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Snob vs. Snot — What's the Difference?

By Maham Liaqat & Urooj Arif — Updated on April 3, 2024
A snob is someone who admires people of higher social status or wealth and may disdain those considered inferior, while snot refers to nasal mucus or a contemptuously rude person.
Snob vs. Snot — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Snob and Snot


Key Differences

A snob is characterized by their attitude of superiority over others based on social status, wealth, or taste. This individual often judges others based on these criteria, showing preference for what they perceive as higher class or sophistication. Conversely, snot is a term that can either refer to the mucus produced in the nasal passages or, informally, describe a person who behaves in an obnoxiously rude or offensive manner. The distinction between the two terms lies primarily in their context of use; "snob" relates to social behaviors and attitudes, while "snot" is used either in a biological context or as slang for describing disagreeable behavior.
In terms of social interaction, a snob might avoid or look down upon individuals who do not meet their standards of wealth, education, or social standing, often displaying behaviors or making comments that reflect their perceived superiority. On the other hand, being called a "snot" implies that the person's behavior is immature, disrespectful, or deliberately unpleasant, without necessarily relating to social status or sophistication.
The concept of a snob is deeply rooted in societal and cultural structures, often associated with class distinctions and social mobility. Snobs are typically concerned with appearances, social circles, and the acquisition of material goods or experiences that signify higher social status. In contrast, the use of "snot" to describe a person does not imply any specific social standing but rather focuses on the individual's unpleasant attitude or behavior.
Both terms carry negative connotations, but they invoke different aspects of social behavior. Being labeled a snob can suggest a person is out of touch with the broader reality of society and lacks empathy or understanding for those from different backgrounds. Being called a snot, however, focuses more on the individual's immediate behavior, suggesting rudeness or childishness rather than a broader commentary on their social views.
While snobbery can be seen as a pervasive aspect of social interaction, influencing relationships, and even societal structures, the term "snot" when used to describe a person, tends to be more situational, describing specific incidents or behaviors rather than a comprehensive social attitude.

Comparison Chart


A person with an exaggerated respect for high social status or wealth.
Nasal mucus or a person who is rudely contemptuous.


Social status, wealth, taste.
Biological function or personal behavior.

Social Implication

Reflects perceived superiority based on class or sophistication.
Indicates rudeness or immaturity, not necessarily related to social status.

Behavioral Characteristics

Avoidance of or disdain for those considered inferior.
Immature, disrespectful, or unpleasant behavior.


Negative, suggesting elitism and lack of empathy.
Negative, focusing on behavior rather than social status.

Compare with Definitions


Avoids associating with people or activities deemed inferior.
The snob wouldn’t be caught dead using public transportation.


Informal: A person displaying rudeness or contempt.
He was being a real snot, refusing to listen to anyone’s opinion.


Shows disdain for those deemed lower class.
As a snob, she looked down on anyone who didn't attend a top university.


Not necessarily tied to social status or wealth.
Despite his wealth, his snot attitude made him few friends.


Often out of touch with broader societal realities.
Her snobbish attitudes made her unpopular with her more down-to-earth colleagues.


Nasal secretion involved in the body's defense.
She reached for a tissue to wipe away the snot.


A person who believes in the superiority of their social status.
The snob refused to shop at the local market, preferring high-end stores instead.


Indicates immaturity or lack of respect.
The child's snot-like behavior got him in trouble at school.


Values material wealth and social prestige.
He was such a snob about wines, only drinking those from expensive vineyards.


Can refer to a temporary state or behavior.
She apologized for being a snot during the argument.


Snob is a pejorative term for a person who believes there is a correlation between social status (including physical appearance) and human worth. Snob also refers to a person who feels superiority over those from lower social classes, education levels, or other social areas.


An annoying, arrogant, or impertinent person.


A person who looks down on or snubs people who that person considers as being of a lower social class.


Nasal mucus; phlegm.


A person who feels an undue sense of intellectual or aesthetic superiority
A musical snob.


Mucus, especially mucus from the nose.


A person who wishes to be seen as a member of the upper classes and who looks down on those perceived to have inferior or unrefined tastes.


A contemptible child.


(colloquial) A cobbler or shoemaker.


A mean fellow.


(dated) A member of the lower classes; a commoner.


The flamed out wick of a candle.


(archaic) A workman who works for lower wages than his fellows, especially one who will not join a strike (a scab#Noun).


A blemish or encumbrance that one exercises out of something.


(Cambridge University) A townsman, as opposed to a gownsman.


(ambitransitive) To blow, wipe, or clear (the nose).


A vulgar person who affects to be better, richer, or more fashionable, than he really is; a vulgar upstart; one who apes his superiors.
Essentially vulgar, a snob. - a gilded snob, but none the less a snob.


(intransitive) To sniff or snivel; to produce snot, to have a runny nose.


A townsman.


Mucus secreted in, or discharged from, the nose.


A journeyman shoemaker.


A mean, insignificant fellow.


A workman who accepts lower than the usual wages, or who refuses to strike when his fellows do; a rat; a knobstick.
Those who work for lower wages during a strike are called snobs, the men who stand out being "nobs"


To blow, wipe, or clear, as the nose.


A person regarded as arrogant and annoying


A person regarded as arrogant and annoying


Nasal mucus

Common Curiosities

What defines a snob?

A snob is someone who admires and seeks association with people of higher social status or wealth, often disdaining those they consider inferior.

What is meant by snot?

Snot can refer to the mucus found in the nasal passages or, informally, describe a person who is contemptuously rude or obnoxious.

Can someone be a snot without being a snob?

Yes, being a snot focuses on one's rude or unpleasant behavior, which is independent of their social status or attitudes towards it.

What are the societal implications of being labeled a snob?

Being labeled a snob can imply a person is elitist and lacks empathy, potentially isolating them from broader, more diverse social interactions.

Can societal attitudes contribute to snobbery?

Yes, societal attitudes that value wealth, status, or certain lifestyles over others can contribute to snobbery by reinforcing elitist behaviors and perceptions.

Is snot always a negative term?

While referring to nasal mucus is neutral, calling someone a snot due to their behavior is negative, suggesting rudeness or disrespect.

How does snobbery affect social interactions?

Snobbery can create barriers and foster divisions based on wealth, education, or perceived social class, affecting the quality and authenticity of social interactions.

How can snobbery be addressed in social settings?

Snobbery can be addressed through awareness and promoting values of inclusivity, empathy, and respect for all individuals regardless of their background.

What does it indicate if someone is often called a snot?

If someone is often called a snot, it indicates they frequently exhibit behavior perceived as rude, immature, or contemptuous.

Does being a snot have any long-term implications?

While being a snot might reflect poorly on one’s social behavior, its implications are less about societal divisions and more about personal conduct and maturity.

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Written by
Maham Liaqat
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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