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South vs. Southern — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman & Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 26, 2024
South refers to a direction or a geographical area, while Southern describes something from, located in, or related to the South.
South vs. Southern — What's the Difference?

Difference Between South and Southern


Key Differences

South is a cardinal direction, one of the four main points of a compass, directly opposite North. It's used to describe the direction or location relative to other points. Whereas Southern is an adjective used to describe something that originates from, is located in, or is characteristic of the South. It's about qualities or features specific to the South.
South often refers to the southern part of countries, regions, or the globe, focusing on geographical and physical aspects. On the other hand, Southern emphasizes cultural, climatic, or other characteristic distinctions of the South, highlighting the unique attributes of southern regions.
While South is used in a more general and literal sense to indicate direction or location, Southern is more specific, imbuing a sense of identity, culture, or origin. For example, when talking about the Southern United States, there's an emphasis on its distinct cultural identity.
South can also signify the southern part of a specific area without any cultural or descriptive connotations, purely based on geography. Meanwhile, Southern often carries connotations of particular traits, such as cuisine, accent, or climate typical of southern regions.
In navigation or geography, South is a precise direction or location, essential for mapping and orientation. In contrast, Southern is not used for navigation but to describe characteristics, origins, or affiliations with the South, making it more subjective.

Comparison Chart


Cardinal direction or geographical area
Adjective describing relation to the South


General location or direction
Characteristics or origin related to the South


Geographic, directional
Cultural, climatic, identity

Example Context

"The river flows to the South."
"The Southern cuisine is known for its spices."


Navigation, orientation
Descriptive, identifying

Compare with Definitions


Global South.
Many countries in the Global South are experiencing rapid economic growth.


Located in the South.
The Southern hemisphere contains the majority of the Amazon rainforest.


Geographical Area.
The South of France is renowned for its lavender fields.


Characteristic of the South.
The Southern accent varies significantly across different states.


Part of a Country or Region.
The South has a warmer climate compared to the North.


Originating from the South.
Southern cuisine includes dishes like fried chicken and grits.


Compass Point.
Use your compass to find South before starting your hike.


Pertaining to the South.
Southern traditions often include community gatherings and celebrations.


If you keep heading South, you'll reach the coast by noon.


Relating to the South.
Southern hospitality is famous worldwide for its warmth and generosity.


South is one of the cardinal directions or compass points. South is the opposite of north and is perpendicular to the east and west.


Situated in, toward, or facing the south.


The direction along a meridian 90° clockwise from east; the direction to the right of sunrise.


Coming from the south
Southern breezes.


The cardinal point on the mariner's compass 180° clockwise from due north and directly opposite north.


Native to or growing in the south.


An area or region lying in the south.


Often Southern Of, relating to, or characteristic of southern regions or the South.


The southern part of the earth.


Being south of the equator.


The set of developing nations of the world, largely located to the south of the developed nations of the Northern Hemisphere.


Of, facing, situated in, or related to the south.


The southern part of a region or country.


Of or pertaining to a southern region, especially Southern Europe or the southern United States.
The southern climate.


South The southern part of the United States, especially the states that fought for the Confederacy in the Civil War.


Of a wind: blowing from the south; southerly.


The side of a church which is to the right as one faces the altar. Also called liturgical south.


Synonym of southerner


To, toward, of, facing, or in the south.


Of or pertaining to the south; situated in, or proceeding from, the south; situated or proceeding toward the south.


Originating in or coming from the south
A hot south wind.


A Southerner.


In, from, or toward the south.


In or characteristic of a region of the United States south of (approximately) the Mason-Dixon line;
Southern hospitality
Southern cooking
Southern plantations


(Slang) Into a worse or inferior condition, as of decreased value
A stock that went south shortly after he bought it. "If a life could be redeemed in a moment, it could go south just as fast" (Roy Parvin).


Situated in or oriented toward the south;
A southern exposure
Took a southerly course


One of the four principal compass points, specifically 180° (being directed towards the South Pole); conventionally downwards on a map.


Situated in or coming from regions of the south;
The southern hemisphere
Southern constellations


The southern region or area; the inhabitants thereof.


From the south; used especially of wind;
A hot south wind
Southern breezes
The winds are southerly


(ecclesiastical) In a church: the direction to the right-hand side of a person facing the altar.


(figurative) down or the negative direction
His fortunes have been going south ever since he was tricked into investing in that ostrich farm.


(physics) The negative or south pole of a magnet


Toward the south; southward.


From the south.


Of or pertaining to the south; southern.


Pertaining to the part of a corridor used by southbound traffic.
South highway 1


(ecclesiastical) Designating, or situated in, the liturgical south.


Toward the south; southward.




In an adverse direction or trend (go south).


(meteorology) Of wind, from the south.


To turn or move toward the south; to veer toward the south.


(astronomy) To come to the meridian; to cross the north and south line.
The moon souths at nine.


That one of the four cardinal points directly opposite to the north; the region or direction to the right or direction to the right of a person who faces the east.


A country, region, or place situated farther to the south than another; the southern section of a country.


Specifically: That part of the United States which is south of Mason and Dixon's line. See under Line.


The wind from the south.


Lying toward the south; situated at the south, or in a southern direction from the point of observation or reckoning; proceeding toward the south, or coming from the south; blowing from the south; southern; as, the south pole.


Toward the south; southward.


From the south; as, the wind blows south.


To turn or move toward the south; to veer toward the south.


To come to the meridian; to cross the north and south line; - said chiefly of the moon; as, the moon souths at nine.


The region of the United States lying south of the Mason-Dixon Line


The southern states that seceded from the United States in 1861


The cardinal compass point that is at 180 degrees


Any region lying in or toward the south


Situated in or facing or moving toward or coming from the south;
The south entrance


In a southern direction;
We moved south

Common Curiosities

Can 'Southern' refer to any part of the world?

Yes, it describes anything related to the South of any geographical location, not limited to a specific country or region.

How is the term 'South' used in navigation?

It's used as a cardinal direction, essential for orientation and mapping.

What defines the Southern part of a region?

It's the area located towards the geographical South of the region, often characterized by specific cultural or climatic features.

Is 'Southern' only used to describe geographical locations?

No, it also describes cultural, climatic, and other characteristics associated with the South.

Why is the distinction between 'South' and 'Southern' important?

It helps differentiate between geographical direction or location ('South') and cultural or characteristic descriptions ('Southern').

How do 'South' and 'Southern' differ in usage?

'South' refers to direction or location, while 'Southern' describes characteristics or origins related to the South.

Is the Southern United States the same as 'the South'?

Context matters; 'the South' can refer to the geographical area, while 'Southern' often implies cultural aspects.

What is the Global South?

It refers to countries primarily located in the Southern Hemisphere, often focusing on economic aspects.

What role does cuisine play in defining Southern culture?

Cuisine is a significant part of Southern identity, showcasing unique flavors and traditions.

Are Southern accents the same across various regions?

No, Southern accents can vary widely depending on the specific location within the South.

What makes Southern hospitality unique?

It's known for its warmth, generosity, and the importance of community and family gatherings.

Can something be Southern but not in the South?

Yes, if it embodies characteristics typical of the South but is located elsewhere.

How does climate differ between the South and Southern regions?

'South' doesn't specify climate, but 'Southern' regions often have climates characterized by their location.

Can 'Southern' have different meanings in different contexts?

Yes, its meaning can vary depending on the cultural, geographical, or climatic context it's used in.

Does 'South' always refer to the Southern Hemisphere?

Not always; it can refer to the southern part of any geographical area, including countries and regions.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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