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Secondry vs. Secondary — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 26, 2024
"Secondry" is an incorrect spelling. "Secondary" is the correct spelling, meaning coming after the primary or main thing.
Secondry vs. Secondary — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Secondry or Secondary

How to spell Secondary?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Picture a secondary school, remembering the full spelling.
Remember that "second" has the word "second" in it; ensure it's complete before adding "ary."
Associate "second" with "time" and remember time has a full "second."
Think of "second" then just add "ary" to the end.
Think of "primary" and "secondary" – both end with "ary."

How Do You Spell Secondary Correctly?

Incorrect: The secondry effects of the medication were quite severe.
Correct: The secondary effects of the medication were quite severe.
Incorrect: My secondry email address is used less frequently.
Correct: My secondary email address is used less frequently.
Incorrect: She is in her secondry year of high school.
Correct: She is in her secondary year of high school.
Incorrect: This issue is of secondry importance compared to the other issues we're facing.
Correct: This issue is of secondary importance compared to the other issues we're facing.
Incorrect: The secondry source provided a different perspective on the event.
Correct: The secondary source provided a different perspective on the event.

Secondary Definitions

Less important than or subsequent to the primary.
His main concern is hiking; photography is secondary.
Not directly derived from the primary source.
The secondary sources provided a different perspective.
Relating to or denoting electric current induced by a primary source.
The transformer steps down the secondary voltage.
Second or lower in rank or importance; not primary
Concerns that are secondary.
Following what is first in time or sequence
Secondary fermentation.
Of or relating to secondary schools.
Derived from what is primary or original
Literary criticism viewed as secondary to literature itself.
Not immediate or direct
A secondary source of information.
Of, relating to, or being the shorter flight feathers projecting along the inner edge of a bird's wing.
(Electricity) Having an induced current that is generated by an inductively coupled primary. Used of a circuit or coil.
Relating to, or having a carbon atom that is attached to two other carbon atoms in a molecule.
Relating to the replacement of two of several atoms or groups in a compound, such as an amine in which two valences of the functional group are taken by carbon atoms.
(Geology) Produced from another mineral by decay or alteration.
Of or relating to a secondary color or colors.
Being a degree of health care intermediate between primary care and tertiary care, as that typically offered at a community hospital.
(Botany) Of, relating to, or derived from a lateral meristem, especially a cambium.
One that acts in an auxiliary, subordinate, or inferior capacity.
One of the shorter flight feathers projecting along the inner edge of a bird's wing.
(Electricity) A coil or circuit having an induced current.
(Astronomy) A celestial body that orbits another; a satellite.
The dimmer star of a binary star.
A secondary color.
(Football) The defensive backfield.
Next in order to the first or primary; of second place in origin, rank, etc.
Originating from a deputy or delegated person or body
The work of secondary hands
(organic chemistry) Derived from a parent compound by replacement of two atoms of hydrogen by organic radicals
(geology) Produced by alteration or deposition subsequent to the formation of the original rock mass.
(geology) Developed by pressure or other causes.
Secondary cleavage
(anatomy) Pertaining to the second joint of the wing of a bird.
(medicine) Dependent or consequent upon another disease, or occurring in the second stage of a disease.
Bright's disease is often secondary to scarlet fever.
The secondary symptoms of syphilis
Of less than primary importance.
A secondary issue
(education) Related to secondary education, i.e. schooling between the ages of (approximately) 11 and 18.
(manufacturing) Relating to the manufacture of goods from raw materials.
(of a color) Formed by mixing primary colors.
Yellow is a secondary light color, though a primary CMYK color.
Representing a reversion to an ancestral state.
(ornithology) Any flight feather attached to the ulna (forearm) of a bird.
(aviation) A radar return generated by the response of an aircraft's transponder to an interrogation signal broadcast by a radar installation, containing additional encoded identification and situational data not available from a simple primary return.
(military) The second stage of a multistage thermonuclear weapon, which generates a fusion explosion when imploded as an indirect result of the fission explosion of the primary, and which, in a few extremely large weapons, itself implodes a fusion tertiary.
(finance) An act of issuing more stock by an already publicly traded corporation.
The defensive backs.
(electronics) An inductive coil or loop that is magnetically powered by a primary in a transformer or similar.
One who occupies a subordinate or auxiliary place; a delegate deputy.
The secondary, or undersheriff, of the city of London
(astronomy) A secondary circle.
(astronomy) A satellite.
(education) A secondary school.
There are four secondaries in this district, each with several thousand pupils.
Anything secondary or of lesser importance.
Succeeding next in order to the first; of second place, origin, rank, etc.; not primary; subordinate; not of the first order or rate.
Wheresoever there is moral right on the one hand, no secondary right can discharge it.
Two are the radical differences; the secondary differences are as four.
Acting by deputation or delegated authority; as, the work of secondary hands.
Possessing some quality, or having been subject to some operation (as substitution), in the second degree; as, a secondary salt, a secondary amine, etc. Cf. primary.
Subsequent in origin; - said of minerals produced by alteration or deposition subsequent to the formation of the original rock mass; also of characters of minerals (as secondary cleavage, etc.) developed by pressure or other causes.
Pertaining to the second joint of the wing of a bird.
Dependent or consequent upon another disease; as, Bright's disease is often secondary to scarlet fever.
One who occupies a subordinate, inferior, or auxiliary place; a delegate or deputy; one who is second or next to the chief officer; as, the secondary, or undersheriff of the city of London.
Old Escalus . . . is thy secondary.
A secondary circle.
A secondary quill.
The defensive football players who line up behind the linemen
Coil such that current is induced in it by passing a current through the primary coil
Of second rank or importance or value; not direct or immediate;
The stone will be hauled to a secondary crusher
A secondary source
A secondary issue
Secondary streams
Inferior in rank or status;
The junior faculty
A lowly corporal
Petty officialdom
A subordinate functionary
Depending on or incidental to what is original or primary;
A secondary infection
Not of major importance;
Played a secondary role in world events
Belonging to a lower class or rank
Relating to the second stage in a process.
Secondary processing of raw materials can add value to them.
Involving or relating to secondary schools.
He's a secondary school teacher.

Secondary Meaning in a Sentence

In high school, students often focus on their secondary education.
Secondary colors are created by mixing primary colors together.
His interest in painting started as a hobby but soon became a secondary career.
Secondary roads can lead to unexpected and beautiful places.
The secondary characters in a book can be as interesting as the protagonist.
She uses her secondary email for all her online shopping.
In many cultures, family considerations are secondary to career ambitions.
Secondary education is crucial for building a solid foundation for future success.
The writer's secondary motive was to raise awareness about environmental issues.
In the art class, we learned how to mix primary colors to create secondary colors.
The secondary effects of climate change are often overlooked.
She found a secondary use for the empty cans as planters.
The secondary benefits of regular exercise include improved mood and sleep.
His opinions are secondary to the facts of the case.
They opted for a secondary inspection to ensure quality.
The documentary featured interviews with both primary and secondary sources.
The survey revealed that safety was the secondary concern for most travelers.
Maintaining a healthy diet is secondary to him compared to his exercise regimen.
Secondary market tickets for the concert were incredibly expensive.
In this recipe, the spices are secondary to the fresh ingredients.
The character's secondary storyline added depth to the movie.
His secondary role in the company involves managing the IT department.
The secondary entrance is used for deliveries and service personnel.
After the primary objective is achieved, we will focus on the secondary goals.
The secondary analysis showed trends that were not initially apparent.

Common Curiosities

What is the root word of secondary?

The root word of "secondary" is "second."

What is the pronunciation of secondary?

The pronunciation of "secondary" is /ˈsɛk.ən.der.i/.

What is the verb form of secondary?

"Secondary" is an adjective and does not have a verb form.

Which vowel is used before secondary?

The vowels "e", "o", and "a" are used in "secondary."

Why is it called secondary?

It is called "secondary" because it denotes a position or importance that comes after the primary.

What is the singular form of secondary?

"Secondary" itself is in singular form.

Which preposition is used with secondary?

Any preposition can be used with "secondary" depending on the context, such as "to," "of," "in," etc.

Which conjunction is used with secondary?

Any conjunction can be used with "secondary," such as "and," "but," or "or."

Is secondary a noun or adjective?

"Secondary" is primarily used as an adjective but can also be a noun in certain contexts.

What is the plural form of secondary?

There isn't a standard plural form for "secondary" as it's typically used as an adjective. However, in contexts where it might be used as a noun (e.g., "secondaries"), plural forms can exist.

Is secondary an abstract noun?

In some contexts, "secondary" can be used as an abstract noun, such as in "the secondary of the transformer."

Is secondary a collective noun?

No, "secondary" is not a collective noun.

What is the opposite of secondary?

The opposite of "secondary" is "primary."

What is a stressed syllable in secondary?

The stressed syllable is "sec."

What part of speech is secondary?

"Secondary" is primarily an adjective but can also be a noun in certain contexts.

Which determiner is used with secondary?

Any determiner like "the," "this," "that," etc., can be used with "secondary" depending on the context.

Which article is used with secondary?

Both definite ("the") and indefinite ("a" or "an") articles can be used with "secondary."

How many syllables are in secondary?

There are four syllables in "secondary."

How do we divide secondary into syllables?

"Secondary" is divided as "sec-ond-ar-y."

What is the first form of secondary?

"Secondary" doesn't have verb forms as it is primarily an adjective.

What is the second form of secondary?

"Secondary" doesn't have verb forms.

What is the third form of secondary?

"Secondary" doesn't have verb forms.

Is secondary an adverb?

No, "secondary" is not an adverb.

Is secondary a negative or positive word?

"Secondary" is neutral; its connotation depends on the context.

Is secondary a vowel or consonant?

"Secondary" is a word consisting of both vowels and consonants.

Is secondary a countable noun?

When used as a noun, it can be countable in specific contexts.

Is the secondary term a metaphor?

On its own, it's not a metaphor but can be used metaphorically in certain contexts.

Is the word secondary imperative?

No, "secondary" is not imperative.

What is another term for secondary?

Another term for "secondary" can be "subsidiary."

How is secondary used in a sentence?

"Secondary" is used as follows: "While he loves music, his secondary passion is painting."

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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