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Spectrophotometer vs. Spectrofluorometer — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on January 2, 2024
A spectrophotometer measures the intensity of light absorbed by a solution at different wavelengths, while a spectrofluorometer measures the intensity of fluorescence emitted by a sample after excitation by a certain wavelength of light.
Spectrophotometer vs. Spectrofluorometer — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Spectrophotometer and Spectrofluorometer


Key Differences

A spectrophotometer quantitatively analyzes the concentration of a solute in a solution by measuring light absorbance at specific wavelengths. In contrast, a spectrofluorometer is used to detect the intensity of fluorescence emitted by a sample, which is excited by light of a particular wavelength.
Spectrophotometers are widely used in chemistry for colorimetric assays, determining the concentration of substances. Spectrofluorometers, on the other hand, are employed in molecular biology and biochemistry for detecting fluorescent compounds or tags.
The working principle of a spectrophotometer involves passing light through a sample and measuring the absorbance. For spectrofluorometers, they excite the sample with light and then measure the light emitted by the sample at a different wavelength.
Spectrophotometry is based on the Beer-Lambert law, which relates absorbance to concentration. Fluorometry, the principle behind spectrofluorometers, relies on detecting the intensity of fluorescence, which can be correlated to the concentration of the fluorescent molecule.
Spectrophotometers are generally simpler and less sensitive compared to spectrofluorometers. Spectrofluorometers are more sensitive and can detect lower concentrations of substances due to the specificity of fluorescence.

Comparison Chart


Measures light absorbance.
Measures fluorescence emission.


Based on Beer-Lambert law.
Based on fluorescence intensity.

Typical Uses

Used in colorimetric assays, chemistry.
Used in molecular biology, biochemistry.

Sample Interaction

Light passes through the sample.
Light excites the sample, causing emission.


Less sensitive, suitable for higher concentrations.
More sensitive, detects lower concentrations.

Compare with Definitions


Spectrophotometers operate based on the Beer-Lambert law.
Absorbance readings from the spectrophotometer were used to calculate the solute concentration.


Spectrofluorometers are highly sensitive to low concentrations of fluorescent molecules.
Even trace amounts of the substance were detected by the spectrofluorometer.


A spectrophotometer measures the absorbance of light by a sample at specific wavelengths.
We used a spectrophotometer to determine the concentration of the dye in the solution.


They measure the intensity of light emitted after the sample is excited.
The spectrofluorometer provided data on the emission spectrum of the fluorescent dye.


It is widely used for quantitative analysis in chemical experiments.
The lab technician used a spectrophotometer for the colorimetric analysis of the samples.


A spectrofluorometer detects and measures the fluorescence emitted by a sample.
We utilized a spectrofluorometer to analyze the fluorescent tags in the cell cultures.


They are essential in various fields including biochemistry and environmental science.
In environmental testing, the spectrophotometer helped in analyzing water pollution levels.


It's used in molecular biology for detecting specific fluorescent compounds.
The presence of the fluorescent protein was confirmed using the spectrofluorometer.


An instrument used to determine the relative intensity of various wavelengths in a spectrum of light.


Spectrofluorometers are crucial in biomedical research for fluorescence studies.
In our drug research, the spectrofluorometer played a key role in tracking drug distribution.


(physics) An instrument used to measure the intensity of electromagnetic radiation at different wavelengths.


A spectrometer used in fluorescence spectroscopy


An instrument for measuring or comparing the intensities of the colors of the spectrum.


An analytical instrument for measuring the degree of absorption of light at different wavelengths by a chemical substance. A specific pattern of absorption intensities at a series of wavelengths is a characteristic of each different chemical substance.


A photometer for comparing two light radiations wavelength by wavelength


Spectrophotometers are used to study the interaction of light with matter.
Using a spectrophotometer, we observed how the light absorbance changed with different chemicals.

Common Curiosities

Can a spectrofluorometer detect non-fluorescent substances?

No, it specifically detects and measures fluorescent substances.

Are spectrophotometers used in DNA/RNA quantification?

Yes, particularly in measuring nucleic acid concentrations.

How sensitive are spectrofluorometers compared to spectrophotometers?

Spectrofluorometers are generally more sensitive.

Is a spectrophotometer suitable for enzyme activity studies?

Yes, it's commonly used in enzyme kinetics studies.

Do spectrophotometers require a light source?

Yes, they use a light source to illuminate the sample.

Can a spectrofluorometer measure the fluorescence life span?

Advanced models can measure fluorescence lifetime.

What is the main application of a spectrophotometer?

For measuring the concentration of substances in solution based on light absorbance.

Is specialized training needed to operate a spectrofluorometer?

Basic training is required, especially for interpreting the results.

Can a spectrofluorometer measure the concentration of a fluorescent dye?

Yes, it's well-suited for such measurements.

Are spectrofluorometers used in clinical diagnostics?

Yes, particularly in tests that involve fluorescent markers.

What type of samples can be analyzed with a spectrofluorometer?

Any sample that contains or is tagged with a fluorescent molecule.

Are there portable spectrophotometers?

Yes, there are portable models available for fieldwork

Can spectrophotometers detect color changes in a reaction?

Yes, they are excellent for monitoring colorimetric reactions.

Are spectrophotometers expensive?

The cost varies, but they can be a significant investment for a laboratory.

Do spectrophotometers require calibration?

Yes, regular calibration is necessary for accurate measurements.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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