Ridiculus vs. Ridiculous — Which is Correct Spelling?
By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 29, 2024
"Ridiculus" is a misspelling. The correct spelling is "Ridiculous," describing something worthy of mockery or disbelief.
Table of Contents
Which is correct: Ridiculus or Ridiculous
How to spell Ridiculous?
Incorrect Spelling
Correct Spelling
Key Differences
Associate "ridiculous" with "ludicrous," both having the "ou" sound.
Remember, it sounds longer than it looks – "ridic-OU-lous."
"Ridiculous" contains an "ou," unlike the incorrect "Ridiculus."
Think of "ridiculous" as "ridicule + ous" emphasizing the mockery aspect.
Picture something so absurd it's "outrageously ridiculous."
How Do You Spell Ridiculous Correctly?
Incorrect: She found the movie to be quite ridiculus.
Correct: She found the movie to be quite ridiculous.
Incorrect: The prices at that store are ridiculus.
Correct: The prices at that store are ridiculous.
Incorrect: Wearing a coat in summer is ridiculus.
Correct: Wearing a coat in summer is ridiculous.
Incorrect: His argument was completly ridiculus.
Correct: His argument was completely ridiculous.
Incorrect: It's ridiculus to think we can finish in one day.
Correct: It's ridiculous to think we can finish in one day.
Ridiculous Definitions
Beyond common sense or normal standards.
The prices they're asking are just ridiculous.
Deserving or inviting mockery or derision.
His excuse for being late was ridiculous.
Extremely silly or unreasonable.
She looked ridiculous in that oversized hat.
Laughably absurd or unbelievable.
The clown's antics were ridiculous.
Making little to no logical sense.
It's ridiculous to think that penguins can fly.
To be ridiculous is to be something which is highly incongruous or inferior, sometimes deliberately so to make people laugh or get their attention, and sometimes unintendedly so as to be considered laughable and earn or provoke ridicule and derision. It comes from the 1540s Latin "ridiculosus" meaning "laughable", from "ridiculus" meaning "that which excites laughter", and from "ridere" meaning "to laugh".
Deserving or inviting derision or mockery; absurd
It seems absolutely ridiculous that anyone would try to pull a stunt like this
That ridiculous tartan cap
Deserving or inspiring ridicule; absurd, preposterous, or silly.
Deserving of ridicule; foolish, absurd
That hairstyle looks ridiculous.
It's ridiculous to charge so much for a little souvenir.
You make ridiculous statements a lot, like saying that UFOs are real.
(informal) astonishing, extreme, unbelievable
In a ridiculous feat of engineering, the team can calculate the difference in arrival time to within one-tenth of a nanosecond.
Gaines is a classic motor player with a low center of gravity and ridiculous strength.
Fitted to excite ridicule; absurd and laughable; unworthy of serious consideration; as, a ridiculous dress or behavior.
Agricola, discerning that those little targets and unwieldy glaives ill pointed would soon become ridiculous against the thrust and close, commanded three Batavian cohorts . . . to draw up and come to handy strokes.
Involving or expressing ridicule.
[It] provokes me to ridiculous smiling.
Inspiring scornful pity;
How silly an ardent and unsuccessful wooer can be especially if he is getting on in years
Completely devoid of wisdom or good sense;
The absurd excuse that the dog ate his homework
That's a cockeyed idea
Ask a nonsensical question and get a nonsensical answer
A contribution so small as to be laughable
It is ludicrous to call a cottage a mansion
A preposterous attempt to turn back the pages of history
Her conceited assumption of universal interest in her rather dull children was ridiculous
Broadly or extravagantly humorous; resembling farce;
The wild farcical exuberance of a clown
Ludicrous green hair
Ridiculous Meaning in a Sentence
The idea seemed ridiculous at first, but it actually worked.
He wore a ridiculous hat to the party, and everyone loved it.
Her fear of birds is a bit ridiculous, but she can't help it.
Ridiculous situations often make the best stories.
Sometimes, you just have to laugh at how ridiculous life can be.
They couldn't stop laughing at the ridiculous scene in the movie.
He has a collection of ridiculous ties for every occasion.
Her dog looks ridiculous in that tiny sweater, but it's adorable.
Getting upset over a game is pretty ridiculous, don't you think?
The debate turned ridiculous when they started arguing about cartoons.
That's the most ridiculous excuse I've ever heard!
The amount of homework assigned was ridiculous.
In hindsight, their plan to sneak in was completely ridiculous.
A game where you pretend to be a goat? Sounds ridiculous, but fun.
Their prediction was so off it was ridiculous.
He has a habit of making ridiculous bets on sports games.
The villain in the film had a ridiculous plan to take over the world.
She made a ridiculous gesture that had everyone in stitches.
His claim to have seen a UFO sounded ridiculous but intriguing.
Worrying about what people think of your dance moves is ridiculous.
They found themselves in a ridiculous predicament that was hard to explain.
Arguing over who ate the last cookie is just ridiculous.
The prices are ridiculous – who would pay that much for a coffee?
She received a ridiculous offer for her car that was way too low.
Her cat's fear of cucumbers is absolutely ridiculous.
Common Curiosities
What is the pronunciation of Ridiculous?
It's pronounced as /rɪˈdɪkjʊləs/.
What is the root word of Ridiculous?
The root is the Latin word "ridiculus."
Which vowel is used before Ridiculous?
The indefinite article "a" is used before "ridiculous."
What is the plural form of Ridiculous?
Adjectives in English don't typically have plural forms.
Which preposition is used with Ridiculous?
"of" as in "ridiculous of someone."
What is the verb form of Ridiculous?
The related verb is "ridicule."
What is the singular form of Ridiculous?
"Ridiculous" is an adjective and doesn't have a singular or plural form.
Is Ridiculous a noun or adjective?
"Ridiculous" is an adjective.
Is Ridiculous an adverb?
No, "ridiculously" is the adverbial form.
Which conjunction is used with Ridiculous?
Any conjunction can be used depending on the sentence context.
Why is it called Ridiculous?
Derived from Latin "ridiculus," meaning laughable, it emphasizes something worthy of mockery.
Is Ridiculous a collective noun?
No, "ridiculous" is an adjective.
Is Ridiculous an abstract noun?
No, "ridiculous" is an adjective.
Is the word Ridiculous imperative?
No, it's an adjective.
How many syllables are in Ridiculous?
Four syllables.
How do we divide Ridiculous into syllables?
What is the opposite of Ridiculous?
"Sensible" or "reasonable."
Which determiner is used with Ridiculous?
Determiners like "this," "that," and "my" can be used.
What is the second form of Ridiculous?
Again, adjectives don't have forms.
Is Ridiculous a negative or positive word?
Generally negative, but can be neutral based on context.
Is Ridiculous a vowel or consonant?
"Ridiculous" is a word containing both vowels and consonants.
Is Ridiculous a countable noun?
"Ridiculous" isn't a noun; it's an adjective.
Is the Ridiculous term a metaphor?
No, but it can be used in metaphoric expressions.
What is the third form of Ridiculous?
Adjectives don't have forms.
Which article is used with Ridiculous?
"a" as in "a ridiculous idea."
What is another term for Ridiculous?
"Ludicrous" or "absurd."
How is Ridiculous used in a sentence?
"The idea of fish flying in the sky is ridiculous."
What part of speech is Ridiculous?
What is a stressed syllable in Ridiculous?
The second syllable, "dic."
What is the first form of Ridiculous?
Adjectives don't have forms like verbs.
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Written by
Tayyaba RehmanTayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to askdifference.com. As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.