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Super vs. Dinner — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Maham Liaqat — Updated on May 17, 2024
Super denotes something of superior quality or performance, while dinner refers to the main meal of the day, typically eaten in the evening.
Super vs. Dinner — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Super and Dinner


Key Differences

Super describes something exceptionally good or superior. It is often used as a prefix to enhance the meaning of words, indicating higher quality or better performance. For instance, a "supercar" refers to a high-performance vehicle, while "superhuman" denotes extraordinary abilities. Dinner, on the other hand, is a term for the main meal of the day, generally consumed in the evening. It often involves more substantial dishes compared to other meals like lunch or breakfast. Dinner is a key social event in many cultures, often bringing family and friends together.
While super is an adjective or prefix indicating excellence, dinner is a noun referring to a specific meal. Super is abstract and subjective, based on quality or performance, whereas dinner is concrete and routine, based on daily eating habits.
In usage, super can modify a wide range of nouns, adding a sense of enhancement, such as "supermarket" (a large self-service grocery store). Dinner, however, stands alone as a specific event in daily life, often following a social or cultural tradition.
Super can also be used informally to express enthusiasm, such as in "That’s super!" meaning "That’s great!" Dinner does not have such flexible informal uses and is more straightforward in its meaning.

Comparison Chart


Indicates superior quality
Main evening meal

Part of Speech

Adjective, prefix

Usage Context

Describes quality or performance
Daily meal routine


Abstract (quality)
Concrete (specific meal)

Informal Use

Can be used to express enthusiasm
Limited to its primary meaning

Compare with Definitions


Superior in quality.
The hotel offered super service.


A formal meal or banquet.
The charity dinner was a success.


Very good or pleasant.
We had a super time at the park.


The main meal of the day, eaten in the evening.
We had pasta for dinner.


Used for emphasis.
That’s super interesting!


The largest meal of the day.
On Sundays, we have an early dinner.


Excellent or outstanding.
The concert was super!


A meal taken at the end of the day.
After a long day, I look forward to dinner.


Prefix indicating higher status or quality.
He drives a supercar.


Dinner usually refers to what is in many Western cultures the largest and most formal meal of the day, which some Westerners eat in the evening. Historically, the largest meal used to be eaten around midday, and called dinner.


An article or a product of superior size, quality, or grade.


The chief meal of the day, eaten in the evening or at midday.


A superintendent in an apartment or office building.


A banquet or formal meal in honor of a person or event.


A supernumerary.


The food prepared for either of these meals.


Very large, great, or extreme
"yet another super Skyscraper" (Dylan Thomas).


A full-course meal served at a fixed price; table d'hôte.


Excellent; first-rate
A super party.


A midday meal in a context in which the evening meal is called supper or tea.


Especially; extremely
A super accurate missile.
Was super careful.


The main meal of the day, often eaten in the evening.


Of excellent quality, superfine.


An evening meal.
I had some friends to dinner two nights ago.


Better than average, better than usual; wonderful.


A meal given to an animal.
Give the dog its dinner.


(informal) Very; extremely (used like the prefix super-).
The party was super awesome.


A formal meal for many people eaten for a special occasion.


(beekeeping) superhive


(uncountable) The food provided or consumed at any such meal.


, especially, a building's resident manager sometimes clarified as “building super”.


(intransitive) To eat a dinner; to dine.


(neologism) nodot=1, especially as distinguished from bright.


(transitive) To provide (someone) with a dinner; to dine.


; (theatre) specifically, a supernumerary actor.


The principal meal of the day, eaten in some countries about midday, but in others (especially in the U. S. and in large cities) at a later hour.


(beekeeping) superhive


An entertainment; a feast.
A grand political dinner.


(television) superimpose


The main meal of the day served in the evening or at midday;
Dinner will be at 8
On Sundays they had a large dinner when they returned from church


A contraction of Supernumerary, in sense 2.


A party of people assembled to have dinner together;
Guests should never be late to a dinner party


A caretaker for an apartment house; represents the owner as janitor and rent collector


An evening meal shared with family or guests.
We invited friends over for dinner.


Of the highest quality;
An ace reporter
A crack shot
A first-rate golfer
A super party
Played top-notch tennis
An athlete in tiptop condition
She is absolutely tops


Including more than a specified category;
A super experiment


Extremely large;
Another super skyscraper


To an extreme degree;
The house was super clean for Mother's visit

Common Curiosities

When is dinner typically eaten?

Dinner is usually eaten in the evening.

Is dinner the main meal of the day?

Yes, it is typically considered the main meal.

Can "super" be used as a prefix?

Yes, it can enhance the meaning of words, like "superhero."

Can "super" describe people?

Yes, for example, "superhuman" describes someone with extraordinary abilities.

Can "super" refer to non-physical attributes?

Yes, such as "super smart" referring to intelligence.

What time is dinner usually served?

It is typically served in the evening.

What does "super" mean?

It means superior in quality or performance.

How is "super" used in daily language?

It describes something of high quality or to express enthusiasm.

Does "super" have informal uses?

Yes, it can express enthusiasm, like "That’s super!"

What types of food are usually served at dinner?

Dinner can include a variety of dishes, often more substantial than lunch.

Is dinner a formal or informal meal?

It can be both; it depends on the context and occasion.

Is dinner a social event?

Often, yes, it brings people together.

Is dinner more substantial than other meals?

Generally, yes, it often includes more significant dishes.

Can "super" be used in marketing?

Yes, it’s often used to highlight superior products, like "super sale."

What is the significance of dinner in culture?

Dinner is significant as it often serves as a time for family and social gatherings.

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Written by
Maham Liaqat
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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