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Showned vs. Showed — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on April 3, 2024
"Showned" is an incorrect spelling. The correct past tense form is "Showed," which means to have displayed or revealed something.
Showned vs. Showed — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Showned or Showed

How to spell Showed?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

"Show" + "ed" simply becomes "Showed."
Think of "show" and the regular past tense suffix "-ed."
Recall popular phrases that use "showed," like "He showed me the way."
Remember "showed" rhymes with "glowed," not with "owned."
Notice there's no "n" in "show," so the past form shouldn't have an extra "n."

How Do You Spell Showed Correctly?

Incorrect: He showned me how to fix the bike.
Correct: He showed me how to fix the bike.
Incorrect: The company showned its new product at the fair.
Correct: The company showed its new product at the fair.
Incorrect: She showned great interest in the project.
Correct: She showed great interest in the project.
Incorrect: The movie showned at the theater last night.
Correct: The movie showed at the theater last night.
Incorrect: They have showned their support by donating money.
Correct: They have showed their support by donating money.

Showed Definitions

To have guided or directed someone.
The guide showed them around the museum.
To have demonstrated or explained.
The teacher showed the method to solve the problem.
To have broadcasted, as in television or cinema.
They showed the movie at 9 pm.
To cause or allow to be seen; display
Showed us his tattoo.
To display for sale, in exhibition, or in competition
Showed her most recent paintings.
To permit access to (a house, for example) when offering for sale or rent.
To conduct; guide
Showed them to the table.
To direct one's attention to; point out
Showed them the city's historical sites.
To make evident or reveal (an emotion or condition, for example)
Showed displeasure at his remark.
A carpet that shows wear.
To reveal (oneself) as in one's behavior or condition
The old boat showed itself to be seaworthy.
To indicate; register
The altimeter showed that the plane was descending.
To demonstrate by reasoning or procedure
Showed that the hypothesis was wrong.
A film that showed how to tune a piano.
To demonstrate to by reasoning or procedure; inform or prove to
Showed him how to fix the camera.
Showed her that it could really happen.
To grant; bestow
Showed no mercy to the traitors.
To be or become visible or evident
Concern showed in his face.
(Slang) To make an appearance; show up
Didn't show for her appointment.
To be exhibited publicly
What's showing at the movie theater tonight?.
To give a performance or present an exhibition
Which artist is showing in the gallery?.
(Sports) To finish third or better in a horserace or dog race.
A display; a manifestation
Made a show of strength.
A trace or indication, as of oil in a well.
The discharge of bloody mucus from the vagina indicating the start of labor.
The first discharge of blood in menstruation.
A false appearance; a pretense
Only a show of kindness.
A striking appearance or display; a spectacle.
A pompous or ostentatious display.
Display or outward appearance
This antique tea service is just for show. His smile was for show.
A public exhibition or entertainment.
An exposition for the display or demonstration of commercial products
An auto show.
A usually competitive exhibition of domestic animals
Won first place at the cat show.
A radio or television program.
A movie.
A theatrical troupe or company.
(Informal) An affair or undertaking
Ran the whole show.
(Sports) Third place at the finish, as in a horserace.
Past participle of show(alternative to shown)
Recent polling has showed that 40% are in favour of the candidate.
Past tense of the verb "show," meaning to display or make visible.
He showed his new toy to his friends.
To have revealed or brought to attention.
She showed her true feelings.

Showed Meaning in a Sentence

The teacher showed the students how to solve the problem.
The artist showed his latest work at the gallery.
He showed me the way when I was lost.
The guide showed us the hidden paths through the forest.
She showed a lot of courage facing her fears.
The chef showed how to prepare the dish step by step.
The athlete showed great skill during the competition.
They showed their new house to their friends with pride.
The movie showed a different perspective on historical events.
The scientist showed that the theory was incorrect.
He showed his ticket at the entrance of the concert.
The children showed their parents what they made in school.
The company showed its commitment to sustainability.
The presentation showed the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.
The experiment showed surprising results.
The report showed the progress of the project so far.
The documentary showed the impact of climate change.
She showed patience while teaching her younger brother to read.
The singer showed her vocal range in the performance.
The map showed all the landmarks in the city.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called Showed?

It's called "showed" because it is the past tense of the verb "show," which means to display or reveal.

What is the pronunciation of Showed?

Showed is pronounced as /ʃoʊd/.

What is the verb form of Showed?

"Showed" is the past tense verb form of "show."

What is the root word of Showed?

The root word is "show."

Which article is used with Showed?

Typically, articles aren't directly associated with verbs. However, an article can be used with a noun in a sentence where "showed" is the verb.

Which vowel is used before Showed?

The vowel "o" is used before the "w" in "showed."

Which preposition is used with Showed?

Prepositions such as "to," "in," and "on" can be used with "showed," depending on the context.

Which conjunction is used with Showed?

Any conjunction can be used with "showed," such as "and" or "but," depending on the sentence structure.

Is Showed a noun or adjective?

"Showed" is a verb.

Is Showed a negative or positive word?

"Showed" is neutral; it takes on the sentiment of the context in which it's used.

What is the singular form of Showed?

Showed itself is both singular and plural as a verb form.

What is the plural form of Showed?

As a verb form, "showed" does not change for plural subjects.

Is the Showed term a metaphor?

Not inherently, but it can be used metaphorically in certain contexts.

Is Showed a vowel or consonant?

"Showed" is a word containing both vowels and consonants.

Is Showed a countable noun?

"Showed" is not a noun; it's a verb.

Is Showed a collective noun?

No, "showed" is not a collective noun.

Is the word Showed a Gerund?

No, the gerund form of "show" is "showing."

How many syllables are in Showed?

There is one syllable in "showed."

Is the word “Showed” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Showed" is a verb. Depending on the sentence, it can take both direct and indirect objects.

What is a stressed syllable in Showed?

The entire word "showed" is stressed as it's one syllable.

What is the opposite of Showed?

"Hid" or "concealed."

Is Showed an adverb?

No, "showed" is not an adverb.

Is the word Showed imperative?

No, "showed" is not in the imperative form.

How do we divide Showed into syllables?

Showed is one syllable and cannot be divided further.

Which determiner is used with Showed?

Determiners aren't typically used directly with verbs, but can be used with nouns associated with the verb in a sentence.

What is the first form of Showed?

The first form is "show."

Is Showed an abstract noun?

No, "showed" is not an abstract noun.

What part of speech is Showed?

Showed is a verb.

What is another term for Showed?

"Displayed" or "revealed."

What is the second form of Showed?

The second form is "showed."

What is the third form of Showed?

The third form is "shown."

How is Showed used in a sentence?

"She showed me her new book."

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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