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Siezed vs. Seized — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on April 1, 2024
"siezed" is an incorrect spelling. The correct spelling is "seized," which means to take hold of suddenly or forcibly.
Siezed vs. Seized — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Siezed or Seized

How to spell Seized?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Remember "i before e, except after c" rule; thus, it should be "seized."
Think of "siege" and remove the "g" for "sieze" and recognize the error.
Recall that "seized" rhymes with "pleased," which has a similar "e" before "i" placement.
Visualize someone "seizing" an opportunity without hesitation or confusion in spelling.
Associate "seized" with the action of grabbing or taking, which is swift and direct, just like its correct spelling.

How Do You Spell Seized Correctly?

Incorrect: The police siezed the stolen goods.
Correct: The police seized the stolen goods.
Incorrect: The opportunity was siezed without hesitation.
Correct: The opportunity was seized without hesitation.
Incorrect: The moment was siezed to make a significant change.
Correct: The moment was seized to make a significant change.
Incorrect: His assets were siezed by the government.
Correct: His assets were seized by the government.
Incorrect: The rebel forces siezed control of the city.
Correct: The rebel forces seized control of the city.

Seized Definitions

Seized can refer to taking possession of something by legal authority.
The police seized the illegal goods.
Seized means being affected by a sudden overwhelming feeling.
She was seized with a sudden fear.
Seized indicates an object becoming stuck or immovable.
The engine seized due to lack of oil.
Seized means to have taken hold of suddenly or forcibly.
He seized the chance to speak.
To grasp suddenly and forcibly; take or grab
Seize a sword.
To take by force; capture or conquer
The kidnappers seized the prince. The invaders seized the city.
To take quick and forcible possession of; confiscate
The police seized a cache of illegal drugs.
To focus the attention or intellect on
Seize an idea and develop it to the fullest extent.
To make use of (an opportunity, for example).
To have a sudden overwhelming effect on
A heinous crime that seized the minds and emotions of the populace.
To overwhelm physically
A person who was seized with a terminal disease.
Also seise (sēz) Law To cause (someone) to be in possession of something.
(Nautical) To bind (a rope) to another, or to a spar, with turns of small line.
To lay sudden or forcible hold of something.
To cohere or fuse with another part as a result of high pressure or temperature and restrict or prevent further motion or flow.
To come to a halt
The talks seized up and were rescheduled.
To exhibit signs of seizure activity, often with convulsions.
Simple past tense and past participle of seize
Taken without permission or consent especially by public authority;
The condemned land was used for a highway cloverleaf
The confiscated liquor was poured down the drain
Seized can mean to capture or take into custody.
The fugitive was finally seized.

Seized Meaning in a Sentence

The team seized the chance to score in the final minutes of the game.
During the raid, illegal weapons were seized by the police.
She seized the lead in the race and never looked back.
The bank seized the property due to unpaid debts.
Investigators seized the computer for forensic analysis.
He seized the moment to propose, and she said yes.
Authorities seized counterfeit products being sold online.
The museum seized the opportunity to acquire a rare painting.
The airport security seized liquids exceeding the allowed limit.
A sudden idea seized him, leading to a breakthrough in his research.
Fans seized the chance to meet their favorite author at the book signing.
Customs officials seized a shipment of smuggled goods.
During the inspection, health officials seized contaminated food products.
Wildlife officials seized the exotic animals from illegal traders.
Her imagination was seized by the mysterious story.
The government seized assets linked to the corruption scandal.
The company seized market share from its competitors.
The rebels seized the capital after intense fighting.
The player seized his first championship title with a stunning victory.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called seized?

The term "seized" comes from Middle English, meaning to take possession of, reflecting the action of grabbing or capturing.

What is the root word of seized?

The root word is "seize."

Which vowel is used before seized?

The letter "a" can precede "seized" in cases like "a seized opportunity."

What is the pronunciation of seized?

It's pronounced as /siːzd/.

What is the verb form of seized?

"Seize" is the verb form.

Which article is used with seized?

Either "a" or "the" can precede "seized" based on context.

Is seized an adverb?


What is the plural form of seized?

Not applicable as "seized" is a verb form.

Is seized a noun or adjective?

It's primarily a verb in the past tense, but it can act as an adjective in contexts like "seized property."

What is the singular form of seized?

"Seized" itself is singular as it's the past tense of "seize."

Which conjunction is used with seized?

Any conjunction can be used depending on the sentence structure.

Is seized a countable noun?

"Seized" is not primarily a noun.

What is the opposite of seized?

"Released" or "let go."

Which preposition is used with seized?

"On" or "by" can be used, as in "seized on an idea" or "seized by authorities."

Is seized a collective noun?


Is the seized term a metaphor?

Not in itself, but it can be used metaphorically, like "seized the day."

What is another term for seized?

"Grasped" or "captured."

What is the first form of seized?


What is the third form of seized?


Is seized an abstract noun?


How many syllables are in seized?


How is seized used in a sentence?

"The officer seized the stolen goods from the suspect's home."

Is seized a vowel or consonant?

"Seized" is a word containing both vowels and consonants.

Is the word seized imperative?

No, it's in the past tense.

How do we divide seized into syllables?

Seized is one syllable and is not divided.

What part of speech is seized?

Verb, though it can act as an adjective in some contexts.

Is seized a negative or positive word?

Neutral. It describes an action, but context determines its positivity or negativity.

What is a stressed syllable in seized?

The entire word "seized" is stressed since it's one syllable.

Which determiner is used with seized?

Determiners like "this," "that," "my," etc., can be used depending on context.

What is the second form of seized?


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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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