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Rice Vinegar vs. White Vinegar — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on December 15, 2023
Rice Vinegar is made from fermented rice, offering a mild, slightly sweet taste, while White Vinegar is made from fermented grain alcohol, providing a sharp, acidic flavor.
Rice Vinegar vs. White Vinegar — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Rice Vinegar and White Vinegar


Key Differences

Rice Vinegar, originating from Asia, is derived from fermented rice. Its production involves the fermentation of rice grains, which results in a mild and slightly sweet flavor. On the other hand, White Vinegar is commonly used in Western cuisines and is made from fermented grain alcohol. As a product of this fermentation, White Vinegar offers a notably sharp and acidic taste.
In culinary applications, Rice Vinegar is often preferred for dishes where a milder and slightly sweet tang is desired. This includes sushi rice, dressings, and certain marinades. White Vinegar, due to its strong acidic profile, is a favorite for pickling, as a cleaning agent, and in recipes that demand a pronounced tartness.
The color of Rice Vinegar typically ranges from clear to pale yellow, which can add a delicate hue to dishes. White Vinegar, as its name suggests, is clear and can be used in dishes without altering their color.
For health-conscious individuals, Rice Vinegar is often seen as a choice that offers some health benefits due to its origin from rice. It contains certain amino acids and can be a source of nutrients. White Vinegar, while potent in its acidity, does not boast the same nutrient profile but is praised for its antimicrobial properties.

Comparison Chart


Made from fermented rice.
Made from fermented grain alcohol.

Flavor Profile

Mild and slightly sweet.
Sharp and acidic.

Common Uses

Sushi rice, dressings, marinades.
Pickling, cleaning, recipes demanding strong tartness.


Clear to pale yellow.

Nutrient Profile

Contains some amino acids and nutrients.
Mainly praised for its antimicrobial properties.

Compare with Definitions

Rice Vinegar

Rice Vinegar contains certain amino acids beneficial for health.
She chose Rice Vinegar for both its flavor and health benefits.

White Vinegar

White Vinegar has a strong acidic flavor profile.
The recipe required the sharp taste of White Vinegar.

Rice Vinegar

Rice Vinegar is commonly used in Asian cuisine.
He added Rice Vinegar to the stir-fry for an authentic taste.

White Vinegar

White Vinegar is a clear vinegar made from grain alcohol.
She used White Vinegar to pickle the cucumbers.

Rice Vinegar

Rice Vinegar offers a slightly sweet and delicate tang.
The sushi tasted perfect with the touch of Rice Vinegar.

White Vinegar

White Vinegar possesses antimicrobial properties.
He used White Vinegar to disinfect the cutting board.

Rice Vinegar

Rice Vinegar is a vinegar made from fermented rice.
She used Rice Vinegar in her salad dressing for a mild flavor.

White Vinegar

White Vinegar is a versatile household item, used in cooking and cleaning.
Apart from cooking, he used White Vinegar to clean the windows.

Rice Vinegar

Rice Vinegar can range in color from clear to pale yellow.
He noticed the Rice Vinegar had a soft yellow hue.

White Vinegar

White Vinegar is commonly used in Western cuisines.
She added White Vinegar to her potato salad for that tangy kick.

Common Curiosities

What is Rice Vinegar made from?

Rice Vinegar is made from fermented rice.

Which vinegar has a milder taste, Rice Vinegar or White Vinegar?

Rice Vinegar has a milder and slightly sweet taste compared to White Vinegar.

How does White Vinegar differ in origin?

White Vinegar is made from fermented grain alcohol.

For which culinary applications is White Vinegar commonly preferred?

White Vinegar is preferred for pickling and in recipes requiring a strong tartness.

Is Rice Vinegar commonly used in any specific type of cuisine?

Yes, Rice Vinegar is commonly used in Asian cuisine.

What are the antimicrobial properties of White Vinegar useful for?

White Vinegar's antimicrobial properties are useful for disinfecting and cleaning.

What gives Rice Vinegar its slightly sweet flavor?

The fermentation of rice grains imparts the slightly sweet flavor to Rice Vinegar.

How does the color of Rice Vinegar and White Vinegar differ?

Rice Vinegar can range from clear to pale yellow, while White Vinegar is clear.

Are there any health benefits associated with Rice Vinegar?

Rice Vinegar contains some amino acids and nutrients beneficial for health.

Which vinegar is typically used in sushi rice?

Rice Vinegar is the typical choice for sushi rice.

Are there any other varieties of Rice Vinegar?

Yes, there are variations like black and red Rice Vinegar, each with its unique flavor profile.

Can I use White Vinegar in place of Rice Vinegar in recipes?

While they can sometimes be substituted, the flavor profiles differ, with White Vinegar being more acidic than Rice Vinegar.

Is there a significant price difference between Rice Vinegar and White Vinegar?

White Vinegar is typically cheaper due to its widespread use and production, while Rice Vinegar can be pricier, especially for specialty varieties.

In what household applications outside of cooking is White Vinegar used?

White Vinegar is used for cleaning, disinfecting, and as a natural deodorizer.

How should Rice Vinegar and White Vinegar be stored?

Both should be stored in a cool, dark place, preferably in their original bottles with the lids tightly closed.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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