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Spontanous vs. Spontaneous — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 30, 2024
Spontanous is an incorrect spelling. The right spelling is spontaneous, meaning occurring naturally, without being planned.
Spontanous vs. Spontaneous — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Spontanous or Spontaneous

How to spell Spontaneous?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Think of the word "spontaneity" to help remember the "eous" in spontaneous.
Remember, anything spontaneous has "more" in it; hence it has the extra "ous."
Notice the word contains "spontane," similar to "sustain."
Visualize "spontane" followed by "ous" as a natural flow.
Recall the term "spontaneous combustion" to keep the "eous" intact.

How Do You Spell Spontaneous Correctly?

Incorrect: The party was a spontanous success.
Correct: The party was a spontaneous success.
Incorrect: I love her spontanous sense of humor.
Correct: I love her spontaneous sense of humor.
Incorrect: He made a spontanous decision to travel.
Correct: He made a spontaneous decision to travel.
Incorrect: Their spontanous combustion theory was intriguing.
Correct: Their spontaneous combustion theory was intriguing.

Spontaneous Definitions

Occurring without apparent external cause or human planning.
The audience gave a spontaneous round of applause.
Acting on impulse or without forethought.
It was a spontaneous decision to go on a trip.
Naturally arising or produced.
Spontaneous laughter filled the room.
Not forced or resulting from external influence.
The conversation felt spontaneous and genuine.
Happening or arising without apparent external cause; self-generated
A microorganism capable of spontaneous movement.
Arising from a natural inclination or impulse and not from forethought or prompting
Spontaneous laughter.
A spontaneous protest.
Unconstrained and unstudied in manner or behavior
A spontaneous personality.
Growing without cultivation or human labor
Spontaneous vegetation.
Self-generated; happening without any apparent external cause.
He made a spontaneous offer of help.
A make spontaneous decision
Done by one's own free choice, or without planning.
Proceeding from natural feeling or native tendency without external or conscious constraint.
Arising from a momentary impulse.
Controlled and directed internally; self-active; spontaneous movement characteristic of living things.
Produced without being planted or without human cultivation or labor.
Sudden, without warning.
Proceeding from natural feeling, temperament, or disposition, or from a native internal proneness, readiness, or tendency, without constraint; as, a spontaneous gift or proposition.
Proceeding from, or acting by, internal impulse, energy, or natural law, without external force; as, spontaneous motion; spontaneous growth.
Produced without being planted, or without human labor; as, a spontaneous growth of wood.
Spontaneous joys, where nature has its play,The soul adopts, and owns their firstborn away.
Happening or arising without apparent external cause;
Spontaneous laughter
Spontaneous combustion
A spontaneous abortion
Said or done without having been planned or written in advance;
He made a few ad-lib remarks
Produced without being planted or without human labor;
Wild strawberries
Happening as a result of an inherent cause or natural process.
The chemical mixture led to a spontaneous reaction.

Spontaneous Meaning in a Sentence

Their friendship was the result of a spontaneous conversation in a cafe.
His spontaneous laughter lightened the mood.
A spontaneous protest erupted in the city center.
They witnessed a spontaneous display of fireworks.
She's known for her spontaneous acts of kindness.
The trip was completely spontaneous; we didn't plan it at all.
The best moments in life are often spontaneous.
The party started as a spontaneous gathering.
Spontaneous decisions often lead to the best adventures.
Spontaneous ideas can spark great creativity.
Their love was spontaneous and passionate.
Spontaneous acts can break the monotony of daily life.
He enjoys the thrill of spontaneous challenges.
Her spontaneous singing delighted everyone.
Spontaneous adventures create lasting memories.
He gave a spontaneous speech that was both moving and powerful.
Life's spontaneity keeps things interesting.
A spontaneous smile is the most genuine.
She appreciates the beauty in spontaneous moments.
The audience was surprised by the spontaneous performance.
They planned a spontaneous weekend getaway.
A spontaneous reaction can reveal true feelings.
He made a spontaneous offer to help.
The chemistry between them was spontaneous and undeniable.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called spontaneous?

It derives from Latin "spontaneus," meaning "of one's free will."

Which vowel is used before spontaneous?

The vowel "a" is used before the "-neous" in spontaneous.

What is the pronunciation of spontaneous?

Spontaneous is pronounced as /spɑːnˈteɪ.ni.əs/.

What is the verb form of spontaneous?

There isn't a direct verb form for spontaneous. However, "spontaneously" can be its adverbial form.

Which preposition is used with spontaneous?

"Of" as in "spontaneous of nature."

What is the singular form of spontaneous?


Is spontaneous a noun or adjective?

Spontaneous is an adjective.

What is the root word of spontaneous?

The root word is "spontane" from Latin "spontaneus."

What is the plural form of spontaneous?

Spontaneous is an adjective and doesn't have a plural form.

Is spontaneous a negative or positive word?

Neutral, but often seen in a positive context.

Is spontaneous a countable noun?

No, it's an adjective.

Is spontaneous a collective noun?

No, it is not.

Which conjunction is used with spontaneous?

Any conjunction like "and" or "but" can be used, depending on the sentence.

Is spontaneous an adverb?

"Spontaneously" is the adverbial form.

Is the spontaneous term a metaphor?


How many syllables are in spontaneous?

Four syllables.

How do we divide spontaneous into syllables?


What is the second form of spontaneous?

Not applicable.

Which article is used with spontaneous?

Both "a" and "the" can be used depending on context.

What is a stressed syllable in spontaneous?

The second syllable, "ta."

What is the first form of spontaneous?

Not applicable, as it's primarily an adjective.

Is spontaneous a vowel or consonant?

"Spontaneous" is a word containing both vowels and consonants.

Is the word spontaneous imperative?


How is spontaneous used in a sentence?

"The trip was completely spontaneous, without any planning."

Is spontaneous an abstract noun?

No, but "spontaneity" is its abstract noun form.

What is another term for spontaneous?


What part of speech is spontaneous?


What is the opposite of spontaneous?

Planned or deliberate.

Which determiner is used with spontaneous?

Determiners like "this," "that," "my," "your" can be used.

What is the third form of spontaneous?

Not applicable.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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