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SDK vs. Framework — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on October 19, 2023
SDK (Software Development Kit) provides tools for developing software applications, while a Framework offers predefined structures and functions to build upon.
SDK vs. Framework — What's the Difference?

Difference Between SDK and Framework


Key Differences

SDK, or Software Development Kit, encompasses a suite of tools, libraries, and documentation geared towards aiding developers in creating software for specific platforms or environments. On the contrary, a Framework provides a foundational structure with preset functionalities upon which developers construct applications, often dictating the application's architecture.
When utilizing an SDK, developers receive specialized tools tailored for a platform, like Android or iOS. These tools simplify the development process and ensure compatibility. Conversely, when using a Framework, developers work atop a set foundation, leveraging provided functions and structures, thereby saving time and maintaining consistency.
An SDK might often come bundled with an integrated development environment (IDE), sample code, or debugging tools. It’s like a toolbox equipped for a specific task. In contrast, a Framework can be visualized as the skeletal structure of a building, guiding how applications should be constructed and organized.
Importantly, while SDKs provide the necessities for a particular platform or service, Frameworks are generally platform-agnostic. Frameworks don’t discriminate between platforms but focus on giving a structure to the application building process.
In essence, while both SDK and Framework aim to simplify and streamline the development process, an SDK offers specialized tools for particular platforms, and a Framework gives developers a preset structure to follow and build upon.

Comparison Chart

Primary Purpose

Offer tools for specific platforms
Provide structure and preset functionalities


Tools, libraries, documentation
Predefined structures and functions


Generally platform-agnostic


Toolbox for a task
Skeletal structure for building


Often bundled with IDEs, debuggers
Incorporated into a broader development environment

Compare with Definitions


Libraries and documentation aiding software creation.
To develop for the new gaming console, I downloaded its SDK.


Structures and functionalities simplifying application building.
Thanks to the Framework, the app's backend was up in no time.


A set of software tools for specific development tasks.
The Android SDK provides tools tailored for Android app development.


A set structure upon which software is constructed.
With the Flask Framework, I quickly set up a web application.


Development resources for tailored software creation.
The SDK contained everything I needed to start coding for the device.


Predefined functions and patterns guiding software creation.
Using the right Framework can significantly speed up the development process.


A package enabling software development for a platform.
With the right SDK, creating a mobile app becomes more streamlined.


A structure for supporting or enclosing something else, especially a skeletal support used as the basis for something being constructed.


Tools simplifying application development processes.
The company released an SDK to encourage third-party integrations.


An external work platform; a scaffold.


A fundamental structure, as for a written work.


A set of assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that constitutes a way of viewing reality.


(literally) A support structure comprising joined parts or conglomerated particles and intervening open spaces of similar or larger size.


(literally) The arrangement of support beams that represent a building's general shape and size.


(figuratively) The larger branches of a tree that determine its shape.


(figuratively) A basic conceptual structure.
These ‘three principles of connexion’ compose the framework of principles in Hume's account of the association of ideas.


(software engineering) A reusable piece of code (and, sometimes, other utilities) providing a standard environment within which an application can be implemented.


(grammar) An established and structured system of rules and principles used for analyzing and describing the structure of a language.


The work of framing, or the completed work; the frame or constructional part of anything; as, the framework of society.
A staunch and solid piece of framework.


Work done in, or by means of, a frame or loom.


A simplified description of a complex entity or process;
The computer program was based on a model of the circulatory and respiratory systems


The underlying structure;
Restoring the framework of the bombed building
It is part of the fabric of society


A structure supporting or containing something


A foundational structure for application development.
The .NET Framework provides a robust environment for building Windows apps.


A platform-agnostic scaffold for development.
The Framework gave me the flexibility to deploy on multiple platforms.

Common Curiosities

Can a Framework be part of an SDK?

Yes, sometimes SDKs may include specific Frameworks to aid in development.

Is a Framework mandatory for application development?

No, but Frameworks simplify and structure the development process.

What does SDK stand for?

SDK stands for Software Development Kit.

What’s a popular web development Framework?

Django and Flask are popular Frameworks for web development in Python.

Is an SDK platform-specific?

Generally, yes. SDKs are usually tailored for specific platforms or services.

What are the benefits of using a Framework?

Frameworks offer structure, reusable code, and best practices, speeding up development.

Can one application use multiple Frameworks?

Yes, applications can leverage multiple Frameworks for varied functionalities.

Can I create my own Framework?

Yes, experienced developers can create custom Frameworks to suit specific needs.

How does a Framework differ from a library?

A Framework provides a structure for app building, while a library offers specific functions without dictating structure.

Do I always need an SDK to develop software?

No, but SDKs provide tailored tools making development for specific platforms easier.

Does using an SDK mean my application is locked to one platform?

Often, yes. SDKs are tailored for specific platforms, making the developed software compatible with that platform.

Can I use multiple SDKs in one project?

Yes, projects can incorporate multiple SDKs, especially if integrating diverse functionalities or services.

Do SDKs only contain tools?

No, SDKs can include tools, libraries, documentation, and even Frameworks.

Is every SDK associated with an IDE?

Not always, but many SDKs come bundled with an Integrated Development Environment.

Do all mobile apps use SDKs?

Most do, especially if they target specific platforms like Android or iOS.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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