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Reoccured vs. Reoccurred — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on April 1, 2024
"Reoccured" is the incorrect spelling, while "Reoccurred" means something happened again.
Reoccured vs. Reoccurred — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Reoccured or Reoccurred

How to spell Reoccurred?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Associate with "re-" for again and "occurred" for happened.
Say it aloud: emphasizing the double "r" sound in "re-oCURRED."
Think of "occur" + "red" to remember the double "r."
The root word "occur" doubles its consonants when adding suffixes.
Recall that "occur" doubles its 'r' in past tense forms; the prefix "re-" doesn’t change that.

How Do You Spell Reoccurred Correctly?

Incorrect: She mentioned that the dream reoccured several times last month.
Correct: She mentioned that the dream reoccurred several times last month.
Incorrect: He was worried that the symptoms had reoccured so quickly.
Correct: He was worried that the symptoms had reoccurred so quickly.
Incorrect: Their argument reoccured over the same issue as before.
Correct: Their argument reoccurred over the same issue as before.
Incorrect: The issue reoccured despite our efforts to fix it.
Correct: The issue reoccurred despite our efforts to fix it.
Incorrect: The software glitch reoccured after the initial patch was applied.
Correct: The software glitch reoccurred after the initial patch was applied.

Reoccurred Definitions

Happened once more or again.
The problem reoccurred after the initial fix.
Came into being or happened repeatedly.
The same error reoccurred in various documents.
Returned or appeared after a period.
The symptoms reoccurred after a month.
Took place a second time or more.
The event reoccurred annually.
Manifested or presented itself again.
The dream reoccurred, haunting her nights.
Simple past tense and past participle of reoccur

Reoccurred Meaning in a Sentence

The scientists observed that the phenomenon reoccurred under specific conditions.
The pattern of weather changes has reoccurred consistently over the decade.
The motif of redemption reoccurred in many of her paintings.
The problem reoccurred despite the new updates to the system.
The theme of friendship reoccurred throughout the novel.
He was surprised when the misunderstanding reoccurred among his team members.
She found it frustrating that the same debate reoccurred at every family gathering.
Their success was not a fluke; it reoccurred with each project they undertook.
The historical event is noted to have reoccurred several times over the centuries.
The issue of data corruption reoccurred, leading to another round of troubleshooting.
She noticed that the error reoccurred every time she rebooted her computer.
Their disagreement reoccurred because they never resolved the underlying issue.
A sense of déjà vu washed over him as the situation reoccurred.
The theme of courage reoccurred in the speeches throughout the conference.
Wildlife researchers have documented that these migrations have reoccurred annually.
The mechanical failure reoccurred, leading to a second recall of the vehicle.
The cycle of growth and decline in the industry has reoccurred multiple times.
Memories of the past reoccurred vividly during the reunion.
The question of ethics reoccurred during the course of the study.
The topic of environmental sustainability reoccurred in the company’s annual report.
Despite efforts to mediate, the conflict reoccurred, demonstrating the need for a more comprehensive solution.
The error message reoccurred, indicating a persistent problem in the software.
Symptoms reoccurred, suggesting the treatment was not as effective as hoped.
That specific bird species has reoccurred in this area every spring.
Each time the story was told, the hero’s bravery reoccurred as a central theme.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called Reoccurred?

It's called "reoccurred" because it denotes something that has "occurred" again, thus the prefix "re-" for again.

What is the root word of Reoccurred?

The root word is "occur."

What is the singular form of Reoccurred?

Reoccurred is already singular as it's a verb in its past tense form.

Is Reoccurred a noun or adjective?

It is neither; "reoccurred" is a verb.

Which vowel is used before Reoccurred?

Typically, "a" as in "a reoccurred event."

What is the pronunciation of Reoccurred?

The pronunciation is /ˌriːəˈkɜːr/.

What is the verb form of Reoccurred?

"Reoccur" is the base verb form.

What is the plural form of Reoccurred?

Being a verb, it doesn't have a plural form.

Which preposition is used with Reoccurred?

"After" is commonly used, as in "reoccurred after."

Which conjunction is used with Reoccurred?

Any conjunction can be used depending on the sentence, like "and" or "but."

What is the opposite of Reoccurred?

The opposite would be "did not occur again" or "ceased."

What is the second form of Reoccurred?

The second form is "reoccurred."

Which article is used with Reoccurred?

"Reoccurred" as a verb doesn't typically require an article. However, contextually, "a" or "the" might precede related nouns.

Is Reoccurred a negative or positive word?

It is neutral; the context determines the connotation.

How do we divide Reoccurred into syllables?

Reoccurred is divided as re-oc-curred.

What is a stressed syllable in Reoccurred?

The second syllable "oc" is stressed.

What is the first form of Reoccurred?

The first form is "reoccur."

Is Reoccurred an abstract noun?

No, "reoccurred" is a verb.

Is Reoccurred a countable noun?

No, it is a verb.

How many syllables are in Reoccurred?

There are three syllables.

Is Reoccurred a collective noun?

No, it's not a noun at all.

What part of speech is Reoccurred?

"Reoccurred" is a verb.

What is another term for Reoccurred?

Another term could be "happened again."

Which determiner is used with Reoccurred?

As a verb, it doesn't require a determiner.

What is the third form of Reoccurred?

The third form is also "reoccurred."

Is Reoccurred an adverb?

No, "reoccurred" is not an adverb.

Is Reoccurred a vowel or consonant?

"Reoccurred" is a word, not a letter, so it's neither a vowel nor consonant.

Is the Reoccurred term a metaphor?

No, "reoccurred" is a direct term indicating repetition.

Is the word Reoccurred imperative?

No, "reoccurred" is in the indicative mood, past tense.

How is Reoccurred used in a sentence?

"The issue reoccurred despite our best efforts to resolve it."

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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