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Relm vs. Realm — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 31, 2024
"Relm" is an incorrect spelling. The right spelling is "realm," denoting a kingdom or field of study or interest.
Relm vs. Realm — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Relm or Realm

How to spell Realm?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

"Realm" rhymes with "helm," both containing an "a."
Remember, "relm" lacks the authentic "a" that a true realm possesses.
Think "realm" as "real" with an added "m" at the end.
Associate "realm" with "realm of reality" to remember the "a."
The "realm" of kings has an "a" like "royal."

How Do You Spell Realm Correctly?

Incorrect: His knowledge extends beyond the relm of traditional academia.
Correct: His knowledge extends beyond the realm of traditional academia.
Incorrect: In the relm of fantasy, dragons and magic are common.
Correct: In the realm of fantasy, dragons and magic are common.
Incorrect: The relm of digital technology is rapidly evolving.
Correct: The realm of digital technology is rapidly evolving.
Incorrect: She's exploring the relm of science fiction in her writing.
Correct: She's exploring the realm of science fiction in her writing.
Incorrect: They discussed the relm of possibilities that the future holds.
Correct: They discussed the realm of possibilities that the future holds.

Realm Definitions

A kingdom or territory under a monarch.
The entire realm bowed to the queen.
A sphere or domain of activity or interest.
The realm of fantasy fiction is vast.
A conceptual area or sphere.
Their discussion entered the realm of morality.
A class or order of existence.
The spiritual realm is often mysterious.
An area or field of study or expertise.
Quantum physics is a challenging realm of science.
A community or territory over which a sovereign rules; a kingdom.
An area or sphere, as of knowledge or activity
The realm of science.
An abstract sphere of influence, real or imagined.
The domain of a certain abstraction.
(computing) A scope of operation in networking or security.
A territory or state, as ruled by a specific power, especially by a king.
An otherworldly dimension or domain — magical, ethereal, or otherwise — usually ruled or created by a mystical character.
A taxonomic rank in the phylogeny of viruses, higher than kingdoms.
A royal jurisdiction or domain; a region which is under the dominion of a king; a kingdom.
The absolute master of realms on which the sun perpetually shone.
Hence, in general, province; region; country; domain; department; division; as, the realm of fancy.
A domain in which something is dominant;
The untroubled kingdom of reason
A land of make-believe
The rise of the realm of cotton in the south
A knowledge domain that you are interested in or are communicating about;
It was a limited domain of discourse
Here we enter the region of opinion
The realm of the occult
The domain ruled by a king or queen

Realm Meaning in a Sentence

In the realm of politics, opinions often vary widely.
Virtual reality offers a new realm for gamers to explore.
The realm of quantum physics is both fascinating and complex.
The realm of artificial intelligence presents endless opportunities for innovation.
The discussion entered the realm of ethics and morality.
Her interests lie in the realm of environmental conservation.
Artists often draw inspiration from the realm of dreams.
The realm of possibilities is limitless for those with imagination.
Personal experiences greatly influence one's realm of thought.
Social media has become a significant realm for marketing.
In the realm of literature, there are genres to suit every taste.
The project aims to bridge the realm of science and art.
The internet has opened up a new realm of communication.
In the realm of education, technology has transformed teaching methods.
The realm of detective fiction includes many iconic characters.
Exploring the realm of underwater ecosystems has revealed many unknown species.
The realm of public opinion can greatly influence political decisions.
The realm of fashion is constantly evolving with trends.
Advances in medicine have expanded the realm of treatment possibilities.
Historical events shape the realm of cultural identity.
The realm of mental health awareness is gaining more attention.
Nutrition plays a crucial role in the realm of sports performance.
She ventured into the realm of entrepreneurship with her innovative idea.
The realm of space exploration continues to captivate the human imagination.
Exploring the realm of different cultures enriches our understanding of the world.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called realm?

It's called "realm" deriving from the Old French word "realme," meaning "kingdom."

Which vowel is used before realm?

The vowel "a" is used in "realm."

What is the plural form of realm?

The plural form is "realms."

Is realm a noun or adjective?

Realm is a noun.

Is realm an abstract noun?

Yes, realm can be an abstract noun when referring to areas of interest, knowledge, or thought.

What is the pronunciation of realm?

Realm is pronounced as /rɛlm/.

Which preposition is used with realm?

"In" or "of" are commonly used with "realm," as in "in the realm of" or "realm of possibility."

Which article is used with realm?

Both "a" and "the" can be used with "realm" depending on the context.

What is the verb form of realm?

There isn't a direct verb form of "realm." One might "enter a realm" or "rule a realm," but "realm" itself is a noun.

What is the root word of realm?

The root word of realm is the Old French "realme," which means "kingdom."

Is the word realm is imperative?

No, "realm" is not imperative.

What is the singular form of realm?

The singular form is "realm."

Which conjunction is used with realm?

Any conjunction can be used with "realm" depending on the sentence structure; there isn't a specific one.

Is realm a countable noun?

Yes, you can have one realm or multiple realms.

What part of speech is realm?

Realm is a noun.

What is another term for realm?

Another term for realm is "kingdom."

Is realm a negative or positive word?

Realm is neutral; its connotation depends on the context.

How do we divide realm into syllables?

Realm is not divided as it's a one-syllable word.

What is a stressed syllable in realm?

The entire word "realm" is stressed as it's a one-syllable word.

What is the third form of realm?

Again, realm is a noun and doesn't have verb forms.

Is realm an adverb?

No, realm is not an adverb.

How many syllables are in realm?

Realm has one syllable.

What is the opposite of realm?

There isn't a direct opposite, but in some contexts, "void" or "nothingness" might be considered opposites.

Which determiner is used with realm?

Any determiner like "the," "a," "this," or "that" can be used depending on the context.

What is the first form of realm?

Realm is a noun and doesn't have verb forms.

How is realm used in a sentence?

The realm of fantasy literature has captivated readers for generations.

Is realm a vowel or consonant?

"Realm" is a word made up of both vowels and consonants.

Is realm a collective noun?

No, realm is not a collective noun.

Is the realm term a metaphor?

"Realm" can be used metaphorically to describe areas outside of physical kingdoms, like realms of understanding.

What is the second form of realm?

As mentioned, realm is a noun and doesn't have verb forms.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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