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Slacks vs. Pants — What's the Difference?

By Maham Liaqat & Urooj Arif — Updated on March 20, 2024
Slacks are typically formal or business casual trousers, known for their solid colors and soft fabrics, while pants is a broader term covering all leg-wear garments.
Slacks vs. Pants — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Slacks and Pants


Key Differences

Slacks are designed for formal or business casual settings, often made from softer, finer fabrics like wool, polyester, or a blend. They usually come in solid, neutral colors to maintain a professional appearance. On the other hand, pants encompass a wide range of leg garments, including casual jeans, formal trousers, sweatpants, and more, made from various materials.
While slacks often feature a classic, streamlined cut with minimal pockets to enhance a polished look, pants vary widely in style, cut, and design, from cargo pants with multiple pockets to skinny jeans. This variety allows pants to suit many occasions, activities, and personal preferences.
Slacks are typically worn in professional, formal, or business casual contexts, pairing well with dress shirts, blazers, and dress shoes. In contrast, the versatility of pants means they can be adapted for nearly any situation, from office wear to loungewear, depending on their style and material.
The care and maintenance of slacks usually require dry cleaning or gentle washing to preserve their fabric and appearance, highlighting their premium quality. Whereas pants' care instructions can range widely, with many designed for easy, machine-wash care, reflecting their diverse uses and materials.
Slacks tend to be associated with a higher price point due to their quality materials and construction aimed at a professional audience. Meanwhile, pants can cover a broad price range, from affordable casual wear to high-end designer fashion, accommodating a wide array of budgets.

Comparison Chart


Formal or business casual wear
All-purpose leg-wear


Softer, finer fabrics like wool or blends
Varied, including denim, cotton, fleece


Streamlined, minimal pockets
Ranges from casual to formal


Professional and formal settings
Any occasion, from casual to formal


Often dry clean or gentle wash
Wide range, including machine-washable

Compare with Definitions


A term for dress trousers that are not jeans or casual wear.
The dress code requires slacks or skirts, no jeans.


Can be made from a wide range of materials.
These cotton pants are perfect for summer.


Business casual legwear made from soft fabrics.
She paired her blouse with navy slacks for the meeting.


General term for any leg garment.
She bought new pants for hiking.


Trousers that fit well in a formal setting.
Her slacks were perfectly tailored for the office environment.


Varies in style, from skinny to wide-leg.
Wide-leg pants are back in fashion this year.


Comfortable yet formal trousers.
For the conference, he wore his most comfortable pair of slacks.


Includes varieties such as jeans, sweatpants, and trousers.
His wardrobe is full of different types of pants.


Formal trousers typically worn in professional settings.
He chose a pair of black slacks for the job interview.


Worn for both casual and formal occasions.
I need to find pants that can go from the office to a night out.


Not tense or taut; loose
A slack rope.
Slack muscles.


Underpants or knickers.


Lacking in activity; not busy
A slack season for the travel business.


Corduroy pants
Wide pant legs


Moving slowly; sluggish
A slack pace.


Rubbish; nonsense
He thought we were going to be absolute pants


Lacking in diligence or due care or concern; negligent
A slack worker.


To breathe rapidly in short gasps, as after exertion.


Flowing or blowing with little speed
A slack current.
Slack winds.


To beat loudly or heavily; throb or pulsate.


(Linguistics) Pronounced with the muscles of the tongue and jaw relatively relaxed; lax.


To give off loud puffs, especially while moving.


To make looser or less taut
Slacked the sail.


To long demonstratively; yearn
Was panting for a chance to play.


To make slower
Slacked our pace.


To utter hurriedly or breathlessly
I panted my congratulations to the winner of the race.


To be careless or remiss in doing
Slack one's duty.


A short labored breath; a gasp.


To slake (lime).


A throb; a pulsation.


To be or become slack.


A short loud puff, as of steam from an engine.


To be inactive or avoid work
Slacked around the house all day.


An outer garment that covers the body below the waist, usually to the ankles, and is divided into sections to fit each leg separately
She decided to wear pants instead of a skirt. He bought a new pair of pants.


A loose part, as of a rope or sail
Hauled in the slack.




A period of little activity; a lull
A slack in business.


An outer garment that covers the body from the waist downwards, covering each leg separately, usually as far as the ankles; trousers.


A cessation of movement in a current of air or water.


An undergarment that covers the genitals and often the buttocks and the neighbouring parts of the body; underpants.


An area of still water.


Rubbish; something worthless.
You're talking pants!
The film was a load [or pile] of pants.


Unused capacity
Still some slack in the economy.


Of inferior quality, rubbish.
Your mobile is pants — why don’t you get one like mine?


Slacks Casual pants that are not part of a suit.


A garment extending from the waist to the knee or ankle, covering each leg separately.


A mixture of coal fragments, coal dust, and dirt that remains after screening coal.




A small dell or hollow.


Underpants worn by women; panties.


A bog; a morass.


(usually in the plural) a garment extending from the waist to the knee or ankle, covering each leg separately;
He had a sharp crease in his trousers


In a slack manner
A banner hanging slack.


(usually in the plural) underpants worn by women;
She was afraid that her bloomers might have been showing


Plural of slack


(dated) Semi-formal trousers which are less formal than those that are part of a suit but nowadays are considered suitable casualwear in most offices. (Takes a plural verb even when referring to a single pair; may be referred to as a pair of slacks.)


(usually in the plural) pants for casual wear

Common Curiosities

What materials are slacks usually made from?

They're often made from soft, finer fabrics like wool, polyester, or blends.

What are slacks?

Slacks are formal or business casual trousers known for their fine fabrics and professional look.

Are jeans considered pants or slacks?

Jeans are considered pants; they are too casual to be classified as slacks.

Can slacks be worn casually?

While typically for formal settings, slacks can be styled casually depending on the outfit and occasion.

Can women wear slacks?

Absolutely, slacks are popular in both men's and women's professional attire.

What type of shoes should be worn with slacks?

Dress shoes or formal footwear are typically paired with slacks.

Are slacks suitable for all seasons?

Yes, but the fabric weight can be adjusted for comfort depending on the season.

How do slacks differ from regular pants?

Slacks are specifically designed for formal settings, while pants can range from casual to formal wear.

Can pants be formal?

Yes, certain types of pants, like tailored dress pants, are suitable for formal occasions.

Do slacks require special care?

Yes, they often require dry cleaning or gentle washing to maintain their appearance.

Are all dress pants considered slacks?

Generally, yes, though the term slacks might imply a slightly more casual style than formal dress pants.

How should slacks fit?

They should fit comfortably at the waist with a slight break at the shoe.

Can slacks be worn for a job interview?

Yes, slacks are an excellent choice for job interviews in most industries.

What's the price range for slacks?

Slacks can vary in price, often higher than casual pants due to their quality and intended use in professional settings.

Is there a difference in fit between slacks and pants?

Slacks tend to have a more tailored fit, while pants can range widely in fit and style.

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Written by
Maham Liaqat
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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