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Snickers vs. Baby Ruth — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Published on December 29, 2023
Snickers is a chocolate bar with nougat, caramel, and peanuts. Baby Ruth is a chocolate bar with nougat, caramel, and peanuts, but with a different taste and texture.
Snickers vs. Baby Ruth — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Snickers and Baby Ruth


Key Differences

Snickers and Baby Ruth are popular candy bars that have been a favorite among many for years. Snickers, introduced by Mars, Incorporated, is known for its rich layer of nougat topped with caramel and peanuts, all coated in milk chocolate. Its distinct taste and chewy texture have garnered it fans worldwide.
Baby Ruth, on the other hand, is a product of Ferrero's Ferrara Candy Company. Though it contains similar ingredients like nougat, caramel, and peanuts, the combination and taste distinctly vary from Snickers. Many describe Baby Ruth as having a more pronounced peanut flavor and a different nougat texture.
One notable difference between Snickers and Baby Ruth is their marketing and branding. Snickers has been widely advertised with the slogan, "You're not you when you're hungry," emphasizing its filling nature. Baby Ruth, while not as internationally recognized as Snickers, has its own legacy and dedicated following.
Packaging and presentation also differ between Snickers and Baby Ruth. While both are encased in a wrapper showcasing their brand name, the colors, design, and logos distinctly set them apart. Snickers often has a brown and white color scheme, while Baby Ruth features a more colorful design with red, blue, and white.
In essence, while Snickers and Baby Ruth might appear similar at first glance due to their ingredient list, their taste, texture, branding, and legacy set them apart in the vast world of confectionery.

Comparison Chart


Mars, Incorporated
Ferrero's Ferrara Candy Company

Taste and Texture

Chewy nougat, balanced caramel, and peanut flavor
More pronounced peanut flavor, different nougat

Branding and Marketing

"You're not you when you're hungry" slogan
Less internationally recognized, distinct legacy

Packaging Color Scheme

Predominantly brown and white
Red, blue, and white

Global Presence

Widely recognized internationally
More prominent in the U.S.

Compare with Definitions


A product of Mars, Incorporated.
Snickers has been a flagship product for Mars for decades.

Baby Ruth

Recognized for its pronounced peanut flavor.
Baby Ruth's peanut taste stands out among candy bars.


A chocolate candy bar with nougat, caramel, and peanuts.
Snickers satisfies my hunger between meals.

Baby Ruth

Primarily known in the U.S. with a distinct legacy.
Baby Ruth has been an American classic for years.


Recognized globally and available in many countries.
I found Snickers even while traveling in Asia.

Baby Ruth

A chocolate candy bar with nougat, caramel, and peanuts.
Baby Ruth is my go-to snack during road trips.


Has a distinct chewy texture.
I love the chewiness of Snickers combined with the crunch of peanuts.

Baby Ruth

Features a colorful wrapper with red, blue, and white.
I can spot a Baby Ruth from afar because of its vibrant wrapper.


Known for its "You're not you when you're hungry" slogan.
The Snickers ad during the Super Bowl was hilarious.

Baby Ruth

Produced by Ferrero's Ferrara Candy Company.
Baby Ruth has been a staple product for Ferrara Candy Company.


To utter a partly stifled laugh
"I have seen the eternal Footman hold my coat, and snicker" (T.S. Eliot).


A partly stifled laugh.


Plural of snicker

Common Curiosities

Is Baby Ruth known internationally like Snickers?

While Snickers has a broader international presence, Baby Ruth is primarily known in the U.S.

Who manufactures Snickers?

Snickers is manufactured by Mars, Incorporated.

What is the signature slogan for Snickers?

Snickers is known for its "You're not you when you're hungry" slogan.

Do both Snickers and Baby Ruth contain peanuts?

Yes, both candy bars contain peanuts, nougat, and caramel.

Which candy bar has a more pronounced peanut flavor?

Baby Ruth is often described as having a more pronounced peanut flavor.

Which bar is older, Snickers or Baby Ruth?

Baby Ruth was introduced in the 1920s, while Snickers came about in 1930.

Do both Snickers and Baby Ruth offer mini versions?

Yes, both brands offer mini versions of their candy bars.

Who produces Baby Ruth?

Baby Ruth is produced by Ferrero's Ferrara Candy Company.

Are the textures of Snickers and Baby Ruth similar?

While both have chewy nougat, their textures differ, with Snickers being more balanced and Baby Ruth having a different nougat feel.

Is the nougat in Snickers and Baby Ruth the same?

No, the nougat in each bar has a distinct taste and texture.

Can you find Baby Ruth outside of the U.S.?

While possible, Baby Ruth is less common outside of the U.S. compared to Snickers.

Is the caramel content the same in both bars?

Both bars contain caramel, but the taste and consistency might differ slightly.

Are there variations of Snickers and Baby Ruth available?

Yes, both brands have released variations, like dark chocolate or almond versions.

Which candy bar has a more colorful wrapper?

Baby Ruth's wrapper is more colorful, featuring red, blue, and white.

How do the sizes of the two bars compare?

While sizes can vary based on packaging and region, typically, standard bars are similar in size.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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