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Research Proposal vs. Research Report — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Published on December 4, 2023
A Research Proposal outlines the plan for a study, while a Research Report presents the study's results and findings.
Research Proposal vs. Research Report — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Research Proposal and Research Report


Key Differences

A Research Proposal is essentially a blueprint. It provides a detailed plan for a study, describing its objectives, methodology, and significance. In contrast, a Research Report is the culmination of the research process, documenting the results and discussing their implications.
When scholars or students intend to embark on a research project, they craft a Research Proposal. This document seeks approval or funding and explains why the study is essential. However, a Research Report comes into play after the research is completed, showcasing the findings and their broader impact.
The primary objective of a Research Proposal is to persuade stakeholders of the project's worthiness. It highlights the study's potential contributions to the field. On the other hand, a Research Report aims to communicate the actual outcomes of the research, providing evidence and data supporting the findings.
While both the Research Proposal and Research Report are integral to the academic research process, their functions are diametrically opposed. The former sets the stage and lays out the plan, whereas the latter concludes the process by presenting the achieved results.
In academic and professional settings, a well-crafted Research Proposal can be the key to securing resources or permissions. Conversely, a comprehensive Research Report is vital for sharing knowledge, influencing policy, or advancing one's academic or professional standing.

Comparison Chart


Outlines the plan for a study.
Presents the results of a study.


Prepared before the research.
Prepared after the research.

Primary Objective

Seeks approval or funding.
Communicates research findings.


Objectives, methodology, significance.
Data, results, discussions, conclusions.

Target Audience

Stakeholders, funders, academic committees.
Academics, professionals, public audience.

Compare with Definitions

Research Proposal

A Research Proposal outlines objectives and methodologies.
The committee reviewed the Research Proposal to understand the study's methods.

Research Report

A Research Report documents the results of a study.
After months of work, she finally published her Research Report.

Research Proposal

A Research Proposal is a plan for conducting a study.
She submitted her Research Proposal hoping to get the grant.

Research Report

A Research Report provides evidence supporting findings.
The data in the Research Report was comprehensive and well-analyzed.

Research Proposal

A Research Proposal seeks approval or funding for research.
His innovative Research Proposal caught the attention of major funders.

Research Report

A Research Report is a formal presentation of research outcomes.
The conference featured several compelling Research Reports.

Research Proposal

A Research Proposal highlights the potential significance of a study.
The Research Proposal emphasized the project's potential impact on public health.

Research Report

A Research Report discusses the implications of results.
He read the Research Report to understand the study's broader implications.

Research Proposal

A Research Proposal is a precursor to research activity.
Before starting her experiment, she had to draft a detailed Research Proposal.

Research Report

A Research Report concludes the research process.
Submitting the Research Report marked the end of their project.

Common Curiosities

When is a Research Proposal typically created?

A Research Proposal is crafted before the actual research begins, seeking approval or funding.

What is the purpose of a Research Report?

A Research Report presents and discusses the results of a completed study.

Why is a Research Proposal important?

A Research Proposal secures permissions, resources, and funding, and sets the research's direction.

Is a Research Report subjective or objective?

A Research Report is objective, presenting data and findings from the research.

Can a Research Proposal be rejected?

Yes, if it lacks clarity, feasibility, or significance, a Research Proposal can be rejected.

How long is a typical Research Report?

The length of a Research Report varies but often depends on the depth and complexity of the research.

What is a Research Proposal?

A Research Proposal is a document that outlines the plan for a study, detailing its objectives and methodologies.

What is included in a Research Report?

A Research Report includes data, results, discussions, and conclusions from the research.

Do all research projects require a Research Proposal?

Most formal research projects, especially in academic settings, require a Research Proposal.

Who is the target audience for a Research Report?

Academics, professionals, and sometimes the broader public are the audience for a Research Report.

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Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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