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Standardise vs. Standardize — What's the Difference?

By Maham Liaqat & Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 6, 2024
"Standardize" is the American English spelling for making processes consistent, while "standardise" is its British English counterpart.
Standardise vs. Standardize — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Standardise and Standardize


Key Differences

The term "standardize" refers to the process of making something conform to a standard, ensuring consistency and uniformity across various instances or applications. This term is used in American English, reflecting the spelling conventions of the United States. Conversely, "standardise" is the spelling preferred in British English, adopted by countries such as the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and others that follow British English norms. Both spellings refer to the same concept of implementing standards to achieve uniformity, but they differ in spelling based on regional language preferences.
Both terms are used in contexts such as manufacturing, education, and business practices, where establishing common protocols and procedures is crucial for efficiency, quality control, and interoperability. Whether one uses "standardize" or "standardise" often depends on the intended audience or the linguistic standards of the publication or organization involved.
The process of standardization (or standardisation) is fundamental in global commerce, technology, and communication, facilitating compatibility and comparability across international borders. Despite the difference in spelling, the importance and objectives of standardization remain consistent, aiming to ensure that products, services, and processes meet specific quality criteria and are interchangeable or compatible.
Educational systems, for example, may standardize (or standardise) curricula to ensure that all students receive a comparable education, regardless of location. Similarly, in technology, standards ensure that devices and software from different manufacturers can operate together seamlessly. The choice between "standardize" and "standardise" showcases the diversity of English spelling across the world while underscoring the universal value of establishing and following recognized standards.
Despite their spelling differences, the two terms symbolize the global consensus on the need for uniformity and consistency in various fields, highlighting the collaborative efforts to achieve quality, efficiency, and harmony in international practices.

Comparison Chart


American English
British English


Making something conform to a standard.
Making something conform to a standard.

Usage Contexts

Manufacturing, education, business practices.
Manufacturing, education, business practices.

Regional Preference

United States
United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, etc.


To achieve consistency and uniformity.
To achieve consistency and uniformity.

Compare with Definitions


Creating uniform educational assessments.
The initiative to standardise exams simplified national education comparisons.


Harmonizing business practices for efficiency.
Standardizing procedures reduced errors and increased productivity.


Harmonizing business practices for efficiency.
Standardising work processes has streamlined operations.


To make manufacturing processes uniform.
They aim to standardize production to improve quality.


To make manufacturing processes uniform.
Efforts to standardise production have led to fewer defects.


Creating uniform educational assessments.
The goal was to standardize testing across all schools.


Establishing common protocols in technology.
Standardising communication protocols enabled seamless global networking.


Establishing common protocols in technology.
Standardizing data formats ensures interoperability.


Implementing safety norms across industries.
New laws were passed to standardise health and safety protocols.


Implementing safety norms across industries.
Regulations were introduced to standardize safety measures.


To establish a standard consisting of regulations for how something is to be done across an organization.


To cause to conform to a standard.


To make to conform to a standard.


To evaluate by comparing with a standard.


To check for conformance with a standard.


Standard spelling of from2=Oxford British spelling


Evaluate by comparing with a standard


To reduce to a normal standard; to calculate or adjust the strength of, by means of, and for uses in, analysis.


Cause to conform to standard or norm;
The weights and measures were standardized


Cause to conform to standard or norm;
The weights and measures were standardized


Evaluate by comparing with a standard

Common Curiosities

What does it mean to standardize/standardise something?

Both mean to make processes, products, or protocols consistent with a standard, ensuring uniformity.

Is there a difference in meaning between standardize and standardise?

No, the meaning is the same; the difference lies solely in regional spelling preferences.

Can standardize/standardise be used in non-technical contexts?

Yes, these terms can also apply to non-technical areas like education and business practices, where uniformity is sought.

What is the importance of standardizing/standardising processes?

It ensures quality control, efficiency, and compatibility across various instances or locations.

Does standardization/standardisation stifle innovation?

While it aims for uniformity, it also provides a foundation upon which innovation can build, ensuring new developments are compatible and widely applicable.

Why are there two spellings for standardize/standardise?

The difference in spelling reflects the variation between American English ("standardize") and British English ("standardise").

How does standardization/standardisation impact international trade?

It facilitates compatibility and interoperability, making international trade more efficient and reliable.

Are there international bodies for standardization/standardisation?

Yes, organizations like the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) work globally to establish and promote standards.

How do standardize and standardise relate to quality control?

They are central to quality control efforts, ensuring that products or services meet established standards and are consistent.

Is it important to be consistent with the use of standardize/standardise within a document?

Yes, consistency is key to maintaining clarity and professionalism in written documents.

Can the choice of spelling affect the perception of a text?

Potentially, as it may signal the text's alignment with either American or British English norms, which could influence the audience's reception.

What role does technology play in standardization/standardisation?

Technology often drives the need for new standards and helps in implementing and enforcing them across industries.

How do organizations decide which spelling to use?

Organizations typically choose the spelling based on the primary version of English they follow, whether American or British.

Can a company standardize/standardise its internal practices only?

Yes, companies often standardize internal processes to improve efficiency and quality, even if these standards are not external requirements.

How can I tell if a document follows American or British English standards?

Look for specific spelling indicators, such as "ize" (American) vs. "ise" (British), and other linguistic preferences unique to each variant.

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Written by
Maham Liaqat
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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