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Subtle vs. Subtil — Which is Correct Spelling?

Subtle vs. Subtil — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Subtle or Subtil

How to spell Subtle?


Correct Spelling


Incorrect Spelling

Subtle Definitions

(especially of a change or distinction) so delicate or precise as to be difficult to analyse or describe
His language expresses rich and subtle meanings
Making use of clever and indirect methods to achieve something
He tried a more subtle approach
Crafty; cunning
The subtle fiend dissembled
So slight as to be difficult to detect or describe; elusive
A subtle smile.
Difficult to understand; abstruse
An argument whose subtle point was lost on her opponent.
Able to make fine distinctions
A subtle mind.
Operating in a hidden, usually injurious way; insidious
A subtle poison.
Characterized by skill or ingenuity; clever.
Crafty or sly; devious.
Hard to grasp; not obvious or easily understood.
Barely noticeable, not obvious, indistinct.
The difference is subtle, but you can hear it if you listen carefully.
(of a thing) Cleverly contrived.
(of a person or animal) Cunning, skillful.
Tenuous; rarefied; of low density or thin consistency.
(obsolete) Refined; exquisite.
Sly in design; artful; cunning; insinuating; subtile; - applied to persons; as, a subtle foe.
Cunningly devised; crafty; treacherous; as, a subtle stratagem.
Characterized by refinement and niceness in drawing distinctions; nicely discriminating; - said of persons; as, a subtle logician; refined; tenuous; sinuous; insinuating; hence, penetrative or pervasive; - said of the mind; its faculties, or its operations; as, a subtle intellect; a subtle imagination; a subtle process of thought; also, difficult of apprehension; elusive.
Things remote from use, obscure and subtle.
Smooth and deceptive.
Like to a bowl upon a subtle ground [bowling ground].
Be difficult to detect or grasp by the mind;
His whole attitude had undergone a subtle change
A subtle difference
That elusive thing the soul
Faint and difficult to analyze;
Subtle aromas
Able to make fine distinctions;
A subtle mind
Working or spreading in a hidden and usually injurious way;
Glaucoma is an insidious disease
A subtle poison

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