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Severeal vs. Several — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on April 1, 2024
"Severeal" is an incorrect spelling. The correct spelling is "Several," denoting more than two but not many.
Severeal vs. Several — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Severeal or Several

How to spell Several?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Think of "severe" and note that "several" isn't an elongation of this word.
"Several" has two 'e's and one 'a', unlike "severeal" which has two 'e's followed by 'ea'.
Rhyme "several" with "level" to get the feel of the correct pronunciation.
Visualize the phrase "several levels" to cement the correct spelling.
Recall that "several" is like the combination of "seven" and "all," even though it doesn’t mean seven of something.

How Do You Spell Several Correctly?

Incorrect: He found severeal mistakes in the document.
Correct: He found several mistakes in the document.
Incorrect: We saw severeal birds during our hike in the forest.
Correct: We saw several birds during our hike in the forest.
Incorrect: I have severeal reasons for not attending the meeting.
Correct: I have several reasons for not attending the meeting.
Incorrect: They offered me severeal options to choose from.
Correct: They offered me several options to choose from.
Incorrect: She received severeal messages from her friends.
Correct: She received several messages from her friends.

Several Definitions

More than a few but not many.
He ate several cookies.
An undetermined number more than two.
Several people attended the event.
Combining or involving more than one.
Several factors contributed to the success.
Being of a number more than two or three but not many
Several miles away.
Respectively different; various
They parted and went their several ways.
(Law) Regarded as separate, especially with regard to tort liability or legal obligation, such that each individual involved is fully responsible for the liability or obligation.
(Archaic) Single; distinct
"Pshaw! said I, with an air of carelessness, three several times" (Laurence Sterne).
(obsolete) Separate, distinct; particular.
A number of different; various.
(law) Separable, capable of being treated separately.
Consisting of a number more than two but not very many.
Several cars were in the parking lot.
They had many journals. I subscribed to several.
Several of the members were absent.
By itself; severally.
(obsolete) An area of land in private ownership (as opposed to common land).
Each particular taken singly; an item; a detail; an individual. en
(archaic) An enclosed or separate place; enclosure. en
(archaic) A woman's loose outer garment, capable of being worn as a shawl, or in other forms.
Separate; distinct; particular; single.
Each several ship a victory did gain.
Each might his several province well command,Would all but stoop to what they understand.
Diverse; different; various.
Habits and faculties, several, and to be distinguished.
Four several armies to the field are led.
Consisting of a number more than two, but not very many; divers; sundry; as, several persons were present when the event took place.
Each particular taken singly; an item; a detail; an individual.
There was not time enough to hear . . . The severals.
Persons oe objects, more than two, but not very many.
Several of them neither rose from any conspicuous family, nor left any behind them.
An inclosed or separate place; inclosure.
They had their several for heathen nations, their several for the people of their own nation.
Considered individually;
The respective club members
Specialists in their several fields
The various reports all agreed
Distinct and individual;
Three several times
(used with count nouns) of an indefinite number more than 2 or 3 but not many;
Several letters came in the mail
Several people were injured in the accident
Existing independently of each other.
The reasons are several.
Separate or distinct.
I spoke to several members of the team.

Several Meaning in a Sentence

The book was divided into several sections.
Several students volunteered to help with the project.
She had several pieces of cake at the party.
He checked the map several times to make sure we were on the right path.
During the trip, we visited several historic sites.
Several birds were seen flying south for the winter.
She found several good recipes on the internet for the dinner party.
I've told you several times not to leave your toys on the floor.
Several people were waiting for the bus when it started to rain.
I need to make several phone calls before noon.
After several tries, she finally managed to unlock the door.
The movie received several awards for its outstanding performance.
They went on several rides at the amusement park.
He made several attempts before successfully starting the engine.
The teacher asked several questions to test the students' understanding.
I've read this book several times, and I discover something new each time.
Several guests commented on how beautiful the wedding was.
The gardener planted several new flowers in the garden.
We had several discussions before coming to a decision.
Several factors contributed to the success of the event.

Several Idioms & Phrases

Several times over

To do something many times.
He read the letter several times over to make sure he understood it completely.

Several of which

Used to introduce a specific subset of items from a larger group.
She suggested several solutions, several of which were quite innovative.

Several and varied

Describing a group that is both numerous and diverse.
The reasons for his decision were several and varied.

One of several

Being a single part of a larger group or number.
This is just one of several examples where the theory can be applied.

On several occasions

Happening many times at different times.
On several occasions, I've seen deer in the backyard at dawn.

Cut across several

To affect or apply to multiple areas or categories.
The new policy will cut across several departments within the company.

Spread over several

Distributed across a number of different times, places, or things.
The festival is spread over several weekends in the summer.

Common Curiosities

What is the pronunciation of Several?

Several is pronounced as /ˈsɛvərəl/.

Why is it called Several?

The word "several" originates from the Anglo-French "several," meaning "separate," which is derived from the Medieval Latin word "separalis."

What is the verb form of Several?

"Several" is an adjective and does not have a verb form.

Which vowel is used before Several?

The vowel "e" is used before the final '-ral' in "several."

What is the root word of Several?

The root word is the Medieval Latin "separalis."

Which conjunction is used with Several?

Any conjunction such as "and" or "but" can be used with "several," depending on the sentence.

What is the singular form of Several?

"Several" does not have a singular or plural form as it denotes quantity.

Which preposition is used with Several?

The preposition used with "several" varies by context. For instance, "of" can be used as in "several of the students."

Is the Several term a metaphor?

No, "several" is not typically used as a metaphor.

Is Several an adverb?

No, "several" is not an adverb.

Is Several a countable noun?

"Several" is not a noun; it's an adjective.

What part of speech is Several?

"Several" is an adjective.

What is another term for Several?

Another term could be "a few."

Which determiner is used with Several?

"Several" itself can act as a determiner.

What is the plural form of Several?

"Several" itself indicates plurality, so it doesn't have a distinct plural form.

Is Several a vowel or consonant?

"Several" is a word that contains both vowels and consonants.

Is the word Several imperative?

No, "several" is not in the imperative form.

Is the word Several a Gerund?

No, "several" is not a gerund.

How do we divide Several into syllables?


What is the opposite of Several?

The opposite might be "none" or "singular."

Which article is used with Several?

Typically, no article is used before "several" as it indicates a non-specific quantity.

Is Several a noun or adjective?

"Several" is primarily an adjective, though it can also be used as a pronoun.

Is Several a negative or positive word?

"Several" is neutral; it doesn’t inherently carry a positive or negative connotation.

How is Several used in a sentence?

"There are several books on the table."

Is Several an abstract noun?

No, "several" is not an abstract noun.

How many syllables are in Several?

"Several" has three syllables.

What is a stressed syllable in Several?

The first syllable "Sev" is stressed in "several."

What is the second form of Several?

"Several" does not have verb forms.

Is Several a collective noun?

No, "several" is not a collective noun.

Is the word “Several” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Several" is neither a direct nor an indirect object. It is primarily an adjective.

What is the first form of Several?

"Several" does not have verb forms. Its primary form is the adjective "several."

What is the third form of Several?

"Several" does not have verb forms.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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