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Short Ribs vs. Spare Ribs — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on December 29, 2023
Short Ribs come from the beef rib section while Spare Ribs are from the pork belly side. Both are prized for their rich flavor and tenderness.
Short Ribs vs. Spare Ribs — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Short Ribs and Spare Ribs


Key Differences

Short Ribs and Spare Ribs are both cherished cuts of meat, but they originate from different animals and parts. Short Ribs come from the beef rib section of a cow, typically consisting of a short portion of the rib bone, which is overlain by meat. Spare Ribs, on the other hand, come from the belly side of a pig's rib cage, closer to the sternum than the back.
Short Ribs, derived from beef, are characterized by their meaty appearance and are often cooked slowly to tenderize and bring out their deep, rich flavor. Spare Ribs, being from pork, are flatter and have more bone than meat compared to baby back ribs. They possess a delectable taste, especially when smoked or grilled.
When you’re at the butcher's shop, distinguishing between Short Ribs and Spare Ribs is quite straightforward due to their appearance. Short Ribs, being beefy, are usually chunkier and denser, often sold in thick blocks. In contrast, Spare Ribs are elongated and come in a rack, showcasing a curvature that fits the ribcage of the pig.
In culinary traditions, both Short Ribs and Spare Ribs have found their special places. While Short Ribs might be braised in a rich red wine sauce for hours, Spare Ribs might be marinated and then smoked or grilled to perfection. Both cuts, though different in origin and appearance, guarantee a flavorful and delightful experience when cooked right.

Comparison Chart

Animal Origin


Part of the Animal

Beef rib section.
Belly side of the pig's rib cage.


Chunky and dense.
Flatter, elongated, in a rack.

Cooking Method

Often braised.
Frequently smoked or grilled.

Bone to Meat Ratio

More meat relative to bone.
More bone relative to meat.

Compare with Definitions

Short Ribs

Chunky beef ribs ideal for braising.
The Short Ribs absorbed the wine sauce beautifully.

Spare Ribs

Elongated pork ribs in a rack form.
The marinade seeped into the Spare Ribs, making them juicy and flavorful.

Short Ribs

Meaty ribs from a cow.
The barbecue glaze gave the Short Ribs a delightful char.

Spare Ribs

Pork ribs from the belly side.
We smoked the Spare Ribs for hours, achieving a perfect smoky flavor.

Short Ribs

Dense beef ribs often sold in blocks.
I marinated the Short Ribs overnight for better flavor infusion.

Spare Ribs

Ribs with more bone than meat.
The Spare Ribs were tender, with the meat easily coming off the bone.

Short Ribs

Beef ribs cut from the rib section.
I slow-cooked the Short Ribs until they were fall-apart tender.

Spare Ribs

Ideal ribs for smoking or grilling.
The Spare Ribs, when smoked, had a mesmerizing aroma.

Short Ribs

Tender beef ribs when slow-cooked.
The Short Ribs melted in my mouth after hours in the oven.

Spare Ribs

Flatter pork ribs near the sternum.
Grilling gave the Spare Ribs those sought-after char marks.

Spare Ribs

Plural of|en|spare-rib}} ({{alternative form of spareribs).

Common Curiosities

How are Short Ribs commonly cooked?

Short Ribs are often braised or slow-cooked to achieve tenderness.

Where do Spare Ribs originate on the pig?

Spare Ribs come from the belly side of the pig's rib cage, near the sternum.

Are Spare Ribs and Baby Back Ribs the same?

No, Spare Ribs are flatter and have more bone, while Baby Back Ribs are meatier and curved.

Which has more meat, Short Ribs or Spare Ribs?

Short Ribs typically have more meat in proportion to the bone compared to Spare Ribs.

What's a popular method to cook Spare Ribs?

Spare Ribs are popularly smoked or grilled, especially in BBQ traditions.

Which ribs are beefy and dense?

Short Ribs are beefy and tend to be denser.

Do Short Ribs take longer to cook than Spare Ribs?

Generally, Short Ribs, especially when braised, might take longer than grilled Spare Ribs.

What are Short Ribs made from?

Short Ribs are made from the beef rib section of a cow.

Are Spare Ribs pork or beef?

Spare Ribs are pork.

Are Spare Ribs ideal for BBQ?

Yes, Spare Ribs are a favorite in BBQ due to their smoky flavor when grilled.

Can I substitute Short Ribs for Spare Ribs in recipes?

While both are ribs, they have distinct flavors and textures; it's best to use them as specified in recipes.

Can I make a stew with Short Ribs?

Absolutely, Short Ribs are often used in stews and braises for their rich flavor.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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