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Squirrelly vs. Squirrely — What's the Difference?

By Urooj Arif & Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 22, 2024
Squirrelly and Squirrely both suggest erratic, unpredictable behavior, but usage context may differ slightly.
Squirrelly vs. Squirrely — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Squirrelly and Squirrely


Key Differences

Squirrelly often describes behavior or movement that is unpredictable or erratic, much like the zigzagging of a squirrel. It can apply to both people and situations, suggesting a lack of stability or predictability. For example, someone acting in a nervous or jittery manner might be described as squirrelly, as can a situation that is hard to pin down or understand. Squirrely, while essentially a variant spelling of squirrelly, may carry a slightly more whimsical or less formal tone in some contexts. It retains the same core meaning, indicating unpredictable, erratic behavior or characteristics.
The choice between squirrelly and squirrely often comes down to personal or regional preference, rather than a distinct difference in meaning.
In discussions about mental state or behavior, squirrelly is commonly used to describe someone who is acting unusually or has erratic thoughts. This could be due to nervousness, anxiety, or even excitement. It implies a kind of unpredictability in how the person may act or react. Squirrely, on the other hand, tends to be used in similar contexts but might be more often found in casual or colloquial speech. It suggests not only erratic behavior but also a sense of mischief or playfulness, akin to the lively and quick-moving nature of squirrels.
The usage of squirrelly in literature and formal writing tends to be more prevalent, where it serves to convey a sense of unease, unpredictability, or erratic behavior in a concise manner. This usage helps to paint vivid imagery or describe complex mental states succinctly. Conversely, squirrely might appear more frequently in informal discussions, social media, or casual writing. Its usage reinforces the notion of erratic behavior but with a potentially lighter, more humorous undertone, reflecting the playful connotations associated with squirrels.

Comparison Chart


Standard spelling
Variant spelling


Erratic, unpredictable behavior or movement
Similar to "squirrelly" but can imply whimsicality

Usage Context

Both formal and informal contexts
Often more casual or colloquial

Associated Behavior

Nervousness, anxiety, unpredictability
Erratic, potentially with a playful or mischievous tone


More common in literature and formal writing
More common in informal speech and writing

Compare with Definitions


Playfully mischievous.
The kids are acting squirrelly today.


Whimsically playful.
The puppy's squirrely behavior entertained everyone.


Erratic or unpredictable.
The car felt squirrelly on the icy road.


Difficult to catch or pin down.
Catching the squirrely kitten was a challenge.


Difficult to understand or define.
The instructions were a bit squirrelly.


Erratic or unpredictable.
His responses were squirrely, avoiding a direct answer.


Nervous or jittery.
He gets squirrelly before public speaking.


Unconventional or quirky.
He's known for his squirrely ideas.


Unstable or unreliable.
The market has been squirrelly this quarter.


Nervous or jittery.
She felt squirrely in the crowded room.


Resembling a squirrel


Unpredictable or jumpy


Eccentric, nervous, or crazy.



Common Curiosities

How can I use "squirrelly" in a sentence?

"After drinking too much coffee, I felt squirrelly all morning."

Do "squirrelly" and "squirrely" only refer to negative traits?

While they often describe erratic behavior, they can carry playful or whimsical connotations as well.

Can these words describe situations as well as people?

Yes, both can describe situations or environments that are unpredictable or hard to understand.

Can "squirrelly" describe positive characteristics?

In contexts where unpredictability is seen as playful or creative, it can have a positive connotation.

Do "squirrelly" and "squirrely" have synonyms?

Yes, synonyms include erratic, unpredictable, and whimsical.

How can I use "squirrely" in a creative way?

"The plot of the novel took a squirrely turn, surprising readers."

Are "squirrelly" and "squirrely" used in specific regions?

Their usage is widespread, but "squirrely" might be more common in informal or colloquial contexts.

What is the origin of "squirrelly"?

It likely derives from the unpredictable movements of squirrels.

Can these words be used in professional settings?

"Squirrelly" can be used cautiously in professional settings, while "squirrely" is more casual.

Can "squirrelly" and "squirrely" be used interchangeably?

Yes, they can be used interchangeably, though "squirrelly" is the more standard spelling.

Is "squirrelly" a real word?

Yes, squirrelly is a real word used to describe erratic or unpredictable behavior.

Are there any negative implications to calling someone "squirrelly"?

It can imply unpredictability or instability, which might be perceived negatively depending on context.

Is "squirrely" considered informal?

Yes, "squirrely" is often considered more informal than "squirrelly."

Is "squirrely" recognized in formal writing?

"Squirrely" is less common in formal writing compared to "squirrelly."

How does the context affect the choice between "squirrelly" and "squirrely"?

The choice often depends on the formality of the context and personal or regional preference.

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Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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