rehearsal?
Incorrect: The rehearsel went smoothly, despite the technical difficulties.
Correct: The rehearsal went smoothly, despite the technical difficulties.
Incorrect: The final rehearsel is scheduled for 6 PM tonight.
Correct: The final rehearsal is scheduled for 6 PM tonight.

Rehearsal Definitions

A rehearsal is a session where performers practice for a forthcoming event.
The theater group held a rehearsal every evening.
A rehearsal can be a recollection or recounting of events or details.
Her rehearsal of the day's events was thorough and detailed.
A practice or trial performance of a play or other work for later public performance
Rehearsals for the opera season
In psychology, rehearsal means the process of repeatedly thinking or saying something to remember it.
Memory techniques involve rehearsal of information.
A rehearsal is an activity in the performing arts that occurs as preparation for a performance in music, theatre, dance and related arts, such as opera, musical theatre and film production. It is undertaken as a form of practising, to ensure that all details of the subsequent performance are adequately prepared and coordinated.
Rehearsal refers to the repetition or practice of an action or skill to perfect it.
The orchestra's rehearsal lasted three hours.
Rehearsal denotes a trial or practice session in preparation for a main event.
The team had a final rehearsal before the championship game.
The act of practicing in preparation for a public performance.
A session of practice for a performance, as of a play.
A detailed enumeration or repetition
A long rehearsal of his woes.
The practicing of something which is to be performed before an audience, usually to test or improve the interaction between several participating people, or to allow technical adjustments with respect to staging to be done.
A preparatory activity analogous to the rehearsal of a show.
The forest fires are just a rehearsal for the devastation that will be caused if climate change continues to worsen.
The act of rehearsing or contriving something; the fact of something's being rehearsed.
The prosecution argued that the defendant's exact repetition of his account of the events several times demonstrated the rehearsal of his story.
The act of rehearsing; recital; narration; repetition; specifically, a private recital, performance, or season of practice, in preparation for a public exhibition or exercise.
In rehearsal of our Lord's Prayer.
Here's marvelous convenient place for our rehearsal.
A practice session in preparation for a public performance (as of a play or speech or concert);
He missed too many rehearsals
A rehearsal will be held the day before the wedding
(psychology) a form of practice; repetition of information (silently or aloud) in order to keep it in short-term memory

Rehearsal Meaning in a Sentence

The rehearsal space was filled with music and laughter.
We ran through the entire play twice in rehearsal.
During rehearsal, we perfected the dance routine.
The cast gathered early for the morning rehearsal.
Notes were given at the end of the rehearsal to improve performances.
Costume fittings were scheduled after today's rehearsal.
The rehearsal dinner is a tradition in many wedding celebrations.
The rehearsal pianist played beautifully, setting the scene.
The director emphasized the importance of being prompt for rehearsal.
Lighting cues were adjusted throughout the rehearsal.
A special rehearsal was arranged to work on the challenging scenes.
New choreography was introduced during the dance rehearsal.
The choir's harmony improved with each rehearsal.
The stage manager kept the rehearsal moving efficiently.
Rehearsal breaks were a time for rest and quick snacks.
The rehearsal schedule was posted in the green room for all to see.
Actors reviewed their lines before the rehearsal began.
Technical rehearsal focused on sound and lighting effects.
Dress rehearsal is crucial for working out any last-minute issues.
There was a sense of excitement in the air during the final rehearsal.
The rehearsal process helped the cast bond and work better together.
Feedback from the rehearsal helped refine the script.
The orchestra held an open rehearsal for students.
After weeks of rehearsal, the team was ready for opening night.
The director called for an extra rehearsal to perfect the ending.

Rehearsal Idioms & Phrases

Run-through rehearsal

A type of rehearsal where the entire piece is performed from beginning to end.
We'll have a run-through rehearsal to see how the scenes flow together.

Tech rehearsal

A rehearsal focused on technical aspects, such as lighting and sound.
The tech rehearsal helped solve the issues with the microphones.

Rehearsal process

The period of practice and preparation before a performance.
The rehearsal process is as important as the performance itself.

Rehearsal room

The space where rehearsals take place.
The actors gathered in the rehearsal room to practice their lines.

Dress rehearsal

A final rehearsal with all elements of the production, including costumes and makeup.
Everything needs to be perfect by the dress rehearsal.

Rehearsal dinner

A meal provided after a rehearsal, typically before a wedding.
The rehearsal dinner allowed the wedding party to relax before the big day.

On the rehearsal schedule

Included in the planned rehearsal times.
Your scene is on the rehearsal schedule for tomorrow afternoon.

Rehearsal call

A notice or instruction to attend rehearsal.
The rehearsal call was sent out with the times for the week.

Cue-to-cue rehearsal

A rehearsal focusing on the transitions between scenes and technical cues.
The cue-to-cue rehearsal smoothed out the production's lighting and sound changes.

Closed rehearsal

A rehearsal closed to the public and media, often for privacy or concentration.
The final rehearsals will be closed to ensure focus.

Rehearsal attire

The clothing worn by performers during rehearsal.
Please wear your rehearsal attire, including dance shoes, tomorrow.

Blocking rehearsal

A rehearsal focusing on the movement and positioning of performers.
The blocking rehearsal helped actors understand where to move on stage.

Full cast rehearsal

A rehearsal with all members of the cast present.
The director called for a full cast rehearsal to work on ensemble scenes.

Off book rehearsal

A rehearsal where actors perform their parts without scripts.
By next week, we should be ready for an off book rehearsal.

Open rehearsal

A rehearsal that is open for public viewing.
The orchestra's open rehearsal attracted many music students.

Rehearsal pianist

The pianist who plays during rehearsals, especially for musicals or operas.
The rehearsal pianist worked closely with the singers to perfect the music.

Rehearsal notes

Comments and instructions given by the director or choreographer during or after rehearsal.
The actors reviewed their rehearsal notes before the next practice.

Final rehearsal

The last rehearsal before the actual performance.
The energy was high during the final rehearsal, as opening night approached.

Common Curiosities

What is the pronunciation of Rehearsal?

It is pronounced as /rɪˈhɜːr.səl/.

Why is it called Rehearsal?

It is called "Rehearsal" because it refers to the act of practicing or reviewing a performance or activity before the actual event.

Which preposition is used with Rehearsal?

Prepositions such as "for", "at", and "during" can be used with "Rehearsal", depending on the context.

Which conjunction is used with Rehearsal?

Any conjunction can be used with "Rehearsal" depending on the sentence, like "and" or "or".

What is the verb form of Rehearsal?

The verb form is "rehearse".

Which article is used with Rehearsal?

Both "a" and "the" can be used with "Rehearsal".

Is Rehearsal a negative or positive word?

It's neutral; neither negative nor positive.

Is Rehearsal an abstract noun?

No, it's a concrete noun as it refers to a tangible practice session.

What is the root word of Rehearsal?

The root word is "rehearse".

Which vowel is used before Rehearsal?

Typically, "a" is used before "Rehearsal" as in "a rehearsal".

Is Rehearsal a noun or adjective?

"Rehearsal" is a noun.

Is the word Rehearsal is imperative?

No, "Rehearsal" is not an imperative.

What is the plural form of Rehearsal?

The plural form is "Rehearsals".

Is Rehearsal an adverb?

No, "Rehearsal" is not an adverb.

Is Rehearsal a vowel or consonant?

"Rehearsal" is a word, not a single letter, so it contains both vowels and consonants.

What is the singular form of Rehearsal?

The singular form is "Rehearsal".

Is Rehearsal a collective noun?

No, it's not a collective noun.

Is the Rehearsal term a metaphor?

No, "Rehearsal" is not typically used as a metaphor. It directly refers to a practice session.

Is the word “Rehearsal” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Rehearsal" can be used as a direct object, as in "She attended the rehearsal". Its role depends on its placement in a sentence.

What is a stressed syllable in Rehearsal?

The stress is on the second syllable, "hear".

What part of speech is Rehearsal?

"Rehearsal" is a noun.

What is the first form of Rehearsal?

"Rehearsal" itself is the first form as it's a noun.

How many syllables are in Rehearsal?

There are three syllables in "Rehearsal".

What is another term for Rehearsal?

Another term is "practice session".

What is the opposite of Rehearsal?

There isn't a direct opposite, but "performance" or "actual event" could be contextually opposite.

How is Rehearsal used in a sentence?

"The cast had their final rehearsal before the play's opening night."

Is the word Rehearsal is Gerund?

No, "Rehearsal" is not a gerund.

Is Rehearsal a countable noun?

Yes, it is countable. You can have one rehearsal or several rehearsals.

How do we divide Rehearsal into syllables?


Which determiner is used with Rehearsal?

Determiners such as "this", "that", "my", "our", "a", and "the" can be used with "Rehearsal".

What is the second form of Rehearsal?

Being a noun, "Rehearsal" doesn't have verb forms like first, second, or third.

What is the third form of Rehearsal?

Same as above; "Rehearsal" doesn't have verb forms.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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