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Steins Gate 0 vs. Steins Gate — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on December 5, 2023
Steins Gate 0 is an alternate timeline story exploring events leading to Steins Gate's ending, whereas Steins Gate revolves around time travel experiments and their consequences.
Steins Gate 0 vs. Steins Gate — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Steins Gate 0 and Steins Gate


Key Differences

Steins Gate 0 is a narrative that delves into an alternate timeline, one where protagonist Rintarou Okabe failed to save Kurisu Makise and fell into deep despair. Steins Gate, on the other hand, follows Okabe and his friends' initial adventures with time travel, exploring the various world lines and the consequences of their actions.
Steins Gate 0 highlights the events that must transpire to achieve the true ending of Steins Gate. In this universe, Okabe doesn't attempt another time leap after his initial failure. The story of Steins Gate primarily focuses on Okabe’s attempts to prevent certain events to save his friends and, more critically, Kurisu.
In terms of tone and theme, Steins Gate 0 is generally darker, displaying the emotional and psychological toll on Okabe due to his repeated failures and losses. Steins Gate, while having its emotional moments, presents a balanced mix of humor, romance, and sci-fi, capturing the essence of a group of friends navigating the complexities of time travel.
From a chronological perspective, even though Steins Gate 0 was released after Steins Gate, the events it portrays are necessary for the culmination of the original Steins Gate's true ending. Steins Gate stands as the base story, introducing the concept of Divergence Meters, world lines, and the inherent dangers of tampering with time.

Comparison Chart

Narrative Focus

Explores an alternate timeline where Okabe fails to save Kurisu.
Chronicles time travel experiments and their consequences.


Generally darker, emphasizing psychological turmoil.
Mix of humor, romance, and sci-fi amidst time travel.

Release Order

Released after the original series.
The original series that introduced characters and themes.


Leads to the events ensuring Steins Gate's true ending.
Presents multiple endings based on decisions made.

Main Protagonist's State

Depicts Okabe in deep despair and more passive.
Shows a more active and persistent Okabe.

Compare with Definitions

Steins Gate 0

Steins Gate 0 delves into the consequences of giving up on time travel.
The world depicted in Steins Gate 0 is the result of Okabe's decision to stop time-leaping.

Steins Gate

Steins Gate is a visual novel focusing on time travel and its effects on reality.
In Steins Gate, players navigate through different world lines based on their choices.

Steins Gate 0

Steins Gate 0 builds on the original's themes, adding layers of complexity.
The character dynamics and intricate plotlines are further developed in Steins Gate 0.

Steins Gate

Steins Gate is centered around Rintarou Okabe and his friends' adventures with time travel.
Steins Gate presents a close-knit group facing the repercussions of their time travel experiments.

Steins Gate 0

Steins Gate 0 is a visual novel exploring an alternate timeline in the Steins Gate universe.
In Steins Gate 0, players experience a world where Okabe couldn't save Kurisu.

Steins Gate

Steins Gate emphasizes the butterfly effect and the dangers of altering the past.
Every action taken in Steins Gate can lead to unexpected and often dire consequences.

Steins Gate 0

Steins Gate 0 portrays a more desolate version of protagonist Okabe.
The emotional depth of Okabe's character is explored further in Steins Gate 0.

Steins Gate

Steins Gate mixes elements of sci-fi, humor, and drama in its storytelling.
Steins Gate effortlessly transitions between comedic moments and intense, dramatic sequences.

Steins Gate 0

Steins Gate 0 serves as a necessary narrative to achieve Steins Gate's true ending.
Without the events of Steins Gate 0, the true ending of Steins Gate wouldn't be possible.

Steins Gate

Steins Gate introduces the concept of Divergence Meters and world lines.
The Divergence Meter in Steins Gate indicates which world line the characters are on.

Common Curiosities

What is the primary focus of Steins Gate 0?

Steins Gate 0 explores an alternate timeline where Okabe doesn't save Kurisu and its ensuing consequences.

How does Steins Gate introduce the concept of time travel?

Steins Gate delves into time travel through the use of a modified microwave, leading to various world line shifts.

Is Steins Gate 0 a sequel to Steins Gate?

Not exactly; Steins Gate 0 narrates events in an alternate timeline that lead to Steins Gate's true ending.

Who is the main protagonist in both series?

Rintarou Okabe is the central character in both Steins Gate 0 and Steins Gate.

What makes Steins Gate's narrative engaging?

Steins Gate combines humor, romance, and complex sci-fi elements, presenting a gripping tale of time travel's impact.

Which should be played/watched first: Steins Gate or Steins Gate 0?

It's recommended to experience Steins Gate first, followed by Steins Gate 0, for narrative coherence.

How do choices impact the narrative in Steins Gate?

In Steins Gate, players' decisions can lead to different world lines and various endings.

How does Steins Gate 0 contribute to the Steins Gate universe?

Steins Gate 0 provides crucial events that pave the way for Steins Gate's true ending.

Are the characters consistent between Steins Gate 0 and Steins Gate?

While many characters are present in both, their roles and dynamics might differ, especially given Steins Gate 0's alternate timeline.

How do the tones of Steins Gate 0 and Steins Gate differ?

Steins Gate 0 is generally darker, while Steins Gate offers a balance of light-hearted moments and intense drama.

Are Steins Gate 0 and Steins Gate connected?

Yes, Steins Gate 0 explores events in a timeline leading to the culmination of Steins Gate's main narrative.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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