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Resign vs. Re Sign — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Published on December 25, 2023
"Resign" means to quit a position; "Re Sign" means to sign something again. Both have distinct implications in usage.
Resign vs. Re Sign — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Resign and Re Sign


Key Differences

"Resign" is a verb that primarily means to voluntarily leave a job or position. It's the act of giving up or relinquishing one's role. On the contrary, "Re Sign" is a two-word phrase that literally suggests signing a document or contract again.
The decision to "Resign" from a role often comes after careful consideration. It signals an end to one's current association with an organization or commitment. Meanwhile, when one chooses to "Re Sign," it generally means they are reaffirming or extending their agreement or commitment by signing it once more.
People "Resign" from their jobs for various reasons, including personal, health, or professional factors. In contrast, people might "Re Sign" a contract because the terms have changed, or an initial period has expired and they want to continue the agreement.
Understanding the context is vital when interpreting "Resign" and "Re Sign." While "Resign" represents termination or discontinuation, "Re Sign" embodies continuation or recommitment.
The visual difference between the two lies in the space. "Resign" is a single word, whereas "Re Sign" is clearly two separate words, which gives a hint towards its meaning of doing the action of signing once more.

Comparison Chart


To quit a position
To sign something again


Indicates end
Indicates continuation or recommitment

Grammatical Category

Verb Phrase


Resigning from a job
Re-signing a lease

Physical Presentation

Single word
Two separate words

Compare with Definitions


To step down from a role.
Amidst the pressures, he felt it was best to resign.

Re Sign

To make a previous written consent valid again.
Due to changes, we needed to re sign the agreement.


To voluntarily leave a job.
I decided to resign from my position at the company.

Re Sign

To extend an agreement by signing it again.
He decided to re sign his lease for another year.


To accept something as inevitable.
She resigned herself to the fact that it might rain.

Re Sign

To affirm an earlier commitment.
The player chose to re sign with his original team.


To give up a responsibility.
He chose to resign from his role as team captain.

Re Sign

To put one's signature on a previously signed document.
The witnesses had to re sign the testament in the presence of the lawyer.


To relinquish one's office or position.
The director chose to resign amidst controversies.

Re Sign

To sign a document for a second time.
I had to re sign the contract due to a clerical error.


To submit (oneself) passively; accept as inevitable
I resigned myself to a long wait in line.

Re Sign

To sign again
Re-signed the lease.


To give up (a position, for example), especially by formal notification.

Re Sign

To sign again; to provide one's signature again.


To relinquish (a privilege, right, or claim).

Re Sign

(by extension) To sign a contract renewing or restarting a professional relationship, such as that of a professional athlete with a sports team.


To give up one's job or office; quit, especially by formal notification
Resign from a board of directors.

Re Sign

To affix one's signature to, a second time; to sign again.


(transitive) To give up; to relinquish ownership of.


(transitive) To hand over (something to someone), place into the care or control of another.


To quit (a job or position).
I am resigning in protest of the unfair treatment of our employees.
He resigned the crown to follow his heart.


(transitive) To submit passively; to give up as hopeless or inevitable.
He had no choice but to resign the game and let his opponent become the champion.


(proscribed) re-sign


To sign back; to return by a formal act; to yield to another; to surrender; - said especially of office or emolument. Hence, to give up; to yield; to submit; - said of the wishes or will, or of something valued; - also often used reflexively.
I here resign my government to thee.
Lament not, Eve, but patiently resignWhat justly thou hast lost.
What more reasonable, than that we should in all things resign up ourselves to the will of God?


To relinquish; to abandon.
He soon resigned his former suit.


To commit to the care of; to consign.
Gentlement of quality have been sent beyong the seas, resigned and concredited to the conduct of such as they call governors.


Leave (a job, post, post, or position) voluntarily;
She vacated the position when she got pregnant
The chairman resigned when he was found to have misappropriated funds


Give up or retire from a position;
The Secretary fo the Navy will leave office next month
The chairman resigned over the financial scandal


Part with a possession or right;
I am relinquishing my bedroom to the long-term house guest
Resign a claim to the throne


Accept as inevitable;
He resigned himself to his fate

Common Curiosities

What does Re Sign signify?

To sign a document or contract again.

Why would someone Re Sign a document?

They might re sign due to changed terms, errors, or to extend an agreement.

Can Resign mean acceptance of a situation?

Yes, one can "resign oneself" to a situation, meaning acceptance.

Does Re Sign mean continuation of previous terms?

Generally, yes, though terms might be updated or changed.

What does Resign mean?

To voluntarily leave a job or position.

Is "Re Sign" written as two words?

Yes, "Re Sign" consists of two separate words.

How does one use Resign in a sentence?

"She chose to resign from her teaching position."

Is a resignation letter required to Resign?

Often in professional settings, yes, but it depends on the context.

Does Re Sign always imply a previous signature?

Yes, it means to sign something once more.

Is Resign always voluntary?

Typically yes, though sometimes it can be under implied pressure.

Can Resign be used in contexts other than jobs?

Yes, one can resign from roles, responsibilities, or even accept situations.

Can you Re Sign something digitally?

Yes, documents can be re-signed digitally using e-signature platforms.

Does Resign always imply an end?

Generally, yes, especially in the context of roles or jobs.

Is the space between "Re" and "Sign" important?

Yes, it distinguishes "Re Sign" from "Resign."

How does one use Re Sign in a sentence?

"I had to re sign the contract after reviewing the changes."

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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