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Sea Lion vs. Walrus — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on December 24, 2023
Sea Lions are sleek, eared seals with long flippers, while Walruses are large, tusked pinnipeds with whiskered faces.
Sea Lion vs. Walrus — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Sea Lion and Walrus


Key Differences

Sea Lions belong to the family Otariidae, often recognized by their external ear flaps and slender bodies. In contrast, Walruses are part of the Odobenidae family, uniquely identified by their prominent tusks and bulkier physique.
When observing Sea Lions, one can note their agile and streamlined movement in water, using long front flippers for propulsion. Walruses, however, rely more on their hind flippers and exhibit a less graceful motion in the aquatic environment.
The diet of a Sea Lion primarily consists of fish and squid. Conversely, Walruses have a different palate, predominantly feeding on bivalve mollusks that they locate with their sensitive whiskers.
Social behavior differs between the two; Sea Lions are often seen in large, noisy groups, barking and interacting. Walruses are more subdued in their vocalizations, but they too congregate in sizable gatherings, especially on ice floes.
Geographically, Sea Lions inhabit a wider range of climates, from subarctic to tropical waters. Walruses are more restricted, commonly found in the cold waters of the Arctic Ocean.

Comparison Chart


Otariidae (Eared Seals)

Physical Features

External ear flaps, long flippers
Prominent tusks, whiskered face


Agile, use long front flippers
Use hind flippers, less graceful


Primarily fish and squid
Bivalve mollusks


Ranges from subarctic to tropical waters
Cold waters of the Arctic Ocean

Compare with Definitions

Sea Lion

Belongs to the eared seal family, Otariidae.
Sea Lions are distinguished from true seals by their ear flaps.


Recognized by its whiskered face used for detecting food.
The Walrus uses its whiskers to find mollusks on the ocean floor.

Sea Lion

Predominantly feeds on fish and squid.
Sea Lions often dive deep to catch their prey.


Inhabits cold Arctic Ocean waters.
The Walrus is well-suited to the frigid temperatures of the Arctic.

Sea Lion

Known for its playful nature and barking sounds.
The Sea Lion entertained the crowd with its playful antics.


Member of the Odobenidae family.
The Walrus is the only living member of its family.

Sea Lion

Utilizes long front flippers for agile swimming.
The Sea Lion gracefully glided through the water.


A large marine mammal with prominent tusks.
The child was amazed at the size and tusks of the Walrus.

Sea Lion

A marine mammal with external ear flaps.
The child was excited to see a Sea Lion for the first time.


Gathers in large groups on ice floes.
During migration, a Walrus group can occupy vast stretches of ice.


A large marine mammal (Odobenus rosmarus) of Arctic regions, related to the seals and having two long tusks, tough wrinkled skin, and four flippers.


A large Arctic marine mammal related to seals and having long tusks, tough, wrinkled skin, and four flippers, Odobenus rosmarus.


A man with a walrus moustache.


To hunt walruses


To be like a walrus


To move dragging one's belly along the floor


To hang like a walrus's moustache


To be prominent, like tusks


A very large marine mammal (Trichecus rosmarus) of the Seal family, native of the Arctic Ocean. The male has long and powerful tusks descending from the upper jaw. It uses these in procuring food and in fighting. It is hunted for its oil, ivory, and skin. It feeds largely on mollusks. Called also morse.


Either of two large northern marine mammals having ivory tusks and tough hide over thick blubber

Common Curiosities

Are Sea Lions social animals?

Yes, Sea Lions are social and often seen in large, noisy groups.

Do Sea Lions have external ears?

Yes, Sea Lions have visible external ear flaps, distinguishing them from true seals.

What is the most distinguishing feature of a Walrus?

The most distinguishing feature of a Walrus is its prominent tusks.

What do Walruses eat?

Walruses predominantly feed on bivalve mollusks.

What is the primary family of the Sea Lion?

Sea Lions belong to the Otariidae family, known as eared seals.

How do Sea Lions swim?

Sea Lions use their long front flippers for agile swimming.

What is the primary diet of a Sea Lion?

Sea Lions predominantly feed on fish and squid.

Where do Walruses primarily live?

Walruses primarily inhabit the cold waters of the Arctic Ocean.

Do Walruses have a whiskered face?

Yes, Walruses have a whiskered face, which helps them detect food on the ocean floor.

Are Walruses social like Sea Lions?

Yes, Walruses are social and often gather in large groups, especially on ice floes.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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