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Steady State Diffusion vs. Unsteady State Diffusion — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Published on December 8, 2023
Steady State Diffusion has a constant diffusion flux over time, while Unsteady State Diffusion involves changing diffusion rates with time.
Steady State Diffusion vs. Unsteady State Diffusion — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Steady State Diffusion and Unsteady State Diffusion


Key Differences

Steady State Diffusion refers to the condition where the diffusion flux, which represents the amount of material diffusing per unit area per unit time, remains constant. In this scenario, there's no accumulation of diffusing species and no change with respect to time.
Unsteady State Diffusion, also known as non-steady state or transient diffusion, is characterized by a changing diffusion flux over time. Here, the concentration of the diffusing species changes as a function of time and position within the diffusion medium.
Steady State Diffusion typically occurs when the concentration gradient is maintained constant. This implies that the amount of substance entering and exiting a particular section of the material is the same.
In contrast, Unsteady State Diffusion occurs when the concentration gradient is not constant and can vary. This can be due to several reasons, including changes in external conditions or initial differences in concentration.
Both Steady State Diffusion and Unsteady State Diffusion play vital roles in various applications. Understanding these diffusion mechanisms is crucial for processes like material strengthening, drug delivery, and many chemical engineering applications.

Comparison Chart

Flux Variation

Constant over time.
Changes with time.

Concentration Gradient

Maintained constant.
Can vary with time.

Application Examples

Alloying metals, steady chemical reactors.
Initial drug release, heat conduction in solids.

Response to External Conditions

Not affected if conditions remain unchanged.
Can change with varying external conditions.

Accumulation of Species

No accumulation.
Possible accumulation or depletion over time.

Compare with Definitions

Steady State Diffusion

Occurs when concentration gradients are constant.
A chemical reactor can achieve Steady State Diffusion when input and output rates match.

Unsteady State Diffusion

Diffusion with variable flux.
During initial drug release, Unsteady State Diffusion is often observed.

Steady State Diffusion

Equilibrium state of diffusion process.
In a solution, Steady State Diffusion is reached when solute molecules move at a constant pace.

Unsteady State Diffusion

Non-constant concentration gradients.
When heating a metal rod, Unsteady State Diffusion governs the changing heat distribution.

Steady State Diffusion

No temporal change in diffusion.
When a perfume scent spreads uniformly in a room, it may exhibit Steady State Diffusion.

Unsteady State Diffusion

Diffusion affected by external changes.
Changing temperatures can cause Unsteady State Diffusion in certain materials.

Steady State Diffusion

Diffusion with constant flux.
In certain metal alloys, Steady State Diffusion occurs when atoms move at a consistent rate.

Unsteady State Diffusion

Transitional phase in diffusion processes.
Upon introducing a solute to a solvent, initial dispersion is often governed by Unsteady State Diffusion.

Steady State Diffusion

Constant rate of material movement.
Gas exchange in lungs can approach Steady State Diffusion under stable conditions.

Unsteady State Diffusion

Temporal changes in diffusion rates.
In a lake, the introduction of a pollutant may lead to Unsteady State Diffusion as it disperses.

Common Curiosities

What does Steady State Diffusion mean?

Steady State Diffusion refers to the condition where diffusion flux remains constant over time.

Can Steady State Diffusion ever become Unsteady State Diffusion?

Yes, if external conditions change or if there are internal shifts leading to variable gradients.

Are there any real-life examples of Unsteady State Diffusion?

Yes, the initial release of a drug from a pill or heat conduction in a suddenly heated object exemplify Unsteady State Diffusion.

How can we measure whether diffusion is steady state or unsteady state?

Monitoring the flux or the concentration gradient over time can provide insight.

Why is Steady State Diffusion important in industrial processes?

It allows for predictable and uniform diffusion, which is crucial in manufacturing and chemical processes.

Can both types of diffusion occur simultaneously in a system?

In different regions or under varying conditions, a system can exhibit both types of diffusion.

In what scenarios is Unsteady State Diffusion common?

It's common in scenarios where there's a sudden change, like introducing a substance to a new environment.

How is Unsteady State Diffusion different?

Unsteady State Diffusion involves a changing diffusion rate with time, resulting from variable concentration gradients.

How long does Steady State Diffusion last?

As long as the conditions maintaining a constant concentration gradient are intact.

Can external factors influence Unsteady State Diffusion?

Absolutely. Temperature, pressure, and other external factors can influence diffusion rates.

Is Unsteady State Diffusion more complex to model?

Generally, yes. It requires understanding time-dependent changes in concentration gradients.

Does Steady State Diffusion mean equilibrium?

Not necessarily. While there's no change in flux, the system might or might not be in thermodynamic equilibrium.

Does Steady State Diffusion imply a static system?

No, materials are still diffusing, but at a constant rate.

Are there mathematical models for both diffusion types?

Yes, Fick's laws of diffusion can be applied, with the second law specifically addressing unsteady state scenarios.

Is Steady State Diffusion always desirable?

Not always. In some cases, like controlled drug release, an unsteady state might be preferred.

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Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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