Sivilian vs. Civilian — Which is Correct Spelling?
Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 30, 2024
"Sivilian" is an incorrect spelling, while "Civilian" is the correct spelling. A civilian is a person not in the armed services or the police force.
Table of Contents
Which is correct: Sivilian or Civilian
How to spell Civilian?
Incorrect Spelling
Correct Spelling
Key Differences
Associate "Civilian" with everyday people, distinct from military personnel.
Visualize "Civilian" as citizens, emphasizing peaceful, non-combat roles.
Think of "Civilian" being associated with non-military affairs.
Recall "Civilian" starts with the same letters as "civilized."
Remember "Civilian" has "civil" as its root, like "civil rights" or "civil discourse."
How Do You Spell Civilian Correctly?
Incorrect: The law protects sivilian populations during wartime.
Correct: The law protects civilian populations during wartime.
Incorrect: Sivilian casualties were reported after the conflict.
Correct: Civilian casualties were reported after the conflict.
Incorrect: He transitioned from military service to a sivilian life smoothly.
Correct: He transitioned from military service to a civilian life smoothly.
Civilian Definitions
Civilian denotes a person separate from particular professions or organizations.
The software was too complex for a civilian to use without training.
Civilian indicates someone outside the police force.
The officer differentiated between his team and the civilians present.
Civilian signifies someone not belonging to a specific group or profession.
The workshop is for both artists and civilians interested in art.
Civilian represents a non-professional in a specific field.
As a civilian in the medical field, he had limited understanding of the procedure.
A person who is not an active member of the military, the police, or a belligerent group in a conflict.
A person who is not an employee of the government
Programs available to both government employees and civilians.
A specialist in Roman or civil law.
Of, relating to, or being a civilian or civilians
Civilian clothes.
A civilian career.
A person following the pursuits of civil life, especially one who is not an active member of the armed forces.
Three civilians were apprehended by the soldiers and taken away in a military vehicle.
(informal) A person who does not belong to a particular group or engage in a particular activity, an outsider.
The bathroom was for employees only, so civilians weren't allowed to use it.
One skilled in civil law.
A student of civil law at a university or college.
Not related to the military, police or other governmental professions.
The three detainees were actually army defectors wearing civilian clothing.
He worked as a civilian journalist for ten years before being employed by the public broadcaster.
One skilled in the civil law.
Ancient civilians and writers upon government.
A student of the civil law at a university or college.
One whose pursuits are those of civil life, not military or clerical.
A nonmilitary citizen
Associated with or performed by civilians as contrasted with the military;
Civilian clothing
Civilian life
Civilian refers to a person not engaged in military service or activities.
The army evacuated civilians from the conflict zone.
Civilian Meaning in a Sentence
Many former soldiers find it challenging to adjust to civilian life.
The use of drones in civilian areas has sparked a lot of debates.
Civilian airports are often busy with travelers from all walks of life.
Civilian workers were called in to help with the post-storm cleanup.
The government announced new policies to benefit civilian healthcare.
Civilian vehicles were used to transport supplies to the affected area.
Civilian technology companies are contributing to defense projects.
Civilian scientists are working alongside military experts on the project.
The distinction between military and civilian targets is crucial during attacks.
The curfew was imposed to ensure civilian safety during the crisis.
Civilian volunteers played a key role in the relief efforts.
The impact of the war on the civilian population was devastating.
The military coup had a profound impact on civilian governance.
Civilian casualties must be minimized in any military operation.
The president addressed the concerns of the civilian community in his speech.
Civilian clothes can feel strange to wear after years in uniform.
Civilian oversight committees help maintain transparency in police operations.
Civilian judges oversee cases involving non-military personnel.
Civilian Idioms & Phrases
Civilian life
The everyday life of people who are not in the armed forces.
After retiring from the army, he looked forward to returning to civilian life.
Civilian attire
Clothes worn by people who are not in the armed forces.
He felt uncomfortable in civilian attire after years of wearing a uniform.
Civilian casualties
Non-military people who are injured or killed during a conflict.
The conflict resulted in a high number of civilian casualties.
Civilian population
The group of people in a country who are not members of the military or police.
The new policy aims to improve healthcare for the civilian population.
Civilian oversight
The supervision of military or police activities by non-military bodies.
Civilian oversight committees ensure the police are accountable to the public.
Common Curiosities
What is the verb form of Civilian?
"Civilian" is a noun and doesn't have a verb form.
What is the root word of Civilian?
The root word is "civil."
Why is it called Civilian?
It's called "Civilian" because it stems from "civil" implying non-military or ordinary citizen life.
Which vowel is used before Civilian?
The vowel "a" is used in the ending of "Civilian."
What is the singular form of Civilian?
The singular form is "civilian."
What is the plural form of Civilian?
The plural form is "civilians."
Which conjunction is used with Civilian?
Any conjunction can be used with "Civilian" depending on the sentence, such as "and" or "but."
What is the pronunciation of Civilian?
Civilian is pronounced as /sɪˈvɪl.i.ən/.
Is Civilian an adverb?
No, Civilian is not an adverb.
Which article is used with Civilian?
Both "a" and "the" can be used with "Civilian."
Is Civilian a noun or adjective?
"Civilian" is primarily a noun, but can also be used as an adjective to describe non-military aspects.
What part of speech is Civilian?
Civilian is primarily a noun.
Which preposition is used with Civilian?
Common prepositions with "Civilian" include "among," "like," and "for."
Is Civilian a negative or positive word?
"Civilian" is neutral, representing non-military individuals.
Is Civilian a vowel or consonant?
"Civilian" is a word and contains both vowels and consonants.
Is the word Civilian imperative?
No, "Civilian" is not imperative.
Is the word Civilian a Gerund?
No, "Civilian" is not a gerund.
What is a stressed syllable in Civilian?
The first syllable, "Civ," is stressed in "Civilian."
Is Civilian a countable noun?
Yes, "Civilian" is countable, e.g., "three civilians."
Is Civilian a collective noun?
No, Civilian is not a collective noun.
Is the word “Civilian” a Direct object or an Indirect object?
"Civilian" can function as a direct object, depending on its placement in a sentence.
What is another term for Civilian?
Another term for Civilian is "noncombatant."
Which determiner is used with Civilian?
Common determiners like "this," "that," "my," "our," can be used with "Civilian."
What is the third form of Civilian?
"Civilian" doesn't have verb forms.
How is Civilian used in a sentence?
"The civilians were evacuated from the war zone to ensure their safety."
Is the Civilian term a metaphor?
Not inherently, but can be used metaphorically in some contexts.
What is the opposite of Civilian?
The opposite of "Civilian" is "military personnel" or "soldier."
What is the second form of Civilian?
"Civilian" doesn't have verb forms.
Is Civilian an abstract noun?
No, "Civilian" is a concrete noun.
How many syllables are in Civilian?
There are three syllables in "Civilian."
How do we divide Civilian into syllables?
What is the first form of Civilian?
As a noun, "Civilian" doesn't have verb forms.
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Written by
Fiza RafiqueFiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Edited by
Tayyaba RehmanTayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.