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Rugby League vs. Rugby Union — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Published on December 30, 2023
Rugby League has 13 players and emphasizes speed; Rugby Union has 15 players and focuses on possession. Both are rugby variants.
Rugby League vs. Rugby Union — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Rugby League and Rugby Union


Key Differences

Rugby League is a sport that consists of 13 players on each side, playing with specific positions and a set of defined rules. Rugby Union, on the other hand, fields 15 players per team, following a different set of rules and traditions.
In Rugby League, the primary objective is to score tries, and teams are given six tackles to try to score. Rugby Union emphasizes retaining possession of the ball, with no tackle limit, making phases of play longer.
Rugby League has a more open style of play, often showcasing speed and agility, with players regularly switching between positions. Rugby Union, due to its structure, often has more set-pieces, such as scrums and lineouts, with specialized roles for players.
The culture and history of Rugby League and Rugby Union have evolved distinctly. Originally, Rugby League became popular in the north of England, while Rugby Union was the choice of the south and the amateur community.
Both Rugby League and Rugby Union have passionate followings worldwide, but Rugby Union tends to be more globally recognized, especially in countries like New Zealand, South Africa, and England. Rugby League has strongholds in Australia, parts of England, and Papua New Guinea.

Comparison Chart

Player Count

13 players
15 players


Limited to six tackles
Unlimited tackles

Gameplay Style

More open, emphasizing speed
More set-pieces, emphasizing possession


North of England
South of England and amateur circles

Global Popularity

Strong in Australia, parts of England, Papua New Guinea
Wider global recognition

Compare with Definitions

Rugby League

Emphasizes speed and agility.
Rugby League players showcased incredible athleticism.

Rugby Union

Characterized by scrums and lineouts.
Scrum dynamics are crucial in Rugby Union matches.

Rugby League

Originated as a breakaway from Rugby Union.
Historically, the Rugby League was formed due to disagreements in payment.

Rugby Union

Has a broader international presence.
The Rugby Union Six Nations Championship attracts viewers worldwide.

Rugby League

A 13-player variant of rugby.
The Rugby League match was intense from start to finish.

Rugby Union

Historically associated with amateur play.
Rugby Union retained its amateur status for many years.

Rugby League

Known for its six-tackle rule.
The team used their tackles wisely in the Rugby League game.

Rugby Union

Focuses on phases and ball possession.
The team maintained control throughout the Rugby Union game.

Rugby League

Popular in specific regions globally.
The Rugby League World Cup drew fans from all its major playing nations.

Rugby Union

A 15-player variant of rugby.
The Rugby Union World Cup is a highly anticipated event.

Common Curiosities

How many players are on a Rugby Union team?

15 players.

What is the primary difference between Rugby League and Rugby Union?

Rugby League has 13 players with a six-tackle rule, while Rugby Union has 15 players with a focus on possession.

How many players are on a Rugby League team?

13 players.

Which form of rugby, Rugby League or Rugby Union, has a broader international presence?

Rugby Union.

In which rugby type is the play more open, Rugby League or Rugby Union?

Rugby League.

Who organizes the World Cup events for both Rugby League and Rugby Union?

The Rugby League International Federation (RLIF) for Rugby League and World Rugby for Rugby Union.

Is the gameplay the same for Rugby League and Rugby Union?

No, they have different rules, gameplay styles, and strategies.

Which rugby variant, Rugby League or Rugby Union, emphasizes speed?

Rugby League.

Where is Rugby Union more popular globally?

In countries like New Zealand, South Africa, England, and Wales.

What are scrums and lineouts associated with, Rugby League or Rugby Union?

Rugby Union.

Which variant, Rugby League or Rugby Union, has a six-tackle rule?

Rugby League.

Why did Rugby League originate?

As a breakaway from Rugby Union due to disagreements, especially regarding player payments.

Where are the strongholds for Rugby League?

In Australia, parts of England, and Papua New Guinea.

Do both Rugby League and Rugby Union have World Cup tournaments?

Yes, both have their respective World Cup events.

Is the ball the same in Rugby League and Rugby Union?

The balls are similar but can differ slightly in shape and size.

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Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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