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Research Methods vs. Research Design — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Published on December 8, 2023
Research Methods are techniques used to gather data, while Research Design is the overall plan guiding the research process. Both are integral to scholarly studies.
Research Methods vs. Research Design — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Research Methods and Research Design


Key Differences

Research Methods and Research Design are foundational concepts in any scientific study. While Research Methods refer to the specific techniques and procedures used to collect and analyze data, Research Design provides the overall structure or blueprint that dictates how the study will be conducted.
When a researcher selects specific Research Methods, they choose tools and techniques like surveys, experiments, or case studies. On the other hand, Research Design involves decisions about the type of study (e.g., descriptive, experimental), how participants are selected, and how data will be analyzed.
Research Methods can be broadly categorized into qualitative and quantitative methods. Qualitative methods focus on understanding phenomena in-depth, often through interviews or observation. In contrast, Research Design can be categorized into descriptive, correlational, experimental, or quasi-experimental, guiding the approach of the study.
A researcher might use multiple Research Methods within a single Research Design. For instance, in a mixed-methods study, a researcher might combine surveys (quantitative) with interviews (qualitative). This illustrates how Research Methods are individual components within the broader Research Design framework.
It's crucial to differentiate between Research Methods and Research Design, as the latter provides context and rationale for the former. While methods are about "how" data is collected, Research Design dictates "why" those methods are chosen and "what" the study aims to achieve.

Comparison Chart


Techniques for data collection and analysis.
Blueprint or plan guiding the research process.


Qualitative, Quantitative.
Descriptive, Correlational, Experimental.


"How" data is collected.
"Why" and "What" of the study.


Surveys, Experiments, Interviews.
Case study design, Longitudinal design.


Individual tools within a study.
Provides context for selected methods.

Compare with Definitions

Research Methods

Techniques for collecting data.
She used various Research Methods, including interviews and surveys.

Research Design

Framework for research methodology.
Her Research Design ensured valid results.

Research Methods

Tools to gather and analyze information.
His dissertation employed advanced Research Methods.

Research Design

Roadmap for scientific inquiry.
His Research Design integrated both qualitative and quantitative approaches.

Research Methods

Ways to obtain research evidence.
His mastery of Research Methods was evident in his paper.

Research Design

Plan guiding a research project.
His Research Design was thoroughly peer-reviewed.

Research Methods

Means to test hypotheses or questions.
She was trained in contemporary Research Methods.

Research Design

Blueprint for conducting a study.
The team proposed a comprehensive Research Design.

Research Methods

Procedures for empirical investigation.
Learning Research Methods is vital for academic success.

Research Design

Structure outlining research steps.
A good Research Design is crucial for meaningful findings.

Common Curiosities

Are surveys and interviews considered Research Methods?

Yes, both are popular qualitative and quantitative Research Methods.

What's the primary difference between Research Methods and Research Design?

Research Methods are the techniques used to gather data, whereas Research Design is the overall plan for the study.

What's an example of Research Design?

An example is a longitudinal design where participants are studied over a period of time.

Which comes first: choosing Research Methods or formulating Research Design?

Typically, formulating a Research Design comes first.

Is Research Design decided before selecting Research Methods?

Generally, yes. The design provides a framework, which then dictates appropriate methods.

Can a study have multiple Research Methods?

Yes, a study can use multiple methods within a single Research Design.

Why is Research Design important?

It ensures the study's validity, reliability, and relevance.

Can Research Design impact the study's outcomes?

Absolutely. A flawed design can lead to invalid or irrelevant findings.

Are Research Methods specific to disciplines?

Some methods are discipline-specific, but many are used across fields.

Are case studies a Research Method or Research Design?

Case studies can be viewed as both a method of data collection and a design that frames the research.

How does one decide on Research Methods?

It's based on the study's objectives, the nature of the data, and the Research Design.

What's the relationship between hypothesis and Research Design?

The hypothesis often dictates the Research Design, as the design ensures the hypothesis is testable.

Can Research Design change during a study?

Ideally, no. But real-world constraints sometimes necessitate adjustments.

Can one Research Design utilize both qualitative and quantitative methods?

Yes, such a study is often called a mixed-methods study.

Are there standard Research Methods and Designs for all studies?

While some methods and designs are commonly used, each study's uniqueness may necessitate different choices.

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Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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