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Stucked vs. Stuck — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 27, 2024
"Stucked" is incorrect. The right spelling is "stuck," which is the past tense and past participle of "stick."
Stucked vs. Stuck — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Stucked or Stuck

How to spell Stuck?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Recall common English words with the "-uck" pattern, like "luck" or "truck."
Remember that "stick" changes to "stuck" similarly to "pick" changing to "puck."
Think of "stuck" as a one-syllable word, short and direct.
Reinforce with phrases like "I'm stuck" or "It's stuck."
Associate "stuck" with the sensation of being trapped, which feels immediate, not extended.

How Do You Spell Stuck Correctly?

Incorrect: She got her hand stucked in the jar.
Correct: She got her hand stuck in the jar.
Incorrect: The car was stucked in the mud.
Correct: The car was stuck in the mud.
Incorrect: My zipper is stucked and I can't get it to move.
Correct: My zipper is stuck and I can't get it to move.
Incorrect: The door is stucked and won't open.
Correct: The door is stuck and won't open.
Incorrect: I feel like I'm stucked in a rut.
Correct: I feel like I'm stuck in a rut.

Stuck Definitions

Committed to a particular position or course of action.
She was stuck with the decision she made.
Placed in an undesirable situation.
We were stuck in traffic for hours.
Unable to progress or advance.
I'm stuck on this puzzle.
Adhered or attached.
The label was stuck to the jar.
Unable to move or set free; trapped.
The door was stuck and wouldn't open.
Past tense and past participle of stick.
Unable to move.
Can you shift this gate? I think it’s stuck.
If you’ve had to battle a stuck zipper, you know how frustrating it can be.
Unable to progress with a task.
I’m totally stuck on this question in the test.
No longer functioning, frozen up, frozen.
There are several ways to close a stuck program.
In the situation of having no money.
(obsolete) A thrust.
A thrust.
Caught or fixed;
Stuck in the mud
This problem has me completely stuck

Stuck Meaning in a Sentence

He tried to climb the fence but got stuck at the top.
They were stuck in traffic for over an hour.
The piece of gum was stuck under the desk.
The door stuck, and we couldn't get it open.
My favorite ring is stuck on my finger.
He was stuck with the chores for the weekend.
I got stuck on a difficult math problem.
The kitten got its head stuck in the jar.
The elevator got stuck between floors during the storm.
She got stuck in the rain without an umbrella.
The candy is stuck in the vending machine.
The paintbrush hairs are stuck together.
I got stuck doing the group project by myself.
The key got stuck in the lock.
I’m stuck with a decision I regret making.
The window is stuck; it won't open or close.
We got stuck at the airport due to a delayed flight.
The puzzle piece got stuck and won't fit.
I'm stuck in a book; I can't stop reading it!
The truck got stuck under the low bridge.
The boat was stuck in the shallow water.
I got my foot stuck in the bike pedal.
I feel stuck in deciding between two good options.
They were stuck in a boring meeting all afternoon.
My video game character got stuck and I can't move him.

Stuck Idioms & Phrases

Stuck on someone

Having strong feelings for someone.
She's really stuck on her new friend.

Stuck in the middle

Being in a situation where you are involved in a conflict but not taking sides.
I always seem to be stuck in the middle of my friends' arguments.

Stuck with something

Unable to get rid of or escape from something.
I was stuck with the bill after everyone else left.

Stuck in one's ways

Unwilling to change one’s habits or opinions.
My grandfather is stuck in his ways and refuses to use a smartphone.

Stuck to one’s guns

To refuse to change one’s opinion or course of action.
Despite the criticism, she stuck to her guns and finished the project her way.

Get stuck in

To start doing something with energy and purpose.
Let's get stuck in and finish this project.

Stuck in the mud

Unable to progress or move forward.
My career feels stuck in the mud right now.

Stuck up a tree

In a difficult situation without a clear way to escape.
I felt like I was stuck up a tree when I realized I forgot my lines on stage.

Stuck out like a sore thumb

To be very noticeable because of being different.
Wearing a formal suit at the casual party, he stuck out like a sore thumb.

Common Curiosities

What is the root word of stuck?

The root word is "stick."

What is the pronunciation of stuck?


What is the verb form of stuck?

The base verb form is "stick."

Why is it called stuck?

It's called "stuck" as it's the past tense and past participle form of the verb "stick."

Is stuck a noun or adjective?

Stuck can be both an adjective and a past participle verb.

Which vowel is used before stuck?

The vowel "u" is used in "stuck."

Which preposition is used with stuck?

"In" is commonly used, as in "stuck in mud."

Is stuck an adverb?


Which conjunction is used with stuck?

No specific conjunction is predominantly associated with "stuck."

Which article is used with stuck?

Both "a" and "the" can be used with stuck, depending on context.

Is stuck an abstract noun?


Is stuck a collective noun?


What is the singular form of stuck?

Stuck is both singular and plural.

What is the plural form of stuck?

Stuck doesn't change in plural contexts.

Is stuck a negative or positive word?

Generally negative, indicating impediment or inability.

Is the stuck term a metaphor?

It can be used metaphorically, as in "stuck in a rut."

Which determiner is used with stuck?

Determiners like "the," "this," or "that" can be used based on context.

Is stuck a vowel or consonant?

"Stuck" is a word made up of both vowels and consonants.

Is stuck a countable noun?


How many syllables are in stuck?

One syllable.

What part of speech is stuck?

It can be an adjective or a verb.

What is the opposite of stuck?

Freed or released.

What is the second form of stuck?


What is another term for stuck?

Trapped or ensnared.

What is the first form of stuck?


What is the third form of stuck?


Is the word stuck imperative?


How do we divide stuck into syllables?

Stuck is a one-syllable word.

What is a stressed syllable in stuck?

The entire word "stuck" is stressed, as it's one syllable.

How is stuck used in a sentence?

"I was stuck in the elevator for two hours."

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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