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Short Story vs. Novel — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on November 6, 2023
A Short Story is a brief work of fiction with a singular focus, while a Novel is a longer, detailed narrative exploring multiple themes and subplots.
Short Story vs. Novel — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Short Story and Novel


Key Differences

A Short Story and a Novel are both forms of narrative fiction, but they vary significantly in length and depth. A Short Story is concise, typically focusing on a single incident or character, providing a snapshot of life. In contrast, a Novel offers a more extended exploration of characters, settings, and themes.
While both a Short Story and a Novel aim to engage readers, the former does so with brevity, emphasizing a singular theme or emotion. The Novel, on the other hand, delves deeper, allowing for the development of multiple characters, intertwined subplots, and a vast setting.
The structure of a Short Story is often straightforward, aiming to evoke a specific emotion or realization in a short span. The Novel provides more flexibility, with intricate structures, varying pacing, and an opportunity to develop a world around the characters.
Writers choose a Short Story format when they wish to convey a message or emotion succinctly, without the commitment of extensive development. A Novel, being longer, requires a sustained effort, delving into the nuances of the narrative, characters, and the world they inhabit.
It's essential to recognize that while a Short Story might be brief, it isn't necessarily simpler. The challenge lies in conveying depth in limited words. A Novel, with its length, demands commitment from both the writer and the reader, guiding them through a more expansive journey.

Comparison Chart


Brief, often under 20,000 words.
Longer, typically over 40,000 words.


Singular incident or character.
Multiple characters, themes, and subplots.


Straightforward, limited scope.
Intricate with varied pacing.


Limited character and setting development.
Detailed character and setting development.


Evoke specific emotion or realization quickly.
Explore detailed narrative and themes.

Compare with Definitions

Short Story

A Short Story is a concise work of fiction.
Her Short Story captured the essence of a summer romance.


A Novel is a long narrative, typically exploring complex themes.
The Novel spanned generations, detailing a family's history.

Short Story

Short Stories provide snapshots of life, capturing moments.
His Short Story depicted the struggles of urban life beautifully.


Novels provide a deep exploration of human experiences.
The Novel delved into the psyche of its characters, exploring their deepest fears.

Short Story

The brevity of a Short Story emphasizes its central theme or message.
The message in her Short Story was profound, urging readers to value time.


Novels allow for extensive character and setting development.
In the Novel, the protagonist evolved from a timid child to a brave leader.

Short Story

Short Stories often revolve around a singular incident or character.
The Short Story depicted a day in the life of a lighthouse keeper.


A Novel may contain multiple intertwined subplots.
The Novel expertly wove romance, mystery, and adventure.

Short Story

A Short Story aims to evoke a specific emotion in limited words.
The Short Story brought tears to my eyes with its powerful ending.


With its length, a Novel offers readers an immersive experience.
The Novel transported me to a magical realm where dragons roamed freely.


A fictional prose narrative of considerable length, typically having a plot that is unfolded by the actions, speech, and thoughts of the characters.


The literary genre represented by novels.


Strikingly new, unusual, or different.


Newly made, formed or evolved; having no precedent; of recent origin; new.


Original, especially in an interesting way; new and striking; not of the typical or ordinary type.


A work of prose fiction, longer than a novella.


(historical) A fable; a short tale, especially one of many making up a larger work.


(obsolete) A novelty; something new.


A new legal constitution in ancient Rome.


Of recent origin or introduction; not ancient; new; hence, out of the ordinary course; unusual; strange; surprising.


That which is new or unusual; a novelty.


News; fresh tidings.
Some came of curiosity to hear some novels.


A fictitious tale or narrative, longer than a short story, having some degree of complexity and development of characters; it is usually organized as a time sequence of events, and is commonly intended to exhibit the operation of the passions, and often of love.


A extended fictional work in prose; usually in the form of a story


A printed and bound book that is an extended work of fiction;
His bookcases were filled with nothing but novels
He burned all the novels


Of a kind not seen before;
The computer produced a completely novel proof of a well-known theorem


Pleasantly novel or different;
Common sense of a most refreshing sort

Common Curiosities

How long is a typical Novel?

Novels vary but are typically over 40,000 words, often much longer.

Why might an author choose a Short Story format?

An author may choose a Short Story to convey a message or emotion succinctly without extensive development.

Can a Short Story be a part of a Novel?

Yes, sometimes Short Stories inspire or become chapters in Novels or are included as vignettes within a larger narrative.

Can a Short Story be just a few pages long?

Yes, some Short Stories are just a few pages, capturing a moment or emotion.

Do all Novels have multiple characters and subplots?

While many do, it's not a strict requirement. Some Novels focus deeply on a single character's journey.

How are Short Stories typically published?

They can be published in magazines, anthologies, or as standalone pieces, both physically and digitally.

What is a Short Story?

A Short Story is a brief work of fiction focusing on a specific theme or character.

How does a Novel differ from a Short Story?

A Novel is longer and delves into detailed narratives, characters, and themes, whereas a Short Story is concise, emphasizing a singular focus.

Is a Short Story easier to write than a Novel?

Both have their challenges. Short Stories require conveying depth in limited words, while Novels demand sustained development.

Do Novels always follow a linear timeline?

Not always. Some Novels jump between past, present, and future, while others may use flashbacks or parallel narratives.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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