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Shipping vs. Shipment — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman & Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 21, 2024
Shipping refers to the process of transporting goods from one location to another, while shipment is the cargo itself or the act of sending goods via various modes of transport.
Shipping vs. Shipment — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Shipping and Shipment


Key Differences

Shipping is an overarching term that encompasses the entire process involved in the movement of goods, including the planning, handling, and transportation stages. It can involve various modes of transport, such as sea, air, land, or a combination of these. Shipment, on the other hand, specifically refers to a batch of goods being sent from one place to another or the act of sending these goods. It is a term often used to denote the cargo itself or the instance of dispatch.
The concept of shipping includes a wide array of activities beyond the mere transportation of goods. It covers logistics, such as the selection of carriers, route planning, packaging standards, and the handling of customs and regulations for international transport. Shipment focuses more narrowly on the package or packages being transported, emphasizing the content and the act of dispatch rather than the entire logistical process.
In terms of usage, "shipping" can also refer to the charges or costs associated with transporting goods, and it is often used in a broader business context to discuss the delivery aspects of services and products. "Shipment" is typically used to refer to a specific set of goods being sent together, and it is common in tracking and inventory management to identify and differentiate between batches of goods.
The duration of shipping can vary widely depending on the distance, mode of transportation, and logistics involved. It can range from overnight deliveries to weeks or even months for international freight. The size and scale of a shipment can also vary, from small parcels to large containers, and the term does not inherently indicate the size or weight of the cargo.
Both terms are integral to the commerce and logistics sectors, with shipping playing a crucial role in the strategic planning of how goods are moved efficiently and effectively. Shipment provides a focus on the tangible aspect of what is being moved, allowing for tracking, management, and accountability in the transportation process.

Comparison Chart


The process of transporting goods
The cargo sent or the act of sending goods


Entire logistical process
Specific batch of goods or the dispatch act

Activities Included

Planning, handling, transporting, and tracking
Dispatching and identifying cargo

Usage Context

Broad business and logistics discussions
Tracking, inventory management, and documentation


Can refer to costs associated with transport
Typically does not refer to costs directly

Duration and Scale

Varies by distance, mode, and logistics
Varies by content size and transport method

Sector Relevance

Integral to commerce and strategic logistics
Important for cargo tracking and management

Compare with Definitions


Can refer to the transport costs.
The company offers free shipping for orders over $50.


Used in tracking and inventory contexts.
The shipment tracking number helps customers know their order status.


The process of moving goods from origin to destination.
Global shipping routes are crucial for international trade.


Focuses on the cargo or act of dispatch.
The latest shipment contains seasonal merchandise.


Utilizes various modes of transportation.
The company uses air shipping for urgent deliveries.


Subject to customs and regulations in international transport.
The shipment was delayed due to customs clearance.


Involves logistical planning and coordination.
Efficient shipping strategies reduce costs and delivery times.


Can vary in size from parcels to containers.
The factory dispatched a large shipment of textiles.


Essential for supply chain management.
Effective shipping practices are key to maintaining inventory levels.


A batch of goods sent from one place to another.
The shipment of electronics arrived at the port yesterday.


The act or business of transporting goods.


The action of shipping goods
Logs waiting for shipment


An amount charged for transporting goods.


The act or an instance of shipping goods.


The body of ships belonging to one port, industry, or country, often referred to in aggregate tonnage.


A quantity of goods or cargo that are shipped together.


Passage or transport on a ship.


A load of goods that is transported by any method (not just by ship)
We're expecting another shipment of oranges tomorrow.


The transportation of goods.


The act of transporting goods
Shipment of hazardous waste on this route is strictly prohibited.


The body of ships belonging to one nation, port or industry; ships collectively.


The act or process of shipping; as, he was engaged in the shipment of coal for London; an active shipment of wheat from the West.


Passage or transport on a ship.


That which is shipped.
The question is, whether the share of M. in the shipment is exempted from condemnation by reason of his neutral domicle.


The cost of sending an item or package via postal services.
The shipping is included in the quoted price.


Goods carried by a large vehicle




The act of sending off something


Present participle of ship


Relating to ships, their ownership, transfer, or employment; as, shiping concerns.


Relating to, or concerned in, the forwarding of goods; as, a shipping clerk.


The act of one who, or of that which, ships; as, the shipping of flour to Liverpool.


The collective body of ships in one place, or belonging to one port, country, etc.; vessels, generally; tonnage.




The commercial enterprise of transporting goods and materials


Conveyance provided by the ships belonging to one country or industry

Common Curiosities

What role does packaging play in shipping and shipments?

Packaging protects the shipment during transport, ensures safe delivery, and complies with carrier and regulatory requirements.

How do international regulations affect shipping and shipments?

International regulations impact shipping by setting standards for safety, customs, and environmental protection, which can affect the routing, documentation, and handling of shipments.

What are the environmental considerations of shipping?

Environmental considerations include reducing emissions, optimizing routes for fuel efficiency, and choosing sustainable packaging to minimize the ecological footprint of shipping and shipments.

How do businesses track their shipments?

Businesses use tracking numbers and systems provided by carriers to monitor the progress and location of their shipments in real-time.

What determines the shipping method for a shipment?

The shipping method is determined by factors like the shipment's size, weight, destination, cost considerations, and delivery time requirements.

Why is shipping important for e-commerce?

Shipping is critical for e-commerce as it directly affects delivery times, customer satisfaction, and overall logistics efficiency, influencing the buyer's shopping experience.

How does technology impact shipping and shipments?

Technology enhances shipping efficiency through route optimization, tracking systems, and automated logistics solutions, improving the management and delivery of shipments.

Can the terms shipping and shipment be used interchangeably?

While related, they are not interchangeable; shipping refers to the overall process, and shipment refers to the specific goods being transported.

What happens if a shipment is lost or damaged during shipping?

If a shipment is lost or damaged, the carrier or insurance may compensate the sender or recipient, depending on the terms of the shipping contract and insurance coverage.

Can individuals use shipping services for personal shipments?

Yes, individuals can use shipping services to send personal shipments, utilizing various carriers and services tailored to different needs and budgets.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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