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Stipulate vs. Define — What's the Difference?

By Urooj Arif & Maham Liaqat — Updated on May 8, 2024
Stipulate involves specifying conditions or requirements in an agreement, while define means explaining the meaning of a word or concept clearly and precisely.
Stipulate vs. Define — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Stipulate and Define


Key Differences

Stipulate often refers to the act of making specific demands or conditions in a formal agreement or setting, implying a degree of negotiation or prerequisite. Whereas, define is used primarily in the context of providing the meaning of a word, phrase, or concept, often aiming for clarity and precision without the implication of negotiation.
In legal or contractual contexts, to stipulate something means to agree explicitly on a term or condition that is put forward as part of a deal or agreement. On the other hand, to define something in the same contexts would mean to clarify the meanings of terms used, ensuring mutual understanding and preventing ambiguity.
Stipulate can also imply a level of formality and binding commitment between parties. It often involves detailed descriptions and can sometimes include qualifications that must be met. Whereas define generally involves explaining or setting the parameters of a concept in a way that is intended to be universally understood, without necessarily involving a formal agreement.
When stipulating, the focus is often on the implications and consequences of the terms set within the agreements, which can influence future actions and decisions. In contrast, defining tends to be more about establishing a common language or understanding at a particular moment, without direct implications on future actions.
Stipulate requires all parties involved to acknowledge and agree upon the conditions laid out, often used as a safeguard in agreements. Whereas define serves as a tool for understanding and communication, essential in educational, professional, and everyday contexts to ensure that all parties are on the same page.

Comparison Chart


To set conditions or requirements
To explain the meaning of words or concepts


Legal, agreements, negotiations
Educational, literary, everyday language


Binding, with potential legal consequences
Clarification, understanding


Usually formal
Can be formal or informal


Agreement on terms
Common understanding

Compare with Definitions


To make an express demand or arrangement in an agreement.
He stipulated a clear guideline on the confidentiality of the project details.


To specify distinctly.
Please define the terms of the agreement clearly.


To assert or demand authoritatively.
The union stipulated better safety measures at the workplace.


To explain or identify the essential qualities or meaning.
Can you define what you mean by 'liberal arts'?


To specify something explicitly in a contract or agreement.
The lease stipulates the duration and cost of the rent.


To mark out the boundary or limits of.
The river defines the boundary between the two counties.


To require as a precondition of an agreement or contract.
She stipulated full payment in advance.


To state or describe exactly the nature, scope, or meaning.
The study aims to define the impact of social media on teenagers.


To demand or specify a requirement, typically as part of an agreement.
The contract stipulates that all parties must agree to the terms before proceeding.


To establish something precisely.
The experiment defines our expectations of the new drug.


To specify or agree to as a condition in an agreement
The two firms stipulated a payment deadline.


State or describe exactly the nature, scope, or meaning of
The contract will seek to define the client's obligations


To agree to (a fact) in order to reduce the scope of the dispute to be resolved by a court. Used of litigants.


Mark out the boundary or limits of
The river defines the park's boundary


To concede for the purposes of argument
"Even if we stipulate that it's the president's duty to bring any American soldier home who's been held in captivity, it's perfectly reasonable to ask if this was a deal he should have made" (Bernard Goldberg).


To state the precise meaning of (a word or sense of a word, for example).


To state or specify a demand or provision in an agreement
The law stipulates for a ban on the chemical.


To describe the nature or basic qualities of; explain
Define the properties of a new drug.
A study that defines people according to their median incomes.


To form an agreement.


To make clear the outline or form of; delineate
Gentle hills that were defined against the sky.


Having stipules.


To specify distinctly
Define the weapons to be used in limited warfare.


(transitive) To require (something) as a condition of a contract or agreement.


To give form or meaning to
"For him, a life is defined by action" (Jay Parini).


(transitive) To specify, promise or guarantee something in an agreement.


To make or write a definition.


To acknowledge the truth of; not to challenge.
The defense stipulates that the witness has identified my client.


To determine with precision; to mark out with distinctness; to ascertain or exhibit clearly.
The defining power of an optical instrument


To ask for a contractual term.


(obsolete) To settle, decide an argument etc.


To mutually agree.


To express the essential nature of something.
I define myself as a techno-anarchist.
Your past mistakes do not define who you are.


(botany) Having stipules; that is, having outgrowths borne on either side of the base of the leafstalk.


To state the meaning of a word, phrase, sign, or symbol.
The textbook defined speed as velocity divided by time.


Furnished with stipules; as, a stipulate leaf.


To describe, explain, or make definite and clear; used to request the listener or other person to elaborate or explain more clearly his or her intended meaning of a word or expression.
Person 1: Is she good at math?
Person 2: Define "good." If you mean if she is faster than the average middle schooler at multiplication, then yes. If you mean if she is able to do multivariable calculus, then no.


To make an agreement or covenant with any person or company to do or forbear anything; to bargain; to contract; to settle terms; as, certain princes stipulated to assist each other in resisting the armies of France.


To demark sharply the outlines or limits of an area or concept.
To define the legal boundaries of a property


Specify as a condition or requirement in a contract or agreement; make an express demand or provision in an agreement;
The will stipulates that she can live in the house for the rest of her life
The contract stipulates the dates of the payments


(mathematics) To establish the referent of a term or notation.


Give a guarantee or promise of;
They stipulated to release all the prisoners


(programming) A kind of macro in source code that replaces one text string with another wherever it occurs.


Make an oral contract or agreement in the verbal form of question and answer that is necessary to give it legal force


To fix the bounds of; to bring to a termination; to end.


To determine or clearly exhibit the boundaries of; to mark the limits of; as, to define the extent of a kingdom or country.


To determine with precision; to mark out with distinctness; to ascertain or exhibit clearly; as, the defining power of an optical instrument.
Rings . . . very distinct and well defined.


To determine the precise signification of; to fix the meaning of; to describe accurately; to explain; to expound or interpret; as, to define a word, a phrase, or a scientific term.
They define virtue to be life ordered according to nature.


To determine; to decide.


Give a definition for the meaning of a word;
Define `sadness'


Determine the essential quality of


Determine the nature of;
What defines a good wine?


Delineate the form or outline of;
The tree was clearly defined by the light
The camera could define the smallest object

Common Curiosities

What does it mean to stipulate in a contract?

To stipulate in a contract means to make a specific demand or set a condition that must be met as part of the agreement.

What are the consequences of not adhering to stipulated terms?

Not adhering to stipulated terms can lead to legal disputes or penalties, depending on the agreement.

Is defining always a part of formal documents?

While common in formal documents, defining is also important in informal contexts to maintain clarity.

Can stipulations be modified once set?

Yes, stipulations can be modified if all parties involved agree to the changes.

What role do stipulations play in business agreements?

In business agreements, stipulations help ensure that all parties understand and agree to specific operational, financial, or legal obligations.

How does defining a term help in communication?

Defining a term helps ensure that all parties involved have a mutual and clear understanding, which facilitates effective communication.

Why is it important to define terms in legal documents?

It is crucial to define terms in legal documents to prevent ambiguity and ensure that all parties interpret the terms similarly.

What tools are used to define scientific terms?

Dictionaries, textbooks, and scientific publications are commonly used to define scientific terms.

What is the difference between a stipulation and a condition?

A stipulation is a specific requirement agreed upon during negotiations, while a condition is more generally a prerequisite for something else to occur.

How does one ensure that stipulations are fair and reasonable?

Ensuring fairness and reasonableness in stipulations often involves negotiations and sometimes legal counsel to balance the interests of all parties involved.

How detailed should stipulations be?

Stipulations should be as detailed as necessary to avoid misunderstandings and ensure all conditions are clear.

Can a definition be subjective?

Yes, some definitions can be subjective, particularly in areas like art, philosophy, and ethics.

Who is responsible for defining terms in a contract?

Typically, it's the responsibility of all parties involved to agree on the definitions of terms used in a contract.

How do definitions evolve over time?

Definitions can evolve due to changes in language usage, cultural shifts, and new scientific discoveries.

How can ambiguous stipulations be clarified?

Ambiguous stipulations can be clarified by revisiting the agreement and discussing the terms more thoroughly with all involved parties.

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Written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.
Co-written by
Maham Liaqat

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