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Secret vs. Secrecy — What's the Difference?

By Fiza Rafique & Maham Liaqat — Updated on May 3, 2024
Secret involves information intentionally kept hidden; secrecy is the practice or state of keeping secrets or maintaining privacy.
Secret vs. Secrecy — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Secret and Secrecy


Key Differences

A secret is a specific piece of information that is intentionally kept hidden from one or more people, often to protect that information from being known widely. Whereas, secrecy is a broader concept that refers to the practice or state of keeping secrets or maintaining privacy in general.
The nature of a secret can be something tangible like a hidden document, or intangible like a planned surprise. On the other hand, secrecy is a condition or behavior aimed at hiding information, regardless of its nature.
Secrets can exist temporarily and may be disclosed over time as deemed necessary by the keeper. In contrast, secrecy is often a continuous state that seeks to permanently protect information or intentions.
Secrets are often shared within a limited group of people, for purposes such as strategic advantage or personal confidentiality. Secrecy, however, encompasses the overall environment or system that facilitates the keeping of secrets.
While a secret is typically an isolated piece of information, secrecy can be seen as a cultural or organizational policy, impacting how information is managed and shared on a broader scale.

Comparison Chart


Specific information kept hidden
Practice or state of keeping secrets


Can be tangible or intangible
Generally a behavior or condition


Often temporary
Can be a continuous state


Limited to certain individuals
Affects broader information management

Organizational Impact

Often isolated cases
Can be a systemic policy

Compare with Definitions


Information not disclosed to everyone.
She kept the recipe a secret from her competitors.


The practice of keeping secrets.
The organization maintained strict secrecy about its deals.


Hidden or concealed knowledge.
The mechanic discovered a secret flaw in the engine design.


A state in which information is kept hidden.
The research was conducted under complete secrecy.


Something that is meant to be unknown to the public.
The agent carried details of the secret mission.


The condition of being secret or confidential.
Secrecy was essential for their plan to succeed.


Private or confidential matter.
He shared a secret with his friend under strict confidence.


Behavioral strategy to protect information.
They used secrecy to avoid media leaks.


Exclusive information limited to a select group.
The board members were privy to several company secrets.


An environment that promotes confidentiality.
The council operated in an atmosphere of secrecy.


Not known or seen or not meant to be known or seen by others
How did you guess I'd got a secret plan?
The resupply effort was probably kept secret from Congress


Secrecy is the practice of hiding information from certain individuals or groups who do not have the "need to know", perhaps while sharing it with other individuals. That which is kept hidden is known as the secret.


Something that is kept or meant to be kept unknown or unseen by others
A state secret
At first I tried to keep it a secret from my wife


The quality or condition of being secret or hidden; concealment
Work done in secrecy.


Kept hidden from knowledge or view; concealed
A secret identity.
A secret passageway.


The practice or habit of keeping secrets
Swore him to secrecy.


Not expressed; inward
Secret desires.


Concealment; the condition of being secret or hidden.
I was sworn to secrecy.


Given to keeping one's thoughts and activities unknown to others; secretive
"Scrooge ... was secret, and self-contained, and solitary as an oyster" (Charles Dickens).


The habit of keeping secrets.


Not revealing a secret or not given to revealing secrets
"She boasted ... that he did tell her. But he didn't. He was secret as the grave" (Ruth Prawer Jhabvala).


The state or quality of being hidden; as, his movements were detected in spite of their secrecy.
The Lady Anne,Whom the king hath in secrecy long married.


Operating in a hidden or confidential manner
A secret commission.
A secret agent.


That which is concealed; a secret.


Containing information, the unauthorized disclosure of which poses a grave threat to national security.


Seclusion; privacy; retirement.


Not much visited; secluded
A secret hiding place.


The quality of being secretive; fidelity to a secret; forbearance of disclosure or discovery.
It is not with public as with private prayer; in this, rather secrecy is commanded than outward show.


Known or shared only by the initiated
Secret rites.


The trait of keeping things secret


Beyond ordinary understanding; mysterious
"like Pan, calling out with his flute to come join in on the secret chaos of the world" (Rick Bass).


The condition of being concealed or hidden


Something that is kept out of the knowledge or sight of others or is known only to oneself or a few
Wanted to have no secrets between them.


Something that remains beyond understanding or explanation; a mystery
Unlocking the secrets of the atom.


A method or formula for doing or making something well, especially when not widely known
The secret of this dish is in the sauce.


Secret A variable prayer said after the Offertory and before the Preface in the Mass.


(countable) A piece of knowledge that is hidden and intended to be kept hidden.
"Can you keep a secret?" "Yes." "So can I."


The key or principle by which something is made clear; the knack.
The secret to a long-lasting marriage is compromise.


Something not understood or known.


(uncountable) Private seclusion.
The work was done in secret, so that nobody could object.


The genital organs.


(historical) A form of steel skullcap.


Any prayer spoken inaudibly and not aloud; especially, one of the prayers in the Mass, immediately following the "orate, fratres", said inaudibly by the celebrant.


Being or kept hidden.
We went down a secret passage.


(obsolete) Withdrawn from general intercourse or notice; in retirement or secrecy; secluded.


(obsolete) Faithful to a secret; not inclined to divulge or betray confidence; secretive, separate, apart.


(obsolete) Separate; distinct.


(transitive) To make or keep secret.


(transitive) To hide secretly.
He was so scared for his safety he secreted arms around the house.


Hidden; concealed; as, secret treasure; secret plans; a secret vow.
The secret things belong unto the Lord our God; but those things which are revealed belong unto us.


Withdrawn from general intercourse or notice; in retirement or secrecy; secluded.
There, secret in her sapphire cell,He with the Naïs wont to dwell.


Faithful to a secret; not inclined to divulge or betray confidence; secretive.
Secret Romans, that have spoke the word,And will not palter.


Separate; distinct.
They suppose two other divine hypostases superior thereunto, which were perfectly secret from matter.


Something studiously concealed; a thing kept from general knowledge; what is not revealed, or not to be revealed.
To tell our own secrets is often folly; to communicate those of others is treachery.


A thing not discovered; what is unknown or unexplained; a mystery.
All secrets of the deep, all nature's works.


The parts which modesty and propriety require to be concealed; the genital organs.
Bread eaten in secret is pleasant.


To keep secret.


Something that should remain hidden from others (especially information that is not to be passed on);
The combination to the safe was a secret
He tried to keep his drinking a secret


Information known only to a special group;
The secret of Cajun cooking


Something that baffles understanding and cannot be explained;
How it got out is a mystery
It remains one of nature's secrets


Not open or public; kept private or not revealed;
A secret formula
Secret ingredients
Secret talks


Conducted with or marked by hidden aims or methods;
Clandestine intelligence operations
Cloak-and-dagger activities behind enemy lines
Hole-and-corner intrigue
Secret missions
A secret agent
Secret sales of arms
Surreptitious mobilization of troops
An undercover investigation
Underground resistance


Not openly made known;
A secret marriage
A secret bride


Communicated covertly;
Their a secret signal was a wink
Secret messages


Not expressed;
Secret (or private) thoughts


Designed to elude detection;
A hidden room or place of concealment such as a priest hole
A secret passage
The secret compartment in the desk


Hidden from general view or use;
A privy place to rest and think
A secluded romantic spot
A secret garden


(of information) given in confidence or in secret;
Closet information
This arrangement must be kept confidential
Their secret communications


Indulging only covertly;
A closet alcoholic
Closet liberals


Having an import not apparent to the senses nor obvious to the intelligence; beyond ordinary understanding;
Mysterious symbols
The mystical style of Blake
Occult lore
The secret learning of the ancients


The next to highest level of official classification for documents

Common Curiosities

Is secrecy always intentional?

Yes, secrecy involves intentional efforts to keep information hidden.

Can a secret become public?

Yes, secrets can be disclosed over time, depending on the keeper's decision.

How does one maintain secrecy effectively?

Through measures like nondisclosure agreements and minimal information sharing.

How does secrecy affect organizations?

It influences how information is managed and shared, potentially impacting transparency and trust.

What is an example of practicing secrecy?

A company not disclosing upcoming product features until the official launch.

How can secrecy be harmful?

It can foster distrust and hinder open communication.

What is the difference between a secret and secrecy?

A secret is specific information kept hidden, while secrecy refers to the practice or state of keeping secrets.

What is an example of a secret?

A planned surprise party for a friend.

Does secrecy have to involve important information?

Not necessarily; it can pertain to any information deemed necessary to keep confidential.

Why do people keep secrets?

For reasons ranging from personal privacy to strategic advantage.

How do secrets differ in personal and professional contexts?

Personal secrets often relate to private life, whereas professional secrets concern business operations.

What are common methods used to breach secrecy?

Methods include hacking, unauthorized disclosures, or espionage.

Is it possible to have secrecy without secrets?

No, as secrecy inherently involves the existence of secrets.

What roles do secrets and secrecy play in government?

They are crucial for national security and diplomatic relations.

Can keeping a secret be ethically justified?

Yes, especially if it protects privacy or prevents harm.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Maham Liaqat

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