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Supposedly vs. Supposively — Which is Correct Spelling?

Supposedly vs. Supposively — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Supposedly or Supposively

How to spell Supposedly?


Correct Spelling


Incorrect Spelling

Supposedly Definitions

(also sə-pōzĭd) Presumed to be true or real without conclusive evidence
A supposed spy.
The supposed decline of culture.
(also sə-pōst) Intended
Medication that is supposed to relieve pain.
He is supposed to go to the store.
We are not supposed to smoke here.
Firmly believed; expected
You're supposed to be my friend.
As a matter of supposition; in the beliefs or according to the claims of some people.
People from other planets have supposedly visited Earth in flying saucers.
According to your testimony, you were supposedly at home watching TV when the murder occurred.
Believed or reputed to be the case

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