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Spanking vs. Whipping — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on January 16, 2024
Spanking is a form of punishment involving slaps on the buttocks, often with an open hand, while whipping involves striking with a whip or lash, usually more intense and painful.
Spanking vs. Whipping — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Spanking and Whipping


Key Differences

Spanking typically involves hitting the buttocks with an open hand, often used as a disciplinary measure, particularly for children. Whipping, in contrast, is striking with a whip or lash and is generally more severe, used either as a form of punishment or in other contexts like sports or certain cultural rituals.
Spanking is often considered a milder form of physical discipline, with the intent of correcting behavior. Whipping, on the other hand, can be quite severe and inflict more pain and potential physical harm, and historically, it has been used as a form of punishment in various judicial and institutional settings.
Spanking is generally executed with limited force, intending more to admonish rather than to cause significant physical pain. Whipping, by its nature, involves a greater degree of force and can result in welts, lacerations, and more serious injuries.
In terms of cultural perception, spanking is often viewed as a common, albeit increasingly controversial, form of child discipline. Whipping is seen as much more extreme and is largely condemned in modern society, particularly in contexts of abuse, torture, or severe punishment.

Comparison Chart


Hitting with an open hand
Striking with a whip or lash


Generally milder, less painful
More severe and painful


Disciplinary, particularly for children
Judicial, punitive, or cultural contexts

Physical Impact

Less force, minimal physical harm
Greater force, potential for serious injury

Cultural Perception

Common form of discipline
Viewed as extreme and often condemned

Compare with Definitions


Light Physical Punishment: Generally mild physical reprimand.
The spanking was meant as a light punishment for the mistake.


Severe Physical Punishment: Involves using a whip or lash.
Whipping was a common form of punishment in historical times.


Controversial Practice: Viewed differently in modern contexts.
The use of spanking as discipline is now highly controversial.


Intense Pain Infliction: Known for causing significant pain.
The judicial system abandoned whipping due to its severity.


Behavior Correction: Aimed at correcting behavior.
Spanking was traditionally seen as a way to correct misbehavior.


Broad Context Usage: Used in various contexts beyond discipline.
Whipping is also practiced in certain cultural rituals.


Open Hand Method: Involving slaps with the hand.
The parent resorted to spanking the child with an open hand.


Historical and Judicial Context: Historically used in legal punishments.
Whipping was once a legal penalty for certain crimes.


Spanking is a common form of corporal punishment involving the act of striking, with either the palm of the hand or an implement, the buttocks of a person to cause them physical pain. Although the term spanking broadly encompasses the use of either the hand or implement, the use of implements can also refer to the administration of more specific types of corporal punishment such as caning, paddling and slippering.


Potential for Injury: Can cause serious physical harm.
Whipping can lead to severe injuries and lasting scars.


A form of physical punishment in which a beating is applied to the buttocks.
Domestic spanking is often endured over the knee (or lap), formal spanking rather applied over a contraption such as a tresle or A-frame, with or without constraints


The act of one that whips.


An incident of such punishment, or such physical act in a non-punitive context, such as a birthday spanking.


A thrashing administered especially as punishment.


The act of slapping on the buttocks;
He gave the brat a good spanking


Material, such as cord or thread, used to lash or bind parts.


(Informal) Exceptional of its kind; remarkable.


(countable) The punishment of being whipped.


Swift and vigorous
A spanking pace.


(countable) A heavy defeat; a thrashing.


Brisk and fresh
A spanking breeze.


(uncountable) A cooking technique in which air is incorporated into cream etc.


Used as an intensive
A spanking clean shirt.


(countable) A cord or thread used to lash or bind something.


A number of slaps on the buttocks delivered in rapid succession, as for punishment.


The lashing of the end of a rope. (FM 55-501).


Present participle of spank


(bookbinding) The sewing of the edges of single leaves in sections by overcasting the thread.


Fast and energetic.
A spanking pace


Present participle of whip


Brisk and fresh.
A spanking breeze


Beating with a whip or strap or rope as a form of punishment


An intensifier.
Brand spanking new
A spanking good time
Spanking clean
Spanking white


A sound defeat


Moving with a quick, lively pace, or capable of so doing; dashing.
Four spanking grays ready harnessed.


A stitch passing over an edge diagonally


Large; considerable.


The act of overcoming or outdoing


Very; extremely; - used especially in the phrase spanking new or brand spanking new, meaning completely new and unused.


Smart and fashionable;
Snappy conversation
Some sharp and whipping lines


Quick and energetic;
A brisk walk in the park
A lively gait
A merry chase
Traveling at a rattling rate
A snappy pace
A spanking breeze


Disciplinary Action: Used as a form of child discipline.
In some cultures, spanking is still used as a disciplinary measure.

Common Curiosities

What is spanking mainly used for?

Spanking is primarily used for disciplining children or as a metaphor for a light reprimand.

Are there alternatives to spanking for child discipline?

Yes, many experts recommend non-physical methods like time-outs, verbal guidance, and positive reinforcement.

Is whipping legal?

Whipping is illegal in many jurisdictions, especially as a form of judicial or corporal punishment.

Why is whipping considered severe?

Whipping is severe due to the intense pain it can inflict and the potential for serious physical injuries.

Is spanking effective for discipline?

The effectiveness of spanking is widely debated, with many arguing that it can have negative long-term effects.

Can spanking cause physical harm?

While generally milder, inappropriate spanking can still cause physical and psychological harm.

What are the psychological impacts of spanking on children?

Spanking can lead to increased aggression, mental health issues, and strained parent-child relationships.

Is spanking still widely practiced?

The practice of spanking varies and is decreasing, with many considering it inappropriate or harmful.

In what historical contexts was whipping used?

Whipping was historically used as a form of punishment in legal systems and as a part of certain cultural or religious practices.

How is whipping viewed in modern society?

Modern society largely views whipping as an inhumane and unacceptable form of punishment.

Has the legal status of spanking and whipping changed over time?

Yes, legal views on both practices have evolved, with many countries now imposing restrictions or outright bans.

What materials are whips made from?

Whips are typically made from materials like leather, rope, or other flexible, durable materials.

Do all countries outlaw whipping?

Most countries have outlawed whipping, especially in the context of judicial punishment, but practices vary globally.

Can spanking be considered abuse?

Spanking can cross into abuse, especially if it is excessive, causes injury, or is used inappropriately.

Are there cultural differences in the use of spanking and whipping?

Yes, cultural attitudes towards spanking and whipping vary significantly around the world.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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