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Still Water vs. Sparkling Water — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Published on December 30, 2023
Still Water is uncarbonated, flat water, while Sparkling Water is water infused with carbon dioxide gas, giving it fizz and bubbles.
Still Water vs. Sparkling Water — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Still Water and Sparkling Water


Key Differences

Still Water is simply water in its natural state without any added gases. It is the most common form of drinking water, providing hydration without any extra sensation. On the other hand, Sparkling Water is water that has been artificially carbonated, meaning carbon dioxide gas has been infused under pressure.
When drinking Still Water, one can expect a smooth and plain drinking experience without any effervescence. This makes Still Water a common choice for regular hydration. Sparkling Water, however, offers a bubbly and effervescent experience due to the trapped carbon dioxide, which releases as bubbles when the pressure is released.
Many people turn to Still Water for everyday drinking due to its neutral taste and feel. It's often the default option in many settings, from homes to restaurants. Sparkling Water is often seen as a more festive or luxurious choice, with the bubbles providing a unique mouthfeel and a sense of celebration.
It's important to note that both Still Water and Sparkling Water can be sourced from springs, wells, or municipal sources. The primary difference between the two is the carbonation process. While Sparkling Water can be naturally effervescent due to minerals and natural processes, most commercial Sparkling Water is artificially carbonated.

Comparison Chart


Not carbonated
Carbonated, either naturally or artificially

Taste and Mouthfeel

Neutral, no effervescence
Effervescent, can have a slightly acidic taste

Primary Use

Regular hydration
Refreshment, mixers, festive occasions

Gas Infusion

Infused with carbon dioxide gas

Popular Presentation

Bottled, tap, or fountains
Typically bottled to retain carbonation

Compare with Definitions

Still Water

Still Water offers no effervescence when drunk.
Her preference was always for the calm of Still Water.

Sparkling Water

Sparkling Water is water with carbonation.
With dinner, they opted for a bottle of Sparkling Water.

Still Water

Still Water is usually served at room temperature or cold.
She enjoyed her Still Water chilled on a hot day.

Sparkling Water

Sparkling Water has a bubbly sensation due to trapped gas.
He loved the fizz and pop of Sparkling Water on his tongue.

Still Water

Still Water is non-carbonated hydration.
She drank a glass of Still Water after her morning jog.

Sparkling Water

Sparkling Water often serves as a base for flavored drinks.
The cocktail was made with lime, gin, and Sparkling Water.

Still Water

Still Water is the unaltered state of water.
He preferred the simplicity of Still Water with his meals.

Sparkling Water

Sparkling Water is typically bottled to retain its fizz.
He opened the bottle, and the Sparkling Water bubbled up.

Still Water

Still Water is common for everyday drinking.
In the restaurant, they ordered two glasses of Still Water.

Sparkling Water

Sparkling Water can be naturally or artificially carbonated.
She bought a brand of Sparkling Water known for its natural effervescence.

Still Water

A level section of a waterway where no current is discernible and the water is still.

Common Curiosities

Can I use Sparkling Water for regular hydration?

Yes, Sparkling Water hydrates similarly to Still Water, but with a bubbly sensation.

What is Still Water?

Still Water is uncarbonated water without any added gases.

What makes Sparkling Water different?

Sparkling Water is water with carbon dioxide, giving it bubbles and fizz.

Can I make Sparkling Water at home?

Yes, there are home carbonation machines that can turn Still Water into Sparkling Water.

Why does Sparkling Water sometimes taste slightly acidic?

The carbon dioxide in Sparkling Water forms carbonic acid, giving it a slight acidity.

Why is Sparkling Water typically more expensive?

The carbonation process and packaging to retain fizz can increase costs.

Is Sparkling Water naturally bubbly?

Some Sparkling Waters are naturally effervescent, but most are artificially carbonated.

Does drinking Still Water or Sparkling Water have different health effects?

Both hydrate effectively, but excessive Sparkling Water may cause bloating for some people.

Is there sodium in Sparkling Water?

Some brands add sodium, but many Sparkling Waters are sodium-free.

Can I cook with Sparkling Water?

Yes, Sparkling Water can be used in cooking, especially in recipes that benefit from its effervescence.

Are there flavored versions of both waters?

While Still Water is usually plain, Sparkling Water often comes in various flavors.

Why is there a 'best by' date on bottled Sparkling Water?

This usually refers to the carbonation. Over time, the water may lose its fizz.

Are there any calories in Still Water or Sparkling Water?

Pure Still Water and unflavored Sparkling Water have no calories.

Do both types of water come from the same source?

Both can come from springs, wells, or municipal sources. The difference is in the carbonation process.

Can Sparkling Water erode teeth?

Any acidic drink can contribute to enamel erosion, but moderation and dental hygiene help mitigate risks.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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