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Russell Viper vs. King Cobra — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman & Urooj Arif — Published on September 6, 2024
The Russell Viper is known for its potent hemotoxic venom affecting blood and tissues, while the King Cobra, the longest venomous snake, primarily has neurotoxic venom affecting the nervous system.
Russell Viper vs. King Cobra — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Russell Viper and King Cobra


Key Differences

The Russell Viper, prevalent in Asia, is notorious for its highly hemotoxic venom that causes pain, swelling, and sometimes fatal bleeding disorders. On the other hand, the King Cobra, found mainly in forests from India through Southeast Asia, specializes in neurotoxic venom that disrupts nerve signals, leading to paralysis and possibly death if untreated.
The Russell Viper tends to inhabit farmlands and grassy plains, making it more likely to come into contact with humans. This increases the risk of bites, which are often severe due to the viper's potent venom. Conversely, the King Cobra, despite its intimidating size and venom potency, resides predominantly in dense forests and rarely interacts with humans, leading to fewer incidents.
In terms of behavior, Russell Vipers are known for their aggressive nature when threatened, often leading to serious bites. Whereas the King Cobra, although capable of displaying aggression, is more likely to retreat unless provoked or cornered, showcasing a generally more reserved demeanor.
Reproductive strategies also differ, the Russell Viper is ovoviviparous, giving birth to live young, which allows for a higher survival rate in harsh environments. In contrast, the King Cobra is unique among snakes for its nest-building behavior to lay eggs, demonstrating a rare form of parental care in the reptile world.
The impact of their venom on humans varies significantly. The Russell Viper's venom can cause severe tissue damage and disrupt blood clotting, leading to internal bleeding. The King Cobra's venom, while less likely to cause local tissue damage, poses a grave threat by leading to respiratory failure through paralysis, requiring immediate medical attention.

Comparison Chart


Farmlands, grassy plains
Dense forests

Human Interaction

High, due to habitat overlap
Low, prefers remote areas


Aggressive when threatened
Avoids confrontation unless provoked


Ovoviviparous, gives birth to live young
Oviparous, lays eggs and exhibits nest-building

Venom Effects

Causes pain, swelling, bleeding disorders
Causes paralysis, respiratory failure

Bite Treatment

Antivenom, supportive care for bleeding
Antivenom, respiratory support


India through Southeast Asia


Up to 165 cm
Up to 5.5 m

Conservation Status

Varies, generally not endangered
Vulnerable to habitat loss, considered endangered in some areas

Compare with Definitions

Russell Viper

Capable of causing severe health issues with its bite.
A Russell Viper bite can lead to fatal bleeding if not treated promptly.

King Cobra

Prefers living in dense forests away from human settlements.
King Cobras are rarely seen by humans due to their reclusive nature.

Russell Viper

Predominantly found in Asia, thriving in various habitats.
Russell Vipers are often encountered in the agricultural lands of India.

King Cobra

The world's longest venomous snake, known for its neurotoxic venom.
The King Cobra can deliver enough venom to kill an elephant with a single bite.

Russell Viper

Known for its aggressive defense mechanism.
The Russell Viper will not hesitate to strike if it feels threatened.

King Cobra

Requires specific antivenom due to its potent venom.
Treatment for a King Cobra bite includes the administration of a specialized antivenom.

Russell Viper

Characterized by a distinctive pattern and build.
The Russell Viper's body pattern helps it blend into its surroundings.

King Cobra

Exhibits unique behavior such as nest-building for its eggs.
The female King Cobra painstakingly constructs a nest for her eggs, a rare behavior among snakes.

Russell Viper

A venomous snake known for its potent hemotoxic venom.
The farmer was bitten by a Russell Viper while working in the field.

King Cobra

Commands respect in many cultures due to its size and potency.
In some cultures, the King Cobra is revered and associated with powerful symbolism.

Common Curiosities

What is unique about the King Cobra's reproductive behavior?

It is the only snake known to build nests for its eggs, showing a form of parental care.

Where is the Russell Viper most commonly found?

It is common in Asia, particularly in agricultural and grassy areas.

How do you treat a bite from a Russell Viper?

Treatment involves antivenom and supportive care for bleeding disorders.

Are Russell Vipers endangered?

Their conservation status varies, but they are generally not considered endangered.

Is the King Cobra aggressive towards humans?

It generally avoids humans but can become aggressive if provoked.

What conservation concerns affect the King Cobra?

Habitat loss and human conflict are major threats to their survival.

What immediate action should be taken if bitten by a King Cobra?

Seek immediate medical attention for antivenom and respiratory support.

How does the King Cobra capture its prey?

It uses its size and speed to catch prey, delivering a fatal bite with its neurotoxic venom.

How long can King Cobras grow?

They can reach lengths of up to 5.5 meters, making them the longest venomous snakes.

What is the average size of a Russell Viper?

They can grow up to 165 cm in length.

Can the venom of a Russell Viper be fatal?

Yes, without prompt treatment, the venom can cause fatal bleeding disorders.

Can a King Cobra's venom kill a human?

Yes, its neurotoxic venom can cause respiratory failure, leading to death without treatment.

How does the Russell Viper's venom affect the human body?

It causes severe pain, swelling, and can lead to internal bleeding.

Why is the King Cobra considered a symbol of power in some cultures?

Its size, potency, and the fear it inspires contribute to its symbolic status in various cultures.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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