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Sanatorium vs. Sanatarium — Which is Correct Spelling?

Sanatorium vs. Sanatarium — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Sanatorium or Sanatarium

How to spell Sanatorium?


Correct Spelling


Incorrect Spelling

Sanatorium Definitions

A sanatorium (also spelled sanitarium or sanitorium) is a medical facility for long-term illness, most typically associated with the treatment of tuberculosis (TB) in the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth century before the discovery of antibiotics. A distinction is sometimes made between "sanitarium" or the east-European "sanatorium" (a kind of health resort, as in the Battle Creek Sanitarium) and "sanatorium" (a hospital).
An establishment for the medical treatment of people who are convalescing or have a chronic illness.
An institution for the treatment of chronic diseases or for medically supervised recuperation.
A resort for improvement or maintenance of health, especially for convalescents. Also called sanitarium.
An institution that treats chronic diseases, and provides supervised recuperation and convalescence.
An establishment for the treatment of the sick; a resort for invalids. See Sanitarium.
A hospital for recuperation or for the treatment of chronic diseases
Pejorative terms for an insane asylum

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