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Salad Cream vs. Mayo — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on November 14, 2023
Salad Cream is a tangy dressing made with vinegar, oil, and egg yolk, while Mayo (mayonnaise) is a thick, creamy dressing primarily made of oil, egg yolk, and either vinegar or lemon juice.
Salad Cream vs. Mayo — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Salad Cream and Mayo


Key Differences

Salad Cream, often considered a British condiment, has a distinct tangy flavor profile that sets it apart. Mayo, on the other hand, is smoother in flavor, being rich and creamy, and is popular in various cuisines worldwide.
Salad Cream has a runnier consistency compared to the thick and creamy texture of Mayo. This difference in texture results from the specific ratios of their primary ingredients and the process by which they are emulsified.
Salad Cream's primary ingredients are water, vinegar, oil, and egg yolk, giving it a sharper taste. Mayo, meanwhile, predominantly consists of oil, egg yolk, and either vinegar or lemon juice, which contribute to its mild and creamy taste.
Both Salad Cream and Mayo are used as condiments, but their applications can vary. Salad Cream is often drizzled over salads, while Mayo is a versatile spread used in sandwiches, burgers, and as a base for various dips.
Despite their differences, both Salad Cream and Mayo are emulsified sauces, meaning they consist of a mixture of two immiscible liquids, usually achieved with the help of egg yolk. Their shared characteristic is the incorporation of oil into a stable, creamy mixture.

Comparison Chart



Main Ingredients

Vinegar, oil, egg yolk, sometimes mustard or sugar
Oil, egg yolk, vinegar or lemon juice

Flavor Profile

Mild and creamy


Relatively runny
Thick and creamy

Common Use

Drizzled over salads
Spread for sandwiches, base for dips

Compare with Definitions

Salad Cream

A blend of vinegar, oil, and egg yolk.
Salad Cream's tanginess comes from its vinegar content.


A versatile spread used worldwide.
From burgers to sushi, mayo has found its place.

Salad Cream

A tangy British dressing.
I love to drizzle Salad Cream on my lettuce.


A creamy dressing made from oil and egg yolk.
Mayo makes my sandwich moist and delicious.

Salad Cream

A sauce sometimes made with added mustard or sugar.
Some brands of Salad Cream have a hint of sweetness.


An emulsion of oil into a stable mixture.
The egg yolk in mayo helps in emulsifying the oil.

Salad Cream

An emulsified dressing with a sharp taste.
For a zesty kick, I always choose Salad Cream.


Often flavored with vinegar or lemon juice.
Mayo's mild acidity comes from vinegar or lemon.

Salad Cream

A condiment with a runnier consistency than mayo.
Unlike mayo, Salad Cream pours easily over my greens.


A base for many dips and sauces.
I use mayo to create my special garlic dip.




Clipping of mayonnaise
Pass me the mayo please.


A white person.


Egg yolks and oil and vinegar

Common Curiosities

What is Salad Cream?

Salad Cream is a tangy British dressing made from vinegar, oil, and egg yolk.

How is Mayo different from Salad Cream in taste?

While Salad Cream has a tangy taste, Mayo is mild and creamy.

Is Salad Cream a type of mayo?

No, though both are emulsified sauces, Salad Cream and Mayo have distinct ingredients and flavor profiles.

What's the primary ingredient in Mayo?

The main ingredient in mayo is oil, followed by egg yolk and either vinegar or lemon juice.

Which is spicier, Salad Cream or Mayo?

Typically, Salad Cream is tangier, but neither is particularly spicy.

Is there vegan Mayo available?

Yes, vegan Mayo, made without egg yolks, is available in many stores.

Are there flavored versions of Salad Cream?

Some brands offer variations of Salad Cream, but its signature taste is tangy.

Can Salad Cream be used as a sandwich spread like Mayo?

Yes, though Salad Cream is traditionally drizzled over salads, it can also be used as a spread.

Is Mayo a universal condiment?

Yes, Mayo is used and loved in many cuisines worldwide.

Why does Salad Cream have a runny consistency?

Salad Cream's consistency is due to its higher water and vinegar content relative to oil.

Can I make my own Mayo at home?

Absolutely! With oil, egg yolk, and a bit of acid (vinegar or lemon juice), you can make homemade mayo.

Do both Salad Cream and Mayo need refrigeration?

Yes, to maintain freshness, both should be refrigerated after opening.

Is Salad Cream popular outside the UK?

While it originates from the UK, Salad Cream has gained popularity in other parts of the world, though it's less universal than Mayo.

Can I use Mayo in baking?

Yes, Mayo can be used in certain baking recipes, like cakes, for added moisture.

How long does opened Mayo last in the fridge?

If stored properly, opened Mayo can last 2-3 months in the refrigerator.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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