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Software vs. Application — What's the Difference?

By Fiza Rafique & Maham Liaqat — Updated on March 21, 2024
Software is a general term for programs that operate computers and devices, encompassing a wide range of functions, while applications, a subset of software, are designed for end-users to perform specific tasks.
Software vs. Application — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Software and Application


Key Differences

Software refers to the collection of instructions, data, or programs used to operate computers and execute specific tasks. It encompasses everything from operating systems to utility programs that manage computer resources. On the other hand, applications, often called apps, are types of software specifically designed to help users perform particular activities or functions. They are typically user-focused and task-oriented.
While software can include essential system software like operating systems and drivers that make hardware functional, applications are more about providing specific services or functions to the user, such as word processing, web browsing, or gaming. Whereas system software runs in the background, application software runs in the foreground, directly interacting with users.
Software development often involves lower-level programming and a comprehensive understanding of the hardware on which it runs. Conversely, application development tends to focus more on user interface and experience, requiring a deep understanding of user needs and usability principles.
Software is categorized into system software, which includes operating systems and utilities, and application software, which refers to programs that perform specific tasks for users. Applications, therefore, are a narrower category within the broader software spectrum, specifically aimed at end-user tasks and productivity.
While some software is designed for general use in a variety of tasks and operations, applications are usually created with a more focused purpose, aiming to meet specific user needs or solve particular problems. This distinction highlights the broader scope of software versus the targeted nature of applications.

Comparison Chart


Programs and instructions for a computer.
Software designed for end-users to perform tasks.


Broad, includes system and application software.
Narrow, a subset of software for specific tasks.

User Interaction

Can operate without direct user interaction.
Primarily designed for direct user engagement.


To control computer operations and processes.
To enable users to perform specific tasks.


Operating systems, compilers, drivers.
Word processors, browsers, mobile apps.

Compare with Definitions


Development tools used for creating apps and services.
Visual Studio is software for developing applications and websites.


Desktop applications that require installation on a computer.
Microsoft Word is an application for word processing.


System software that operates and controls computing devices.
BIOS software is responsible for booting up a computer.


A program or software designed for end-users to perform a specific task.
Photoshop is an application for photo editing.


Utility software designed for system maintenance.
CCleaner is software used to clean potentially unwanted files.


Cloud-based applications for accessing services online.
Salesforce is an application for customer relationship management.


Platform software that supports applications.
Android OS is software that allows running various mobile apps.


Mobile apps that run on smartphones and tablets.
Instagram is an application for sharing photos and videos.


A set of instructions that tells a computer how to work.
Microsoft Windows is software that manages computer hardware.


Web applications accessed through a web browser.
Google Docs is an application for online document editing.


Software is a collection of instructions and data that tell a computer how to work. This is in contrast to physical hardware, from which the system is built and actually performs the work.


The act of applying.


The programs, routines, and symbolic languages that control the functioning of the hardware and direct its operation.


Something applied, such as a cosmetic or curative agent.


(computing) Encoded computer instructions, usually modifiable (unless stored in some form of unalterable memory such as ROM).


The act of putting something to a special use or purpose
An application of a new method.


(military) The human beings involved in warfare, as opposed to hardware such as weapons and vehicles.


A specific use to which something is put
The application of science to industry.


(computer science) written programs or procedures or rules and associated documentation pertaining to the operation of a computer system and that are stored in read/write memory;
The market for software is expected to expand


The capacity of being usable; relevance
Geometry has practical application in aviation and navigation.


Close attention; diligence
Shows application to her work.


A request, as for assistance, employment, or admission to a school.


The form or document on which such a request is made.


(Computers) A computer program designed for a specific task or use.


Of or being a computer program designed for a specific task or use
Applications software for a missile guidance system.


The act of applying or laying on, in a literal sense
The application of this cream should reduce the swelling.


The substance applied.


The act of applying as a means; the employment of means to accomplish an end; specific use.


The act of directing or referring something to a particular case, to discover or illustrate agreement or disagreement, fitness, or correspondence.
I make the remark, and leave you to make the application.
The application of a theory to a set of data can be challenging.


(computing) A computer program or the set of software that the end user perceives as a single entity as a tool for a well-defined purpose. (Also called: application program; application software.)
This iPhone application can connect to most social networks.


A petition, entreaty, or other request, with the adposition for denoting the subject matter.
Their application for a deferral of the hearing was granted.


The act of requesting, claiming, or petitioning something.


Diligence; close thought or attention.


A kind of needlework; appliqué.


(obsolete) Compliance.


The act of applying or laying on, in a literal sense; as, the application of emollients to a diseased limb.


The act of applying as a means; the employment of means to accomplish an end; specific use.
If a right course . . . be taken with children, there will not be much need of the application of the common rewards and punishments.


The act of directing or referring something to a particular case, to discover or illustrate agreement or disagreement, fitness, or correspondence; as, I make the remark, and leave you to make the application; the application of a theory.


That part of a sermon or discourse in which the principles before laid down and illustrated are applied to practical uses; the "moral" of a fable.


The capacity of being practically applied or used; relevancy; as, a rule of general application.


The act of fixing the mind or closely applying one's self; assiduous effort; close attention; as, to injure the health by application to study.
Had his application been equal to his talents, his progress might have been greater.


The act of making request of soliciting; as, an application for an office; he made application to a court of chancery.


A request; a document containing a request; as, his application was placed on file.


The act of bringing something to bear; using it for a particular purpose;
He advocated the application of statistics to the problem
A novel application of electronics to medical diagnosis


A program that gives a computer instructions that provide the user with tools to accomplish a task;
He has tried several different word processing applications


The work of applying something;
The doctor prescribed a topical application of iodine
A complete bleach requires several applications
The surface was ready for a coating of paint


Liquid preparation having a soothing or antiseptic or medicinal action when applied to the skin;
A lotion for dry skin


A diligent effort;
It is a job requiring serious application

Common Curiosities

What are some examples of software?

Examples include operating systems like Windows or macOS, and utilities like antivirus programs.

How do software and applications differ?

Software is a broad term that includes everything from system utilities to applications, while applications are specifically designed for end-user tasks.

What is an application?

An application is a type of software designed to help users perform specific tasks or activities.

What are some examples of applications?

Examples include word processors like Microsoft Word, browsers like Chrome, and mobile apps like WhatsApp.

Is a web browser considered software or an application?

A web browser is considered both; it's application software that you use to access the internet.

What role does software play in computers?

Software provides the instructions that enable hardware to perform tasks and execute various functions.

Are mobile apps considered applications?

Yes, mobile apps are specific types of applications designed for mobile devices.

What is software?

Software encompasses all the data, programs, and instructions that tell a computer how to work.

What is the main purpose of an application?

The main purpose is to allow users to perform specific tasks or activities, enhancing productivity or entertainment.

Can an application run without software?

No, applications are a type of software and require a software environment to run.

Can applications be considered software?

Yes, all applications are a type of software designed for end-user tasks.

Do all software programs interact with users?

Not all; system software often runs in the background, managing hardware and system resources without direct user interaction.

How is system software different from application software?

System software manages hardware and system operations, while application software focuses on executing user tasks.

Do I need software to run an application on my computer?

Yes, you need a compatible operating system and possibly other software dependencies to run an application.

Can the same application be used on different types of devices?

Some applications are designed to work across multiple platforms (e.g., desktop, mobile), while others may be specific to one platform.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Maham Liaqat

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