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Shredded vs. Grated — What's the Difference?

By Fiza Rafique & Maham Liaqat — Updated on May 7, 2024
Shredded foods are cut into long, thin strips, ideal for texture in dishes, while grated foods are finer, almost powdery, and blend more seamlessly into recipes.
Shredded vs. Grated — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Shredded and Grated


Key Differences

Shredding involves cutting food into long, thin pieces using a shredder or a food processor with a shredding blade, ideal for foods like cheese and vegetables. Whereas, grating creates much finer pieces, almost like powder, using a grater or microplane, commonly applied to hard cheeses or spices.
Shredded ingredients often retain more of their original texture and are visually more distinct in a dish, making them perfect for salads, tacos, and toppings. On the other hand, grated ingredients tend to melt or dissolve more readily, which makes them suitable for sauces, batters, and dressings.
Shredders typically have larger holes than graters, resulting in thicker, more substantial pieces that are noticeable in a final dish. Whereas, graters have smaller, finer holes that produce a much finer consistency.
The process of shredding is generally faster and requires less effort than grating, which can be more labor-intensive, especially for harder foods. On the other hand, grating allows for a more even distribution of flavor throughout the dish.
In terms of equipment, shredders are often standalone tools with one or more shredding slots, or attachments for food processors. Whereas, graters can be handheld or stand-alone tools with different sized holes for various textures.

Comparison Chart


Long, thin strips
Fine, powdery particles

Common Uses

Tacos, salads, pizza toppings
Parmesan on pasta, zesting spices

Tool Features

Larger holes, various sizes available
Smaller, finer holes

Effort & Speed

Less effort, quicker
More effort, finer results

Resulting Interaction

Remains distinct in dishes
Blends or melts into dishes

Compare with Definitions


Having a ragged or torn appearance.
The shredded jeans are back in fashion.


To finely divide food in a manner resembling powder.
Freshly grated nutmeg enhances the flavor.


To cut food into thin strips.
Shredded cabbage is often used in coleslaw.


Having a texture achieved by grating.
Add some grated cheese to the soup for extra flavor.


Extremely tired or stressed.
After the marathon, I was absolutely shredded.


To reduce food to small shreds by rubbing it on a grater.
Grated carrots are perfect for carrot cake.


To tear something into pieces.
He shredded the confidential documents.


Processed by grating.
Grated chocolate tops the dessert beautifully.


Processed through shredding.
Shredded cheese melts unevenly on pizza.


To annoy or irritate.
His constant whistling really grates on my nerves.


A long irregular strip that is cut or torn off.


To reduce to fragments, shreds, or powder by rubbing against an abrasive surface.


A small amount; a particle
Not a shred of evidence.


To cause to make a harsh grinding or rasping sound through friction
Grated her teeth in anger.


To cut or tear into shreds.


To irritate or annoy persistently
It always grates me to get put on hold.


To use a mechanical shredder to shred (paper documents, for example).


(Archaic) To rub or wear away.


To make a series of quick turns on a wave or snow, for example, when riding a board such as a surfboard or snowboard.


To make a harsh rasping sound
An old gate grating in the wind.


To play fast solos accompanied by special techniques on the electric guitar.


To cause irritation or annoyance
A noise that grates on one's nerves.


Simple past tense and past participle of shred


To equip with a grate.


Cut or torn into narrow strips or small pieces.


A harsh rasping sound made by scraping or rubbing
The grate of a key in a lock.


(bodybuilding) Having very pronounced muscular definition.


A framework of parallel or latticed bars for blocking an opening.


Prepared by cutting;
Sliced tomatoes
Sliced ham
Chopped clams
Chopped meat
Shredded cabbage


A framework of metal bars used to hold fuel or food in a stove, furnace, or fireplace.


A fireplace.


A perforated iron plate or screen for sieving and grading crushed ore.


Produced by grating.
I topped my chili with grated cheese and my mango soufflé with grated orange rind.


Furnished with a grate or grating.
Grated windows


Simple past tense and past participle of grate


Furnished with a grate or grating; as, grated windows.

Common Curiosities

Can I substitute grated cheese for shredded cheese in recipes?

Yes, but expect a difference in texture and how the cheese melts.

What foods are typically shredded?

Commonly shredded foods include cheese, vegetables like carrots and cabbage, and chicken.

Why might someone choose to shred meat?

Shredding meat, like chicken or pork, makes it easier to distribute evenly in dishes like sandwiches or tacos.

What is the easiest way to grate ginger or garlic?

Using a microplane grater provides the easiest and finest grating for ginger and garlic.

How do you properly clean a grater?

Clean a grater by scrubbing it with a brush under running water immediately after use to prevent sticking.

Can I use a regular cheese grater for other foods like chocolate or vegetables?

Yes, a regular cheese grater can be versatile enough for grating chocolate, vegetables, and more.

Is there a specific type of grater for hard cheeses like Parmesan?

Yes, a fine grater or microplane is ideal for hard cheeses like Parmesan.

What's the best way to store shredded cheese?

Store shredded cheese in an airtight container or a tightly sealed plastic bag in the refrigerator.

Are there any dishes where grated ingredients are preferred over shredded?

Dishes like risottos or creamy pastas often prefer grated ingredients for a smoother texture.

Can shredded vegetables be used in baking?

Yes, shredded vegetables like zucchini or carrots are often used in baked goods like breads and muffins.

What are the benefits of grating your own cheese compared to buying pre-grated cheese?

Grating your own cheese ensures freshness, better flavor, and avoids added anti-caking agents found in pre-grated cheese.

What type of grater is best for citrus zest?

A fine grater or zester is best suited for obtaining citrus zest without the bitter pith.

How does the choice between shredded and grated affect the cooking time?

Grated ingredients, being finer, can cook quicker and blend more easily into dishes, affecting overall cooking time.

Is there a preference for shredded or grated toppings on pizza?

Shredded toppings are generally preferred for pizza as they provide better coverage and texture.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Maham Liaqat

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