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Scheduler vs. Dispatcher — What's the Difference?

By Fiza Rafique & Maham Liaqat — Updated on May 15, 2024
A scheduler allocates CPU resources to tasks based on a set policy, while a dispatcher is responsible for switching the CPU to the next task to execute.
Scheduler vs. Dispatcher — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Scheduler and Dispatcher


Key Differences

A scheduler determines which tasks should run on the CPU and when, based on scheduling algorithms and policies. It organizes tasks by priority, time, and resource availability. A dispatcher, on the other hand, carries out the actual task switching, moving the CPU from one task to another efficiently.
Schedulers manage the allocation of system resources by selecting tasks that need execution. They consider factors like task priority, load balancing, and timing. Dispatchers execute these decisions by controlling the context switching, ensuring that the CPU smoothly transitions between tasks.
While a scheduler focuses on the broader picture of task management and resource allocation, a dispatcher operates at a more granular level, handling the mechanics of task switching. The scheduler sets the schedule, and the dispatcher enforces it.
Schedulers are essential for optimizing CPU usage and maintaining system performance by managing task order. Dispatchers play a critical role in maintaining system responsiveness by ensuring that context switches happen swiftly and correctly.
In multi-tasking environments, the scheduler improves efficiency by prioritizing tasks, whereas the dispatcher ensures the system remains responsive by quickly switching tasks. Both work together to provide seamless task execution and resource management.
Schedulers determine the timing and order of task execution based on algorithms like round-robin or priority scheduling. Dispatchers execute these schedules by handling the context switch, ensuring that the CPU is allocated to the right task at the right time.

Comparison Chart

Primary Function

Allocates CPU resources to tasks based on scheduling policies
Switches the CPU to the next task to execute


Task management and resource allocation
Task switching and context management

Level of Operation

Higher-level decision making
Lower-level task execution


Uses scheduling algorithms (e.g., round-robin, priority scheduling)
Does not use algorithms, follows scheduler's decisions

System Impact

Optimizes CPU usage and overall system performance
Ensures smooth and efficient context switching

Compare with Definitions


Allocates CPU time to various tasks.
The scheduler ensures that high-priority tasks get more CPU time.


Switches the CPU between tasks.
The dispatcher quickly moved the CPU from task A to task B.


Uses algorithms to determine task order.
The round-robin scheduler allocates time slices to each task in turn.


Manages context switching.
The dispatcher saved the state of the current task before switching.


Balances system load by distributing tasks.
The scheduler evenly distributed tasks across the CPU cores.


Follows the scheduler's instructions.
The dispatcher executed the next task as per the scheduler's plan.


Manages task priority and timing.
The scheduler gave precedence to the real-time process.


Ensures minimal delay in task switching.
A fast dispatcher improves system responsiveness.


Optimizes resource utilization.
An efficient scheduler can significantly improve system performance.


Handles lower-level task management.
The dispatcher ensures smooth execution of the scheduled tasks.


A list of times of departures and arrivals; a timetable
A bus schedule.
A schedule of guided tours.


A dispatcher is a communications worker who receives and transmits information to coordinate operations of other personnel and vehicles carrying out a service. A number of organizations, including police and fire departments, emergency medical services, motorcycle couriers, taxicab providers, trucking companies, railroads, and public utility companies, use dispatchers to relay information, direct personnel, and coordinate their operations.


A plan for performing work or achieving an objective, specifying the order and allotted time for each part
Finished the project on schedule.


One that dispatches
A dispatcher of good news.


A printed or written list of items in tabular form
A schedule of postal rates.


A person who sends out trains, buses, trucks, or cars according to a schedule.


A program of events or appointments expected in a given time
Can you fit me into your schedule Tuesday afternoon?.


A person who sends out police cars, ambulances, taxis, or other vehicles in response to reported emergencies or requests for service.


A student's program of classes.


(Computers) A routine that controls the order in which input and output devices obtain access to the processing system.


A supplemental statement of details appended to a document.


Agent noun of dispatch; one who dispatches.


A federally regulated list of controlled substances, ranked in classes by potential for abuse.


In a transportation organization, a person who controls the movements of vehicles.


One of the ranks or classes in such a list.


(computing) A piece of software responsible for assigning priorities and resources to tasks waiting to be scheduled.


To enter on a schedule
Calculate and schedule each tax deduction on the proper form.


Any die used for cheating, whether fraudulently weighted or bearing duplicate numbers.


To make up a schedule for
I haven't scheduled the coming week yet.


One who dispatches.


To plan or appoint for a certain time or date
Scheduled a trip in June.
Was scheduled to arrive Monday.


The official who signals the beginning of a race or competition


To list or rank (a controlled substance) in a schedule.


Employee of a transportation company who controls the departures of vehicles according to weather conditions and in the interest of efficient service


A person or device that determines a schedule, that determines the order that tasks are to be done.


(computer science) An operating system component responsible for allocating several resources, most commonly the use of processors by different concurrent processes or threads.


Computer hardware that arranges jobs to be done by the computer in an appropriate order

Common Curiosities

What is context switching in the context of dispatchers?

Context switching is the process of saving and restoring the state of tasks during switching.

How does a scheduler improve system performance?

It optimizes CPU usage by efficiently managing the order and timing of tasks.

Does the dispatcher decide which task to run next?

No, the dispatcher follows the schedule set by the scheduler.

Why is the dispatcher important for system responsiveness?

It ensures that context switching between tasks happens quickly and efficiently.

Can a scheduler function without a dispatcher?

No, a scheduler's decisions need a dispatcher to execute the task switching.

What are common scheduling algorithms used by schedulers?

Common algorithms include round-robin, priority scheduling, and first-come-first-served.

What does a dispatcher do in an operating system?

A dispatcher switches the CPU to the next task that needs execution.

Is the dispatcher involved in load balancing?

No, load balancing is typically handled by the scheduler.

What is preemptive scheduling?

Preemptive scheduling allows the scheduler to interrupt a running task to switch to a higher-priority task.

How does the dispatcher interact with the CPU?

The dispatcher controls the CPU's task execution by managing context switches.

What is the main role of a scheduler?

A scheduler allocates CPU resources to various tasks based on specific policies.

What is the difference between a short-term and long-term scheduler?

A short-term scheduler decides which tasks to execute next, while a long-term scheduler manages task admission to the system.

How do schedulers handle task priority?

Schedulers assign higher priority to more important tasks, giving them more CPU time.

What happens if the dispatcher fails?

If the dispatcher fails, the system may experience delays or crashes due to improper task switching.

Can the scheduling policy affect system latency?

Yes, different scheduling policies can impact how quickly tasks are executed, affecting latency.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Maham Liaqat

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