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Servere vs. Severe — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on April 2, 2024
"Servere" is an incorrect spelling, while "Severe" is correct, referring to something intense or extreme.
Servere vs. Severe — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Servere or Severe

How to spell Severe?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Remember "Severe" has a similar structure to "sever" which means to cut off.
Associate "severe" with harsh conditions or seriousness.
Avoid the "server" trap; servers are in restaurants or computer rooms, not in describing intensity.
Think of severe weather: storms don't "serve"; they're severe.
Focus on "vere" which sounds like "veer" as in a sudden change in direction.

How Do You Spell Severe Correctly?

Incorrect: The drought led to servere shortages of water.
Correct: The drought led to severe shortages of water.
Incorrect: Her criticism was quite servere and took everyone by surprise.
Correct: Her criticism was quite severe and took everyone by surprise.
Incorrect: The storm has servere implications for the coastal area.
Correct: The storm has severe implications for the coastal area.
Incorrect: The teacher gave a servere warning to the class about cheating.
Correct: The teacher gave a severe warning to the class about cheating.
Incorrect: His injuries were servere, requiring immediate medical attention.
Correct: His injuries were severe, requiring immediate medical attention.

Severe Definitions

"Severe" can refer to strict or harsh in manner or attitude.
The teacher was severe with students who arrived late.
"Severe" can describe something serious or grave in nature.
The patient is in severe pain.
"Severe" might refer to demanding great skill, ability, or resilience.
It's a severe test of one's abilities.
"Severe" can denote rigorous or strictly maintained.
The army has severe discipline.
"Severe" indicates something that is very great; intense.
The region experienced severe drought.
Unsparing, harsh, or strict, as in treatment of others
A severe critic.
Marked by or requiring strict adherence to rigorous standards or high principles
A severe code of behavior.
Stern or forbidding, as in manner or appearance
Spoke in a severe voice.
Extremely plain in substance or style
A severe black dress.
Causing great discomfort, damage, or distress
A severe pain.
A severe storm.
Very dangerous or harmful; grave or grievous
Severe mental illness.
Extremely difficult to perform or endure; trying
A severe test of our loyalty.
Very bad or intense.
Strict or harsh.
A severe taskmaster
Sober, plain in appearance, austere.
A severe old maiden aunt
Severe clothing
Serious in feeling or manner; sedate; grave; austere; not light, lively, or cheerful.
Your looks alter, as your subject does,From kind to fierce, from wanton to severe.
Very strict in judgment, discipline, or government; harsh; not mild or indulgent; rigorous; as, severe criticism; severe punishment.
Come! you are too severe a moraler.
Let your zeal, if it must be expressed in anger, be always more severe against thyself than against others.
Rigidly methodical, or adherent to rule or principle; exactly conformed to a standard; not allowing or employing unneccessary ornament, amplification, etc.; strict; - said of style, argument, etc.
The Latin, a most severe and compendious language.
Sharp; afflictive; distressing; violent; extreme; as, severe pain, anguish, fortune; severe cold.
Difficult to be endured; exact; critical; rigorous; as, a severe test.
Intensely or extremely bad or unpleasant in degree or quality;
Severe pain
A severe case of flu
A terrible cough
Under wicked fire from the enemy's guns
A wicked cough
Very strong or vigorous;
Strong winds
A hard left to the chin
A knockout punch
A severe blow
Severely simple;
A stark interior
Unsparing and uncompromising in discipline or judgment;
A parent severe to the pitch of hostility
A hefty six-footer with a rather severe mien
A strict disciplinarian
A Spartan upbringing
Causing fear or anxiety by threatening great harm;
A dangerous operation
A grave situation
A grave illness
Grievous bodily harm
A serious wound
A serious turn of events
A severe case of pneumonia
A life-threatening disease
Very bad in degree or extent;
A severe worldwide depression
The house suffered severe damage

Severe Meaning in a Sentence

She had a severe reaction to the medication.
The company is facing severe financial difficulties.
The earthquake caused severe damage to the city.
The exam was so severe that hardly anyone passed.
He is known for his severe discipline.
She received severe criticism for her latest work.
The winter this year is expected to be severe.
The drought has had a severe impact on agriculture.
The severe economic downturn affected many businesses.
The law imposes severe penalties for such offenses.
His severe manner can be intimidating.
Facing severe criticism, the author defended her book passionately.
The judge issued a severe sentence for the crime.
Patients with severe symptoms should seek immediate care.
The severe weather warning advised everyone to stay indoors.
Their relationship was strained by severe disagreements.
The severe shortage of supplies worsened the crisis.
In severe cases, surgery may be necessary.
The government took severe measures to control the outbreak.
After the accident, he was in severe pain.
The teacher's severe look was enough to silence the class.
The severe downturn in tourism has hit the local economy hard.
The region is known for its severe storms.
She has a severe allergy to nuts.
The severe landscape of the desert was both beautiful and daunting.

Severe Idioms & Phrases

Severe consequences

Serious repercussions as a result of an action.
They were warned of severe consequences if they broke the rules.

Under severe scrutiny

Being closely examined or critically observed.
His work is under severe scrutiny after the error was discovered.

Severe as a judge

To be very strict or harsh in judgment.
When it comes to plagiarism, she is as severe as a judge.

In severe need

In desperate or critical need of something.
The shelter is in severe need of donations.

Severe weather alert

A warning issued for potentially dangerous weather conditions.
A severe weather alert was issued for the coming storm.

Severe blow

A significant setback or defeat.
The team's loss was a severe blow to their championship hopes.

With severe penalties

With strict consequences for non-compliance.
The new law comes with severe penalties for violators.

Severe conditions

Extremely harsh or difficult environments.
The explorers faced severe conditions in the Arctic.

Severe criticism

Harsh disapproval or negative comments.
The proposal met with severe criticism from all sides.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called Severe?

The word "severe" is derived from Latin, meaning strict or stern, representing its meaning of intensity or extremity.

What is the pronunciation of Severe?

It's pronounced as /sɪˈvɪr/.

Which vowel is used before Severe?

The vowel "e" is used.

What is the root word of Severe?

The root word is derived from the Latin "severus."

What is the verb form of Severe?

The related verb is "sever."

What is the singular form of Severe?

"Severe" itself is singular.

Is Severe an abstract noun?


Is Severe a negative or positive word?

Typically negative, denoting harshness or extremity.

Which article is used with Severe?

Both "a" and "the" can be used.

Which conjunction is used with Severe?

Any conjunction can be used, e.g., "and," "or," "but."

Which preposition is used with Severe?

"In" can be used, as in "severe in criticism."

Is Severe a countable noun?

Not applicable; "severe" is not a noun.

Is the word “Severe” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Severe" can function as an adjective modifying a direct object.

What part of speech is Severe?

It's an adjective.

What is another term for Severe?

Harsh or extreme.

Which determiner is used with Severe?

"This," "that," "a," or "the," depending on context.

Is the word Severe imperative?


Is Severe a noun or adjective?

"Severe" is an adjective.

Is Severe a collective noun?


Is the Severe term a metaphor?

No, it's used literally.

How do we divide Severe into syllables?


What is a stressed syllable in Severe?

The second syllable, "vere."

What is the opposite of Severe?


Is Severe an adverb?


How many syllables are in Severe?

Two syllables.

How is Severe used in a sentence?

The storm brought severe damage to the coastal region.

Is Severe a vowel or consonant?

"Severe" is a word, not a single letter.

Is the word Severe a gerund?


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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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