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Seldom vs. Sometimes — What's the Difference?

By Fiza Rafique & Maham Liaqat — Updated on April 8, 2024
Seldom emphasizes rarity in occurrence, while sometimes highlights occasional frequency.
Seldom vs. Sometimes — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Seldom and Sometimes


Key Differences

Seldom refers to an event or occurrence that happens infrequently or rarely. It implies a lower frequency and is often used to describe things that are not common. Whereas, sometimes indicates that an event happens occasionally or at certain times, without a specific pattern but with greater frequency than seldom.
Seldom is used to highlight the scarcity or rarity of an event, suggesting that it hardly ever occurs. On the other hand, sometimes is more neutral and is used to indicate that an event occurs with some regularity, though not consistently or frequently.
In terms of usage, seldom might carry a more formal or literary tone compared to sometimes. Sometimes is more commonly used in everyday language, reflecting a casual or neutral tone.
The choice between seldom and sometimes can significantly alter the perceived frequency of an event. Using seldom suggests that the event is almost notable for its absence, whereas using sometimes leaves room for the event to be part of a normal, albeit irregular, occurrence.
While seldom is often associated with a sense of surprise or emphasis when something rare happens, sometimes is used to convey a sense of normalcy or expectation for irregular occurrences.

Comparison Chart


Very low, almost rare
Moderate, occasionally


Implies rarity and exception
Neutral, implies irregularity but more frequent than seldom

Usage Tone

More formal, literary
More casual, everyday


Almost notable for its absence
Part of normal, albeit irregular, occurrences


"He seldom visits."
"She sometimes goes jogging in the morning."

Compare with Definitions


It indicates an uncommon occurrence or event.
Seldom do we see such a clear night sky in the city.


Indicates occurrences at various intervals, not consistently.
Sometimes, the network goes down for maintenance.


Highlights the low frequency of occurrence.
He seldom makes mistakes, but when he does, he admits them.


Used to describe an action or event that does not occur consistently.
Sometimes, I prefer to stay in rather than going out.


Seldom refers to something happening on a rare or infrequent basis.
He seldom eats out, preferring homemade meals.


Refers to something happening at irregular intervals.
Sometimes, she takes a different route to work for a change of scenery.


Used to emphasize the rarity of an action or event.
She seldom calls, usually preferring to text.


Implies happening at certain times but not regularly.
He likes to cook sometimes, especially on weekends.


Not often; infrequently or rarely. See Usage Note at rarely.


Similar to occasionally, but with a slight emphasis on the randomness of occurrence.
She finds herself missing home sometimes.


Infrequent; rare
One of my seldom visits to the area.


At times; now and then.


Infrequently, rarely.
They seldom come here now.


(Obsolete) At some previous time; formerly.


(archaic) Rare; infrequent.


On certain occasions, or in certain circumstances, but not always.
Sometimes I sit and think, but mostly I just sit.


Rarely; not often; not frequently.
Wisdom and youth are seldom joined in one.


(obsolete) On a certain occasion in the past; once.


Rare; infrequent.


(obsolete) Former; sometime.


Not often;
We rarely met


Formerly; sometime.
That fair and warlike formIn which the majesty of buried DenmarkDid sometimes march.


Implies barely or almost not happening.
They seldom agree on anything, making decisions difficult.


At times; at intervals; not always; now and then; occasionally.
It is good that we sometimes be contradicted.


Former; sometime.
Thy sometimes brother's wife.


On certain occasions or in certain cases but not always;
Sometimes she wished she were back in England
Sometimes her photography is breathtaking
Sometimes they come for a month; at other times for six months

Common Curiosities

What does seldom mean?

Seldom refers to an occurrence that happens rarely or infrequently.

How is sometimes different from seldom?

Sometimes indicates occurrences at irregular intervals, more frequently than seldom, which implies rarity.

What kind of events are typically described as seldom?

Events that are rare or almost never happen are described as seldom.

Is seldom used more in formal or informal language?

Seldom is often considered more formal or literary compared to sometimes.

Can seldom and sometimes be used interchangeably?

They cannot be directly interchanged due to differences in frequency they imply, with seldom being much less frequent than sometimes.

Can something happen sometimes but not seldom?

Yes, if it occurs with some regularity or occasionally, it is described as sometimes, not seldom.

What does it imply if an event is seldom observed?

It implies that the event is rare, notable for its lack or absence.

How does the usage of seldom affect the tone of a statement?

Using seldom can give a statement a more formal or emphasized tone regarding rarity.

Is sometimes considered neutral in terms of frequency?

Yes, sometimes is neutral, indicating that something occurs occasionally but not consistently.

Why might someone choose to use sometimes over seldom?

To indicate a moderate frequency or regularity of occurrence, suggesting something happens occasionally.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Maham Liaqat

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