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Sking vs. Skiing — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 25, 2024
"Sking" is a misspelling. The correct spelling is "Skiing," referring to the activity of gliding on skis over snow.
Sking vs. Skiing — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Sking or Skiing

How to spell Skiing?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Keep in mind that the word "ski" ends with "i," and when you add "ing," it becomes "skiing."
Remember the double "i" like in "sliding" or "riding."
Think of the word "ski" and just add "ing."
Visualize two skis as the double "i" in skiing.
Recall that "ring" and "sing" have two vowels before "ing" just like "skiing."

How Do You Spell Skiing Correctly?

Incorrect: He loves sking more than any other winter sport.
Correct: He loves skiing more than any other winter sport.
Incorrect: They took a sking lesson to improve their skills.
Correct: They took a skiing lesson to improve their skills.
Incorrect: The resort offers sking and snowboarding options.
Correct: The resort offers skiing and snowboarding options.
Incorrect: Is sking difficult to learn for beginners?
Correct: Is skiing difficult to learn for beginners?
Incorrect: We're going sking in the mountains this weekend.
Correct: We're going skiing in the mountains this weekend.

Skiing Definitions

Skiing refers to the sport of gliding on snow using skis.
He went skiing in the mountains last winter.
Skiing can describe the action or activity of using skis.
Skiing down the slope felt exhilarating.
Skiing is also a competitive sport involving speed and technique.
She trained hard for the skiing championship.
Skiing can be a method of traveling over snow.
Skiing is essential for transportation in certain Arctic regions.
One of a pair of long flat runners of plastic, metal, or wood that curve upward in front and may be attached to a boot for gliding or traveling over snow.
A water ski.
Something that is used as a runner on a vehicle
A helicopter with skis for landing on snow and ice.
To travel or glide on skis, especially as a sport.
To travel or glide over on skis
Ski a mountain slope.
Present participle of ski
(sports) A group of sports utilizing skis as primary equipment.
A sport in which participants must travel on skis
Skiing also means the business or occupation related to ski resorts.
The town thrived because of skiing tourism.

Skiing Meaning in a Sentence

Cross-country skiing is an excellent form of cardiovascular exercise.
The skiing conditions were perfect, with fresh powder and clear skies.
Skiing in the Alps is a dream vacation for many winter sports enthusiasts.
The thrill of skiing down a steep slope is unmatched.
They're taking a family skiing trip during the school holiday.
He's competing in a skiing competition next month.
They offer night skiing on Saturdays at the local ski resort.
They're developing a new area of the mountain for skiing.
She bought a new pair of skiing goggles for the trip.
The skiing season typically starts in late November and ends in early April.
Water skiing is also a popular activity in the summer.
The ski resort offers both downhill and cross-country skiing trails.
Beginners should take a few skiing lessons before hitting the slopes.
Skiing accidents can be serious; always wear a helmet.
The annual skiing festival attracts tourists from all over the world.
Helicopter skiing takes you to untouched slopes for an extreme experience.
Skiing off-piste can be dangerous without the proper knowledge and equipment.
He enjoys skiing more than snowboarding because he feels it's easier to control.
The city is known for its world-class skiing facilities.
They were exhausted after a long day of skiing but happy.
She's saving money for a skiing holiday in Japan.
The best part of skiing for her is enjoying the breathtaking mountain views.
After skiing all day, they relaxed by the fireplace in the lodge.

Common Curiosities

What is the verb form of Skiing?

The verb form is "ski."

What is the pronunciation of Skiing?

It's pronounced as /ˈskiːɪŋ/.

Which vowel is used before Skiing?

The vowel "a" is used before Skiing as in "a skiing trip."

Is Skiing a negative or positive word?

Neutral, but often perceived as positive in recreational contexts.

Why is it called Skiing?

It's called skiing because it involves the use of skis to glide over snow.

What is the root word of Skiing?

The root word is "ski."

What is the plural form of Skiing?

Skiing remains the same; however, "ski trips" or "ski resorts" could be plural for related terms.

Which preposition is used with Skiing?

"On" as in "skiing on the mountain."

Is Skiing a noun or adjective?

Skiing is primarily a noun, but can be used as an adjective in some contexts like "skiing equipment."

Is Skiing an adverb?

No, it's not an adverb.

What is the singular form of Skiing?

Skiing is both singular and plural in form as a gerund.

Is Skiing an abstract noun?

No, it's a concrete noun.

Is the word Skiing imperative?

No, it's not imperative.

How do we divide Skiing into syllables?


What is the opposite of Skiing?

There's no direct opposite, but in terms of sports, "snowboarding" is an alternative.

Which conjunction is used with Skiing?

Any conjunction can be used depending on the sentence, like "and" or "but."

Is Skiing a countable noun?

No, "skiing" as an activity isn't countable. However, "skiings" can be countable when referring to multiple instances of skiing events, though it's uncommon.

Is Skiing a collective noun?

No, it's not a collective noun.

What part of speech is Skiing?

It's primarily a noun.

What is the first form of Skiing?

"Ski" is the base form.

Which article is used with Skiing?

"The" or "a" depending on the context. E.g., "the skiing competition" or "a skiing adventure."

What is a stressed syllable in Skiing?

The first syllable, "Ski."

What is the second form of Skiing?

"Skied" is the past tense.

What is the third form of Skiing?

"Skied" is the past participle.

How is Skiing used in a sentence?

"Skiing in the Alps is a dream for many winter sports enthusiasts."

How many syllables are in Skiing?

Two syllables.

Which determiner is used with Skiing?

Determiners like "the," "my," "some," or "this" can be used depending on context.

Is Skiing a vowel or consonant?

The word "Skiing" contains both vowels and consonants.

Is the Skiing term a metaphor?

Not inherently, but it can be used metaphorically in certain contexts.

What is another term for Skiing?

Downhill or Alpine skiing, depending on context.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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