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Squeamish vs. Squirmish — Which is Correct Spelling?

Squeamish vs. Squirmish — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Squeamish or Squirmish

How to spell Squeamish?


Correct Spelling


Incorrect Spelling

Squeamish Definitions

Easily nauseated or sickened.
Easily shocked or disgusted.
Excessively fastidious or scrupulous.
Easily shocked, sickened or frightened; tending to be nauseated or nervous; oversensitive.
He might have made a good doctor, had he not been so squeamish at the sight of blood.
Averse or reluctant.
Having a stomach that is easily turned or nauseated; hence, nice to excess in taste; fastidious; easily disgusted; apt to be offended at trifling improprieties.
Quoth he, that honor's very squeamishThat takes a basting for a blemish.
His muse is rustic, and perhaps too plainThe men of squeamish taste to entertain.
So ye grow squeamish, Gods, and sniff at heaven.
Excessively fastidious and easily disgusted;
Too nice about his food to take to camp cooking
So squeamish he would only touch the toilet handle with his elbow

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